Chapter 14

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USS Kidd (DDG-100)

Where Dwight has some 'mother' problems at hand, Nimitz on the other hand (PUNS).

Nimitz:Opens the door to her complex to find a carrier waiting for her before smiling. "I'm back, Vinson."

Zumwalt:"Aunt Vinson!" Quickly hug the carrier Carl Vinson before giving her a thousand kisses.

Vinson:Speechless. "I-I didn't thought you would be back at Christmas..." Patting Zumwalt's head before smiling. "It was a surprise, but a welcomed one..."

Nimitz:Tilt her head. "Merry Christmas, Vinson."

Vinson:"Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you two. Come on get in, I don't want for you two to catch the cold."

The two then enter, as now almost all their siblings has already started a scuffle among themselves for a single present.

Lincoln:"Give me that present! My name derived from the greatest president during the darkest time in Eagle Union. So I deserve that present!"

George:"In the sense of democracy, I deserved that present!"

Truman:"My name came from the president that stop the war that threaten Eagle Union sovereignty. I know, my name came from a very cool place."

Reagan:"I'm from the government and I'm here to take that present."

Bush:"The president on my name declare 'War on Terror' to fought terrorist. I deserved that present!"

Theodore:"Can all of us be chill for once, you know, like a civilized ship girls that we are."

All:"Shut you land splitter!"


Nimitz:Disbelieve. "D-Does this always happen every Christmas?"

Vinson:Nervously laughing.

Stennis:"Don't worry about it, big sis. This always happen every christmas."

Nimitz:Sweats. "A-Ah, I see."

Zumwalt:Pull Nimitz's coat. "M-Mom...Let's go somewhere else."

Nimitz:"Y-Yeah...Let's just go somewhere el-"

Vinson:"Wait wait wait, let me calm them done. Everyone!"

Everyone then look at Vinson before looking at Nimitz.

Truman:Blank stare. "Ah, the nuke stealer came back..."

Lincoln:"Keep stealing our spotlight, big sis."

George:"Just go and have fun with Dwight over there and don't come back."

Bush:"I agree with sis George over that."

Reagan:"Here comes the red menace."

Vinson/Theodore:Really nervous. "P-Please, s-she's your our big sister. Everyone??"

Nimitz:Chuckle. "I can't believe that all of them are my little sister."

Stennis:Look at Nimitz before looking at Zumwalt. "It's only been two or three years and she's already grown up." Sigh before she continues. "Times go fast huh, sis?" Patting Zumwalt like a cat.

Zumwalt:"Sister Stennis..." Blushing while being patted.

Nimitz:Sigh. "They're as lively as ever, I see." Faintly smile.

Vinson:Looks at Nimitz. "I feel like...You've change."

Nimitz:"Change." Surprised. "Since when?"

Vinson:"I don't know, it might just be my thought." She then look at the scuffle and open her mouth before closing it.

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