Chapter 21

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Nimitz:Trembling while holding her phone before while Invincible approached her.

Invincible:Asking her what's the matter while tilting her head.

Nimitz:Still focus looking on the message, her eyes showed that she's horrified and shocked by a news.

Invincible:Put her hand on Nimitz shoulder and nudge her a little, wanting to know what's wrong.

Nimitz:Drop her phone before fainting backwards.

Invincible:Surprised and caught Nimitz mid-air before her head could hit the sharp edges of the table.

Invincible:Proceed to shake and started shouting at Nimitz, trying to wake her up but it's no use.

Charles:Slam the door open, thinking that they're attacked before looking at Invincible holding Nimitz's body.

Invincible:Look at Charles worrying before instructing her to bring Nimitz to the infirmary so she could at least rest.

Charles:Carrying Nimitz before looking back to ask what's going before being retorted by Invincible.

Invincible:Take Nimitz's phone with her without looking the content inside so she couldn't know what was making Nimitz so...panicked all of a sudden.

Trieste:Joins in the matter to know what's wrong before Invincible shrug her shoulder as all of them are clueless to what happen.

Somewhere in Zumwalt's room.

Zumwalt:In the middle of a game before she stopped playing. Realizing that something was amiss in the air.

Arleigh:Asked why does her player don't move through the Voice Call.

Zumwalt:Put her phone aside before taking the keys from her room and left with her plain shirt and short.

Arleigh:Started to heighten the volume of her voice to make Zumwalt notice, questioning more and more what's going on inside.

Zumwalt:Answered her shortly before got out from her room to feel that there's something missing.

A letter then popped up on her messaging app, echoing throughout the small room.

Zumwalt:Heard the notification and entered the room once again and sees the message to have the same kind of despair as her mother.

Zumwalt:Throws her phone to the bed in a fit of unfiltered sadness, surprising all the Eagle Union and Royal Navy girls that was playing with her at the time.

Zumwalt:Realizing this fact before she apologized in a small voice and tell them to play on their own first without telling her circumstances.

Zumwalt:Started to cry, as she tried to hold her tears while slamming her pillow in frustration, blaming herself.

Arleigh:Open the door a little upset before seeing Zumwalt crying. Felt a little guilt and awkward, she quickly left, too scared to asked about the situation.

Zumwalt:Slam her bed with a fist hand before cursing out loud.

At the Eagle Union's Capital and Main Base, Norfolk.

Vinson:Looking out to the dark sky and stars from her window.

Vinson:Breathing in and out air peacefully while hearing that all of her little sisters has already gone asleep.

Vinson:Smiles and just about to leave the window before a notification pops up on her holographic panel and opening it.

Vinson:Shocked before taking heavy breaths in while closing the window.

Vinson:Talking to herself before a single tears flows from her eye. 

Vinson:Close the tab before goes to her room, with her steps a little shaky as a fatigue sets in.

Vinson:Throw herself to the bed and tuck herself within a blanket and try to not think about the traumatizing message that she just received.

From that, she can't sleep until the next morning as tears kept and kept going, flowing through her eyes and cheeks, sobbing.

Back at the now ruined Java Sea.

Antietam:Just type down the message that Dwight told her to do if something goes wrong in the expedition and would send it to three specific individual.

Normandy:Bawling her eyes out while hugging the now cold and blood covered body.

Kidd:Trying to tough it out by looking at the other direction before being convinced by Antietam to cry together.

Virginia:Cry in front of Normandy, as she's trying to shake the body, if it somehow...Somehow will wake her up.

Ohio:Look behind both Washington and New Orleans and shed a single tears before she distract herself while talking with other ship girls.

Antietam:Keep typing and finally stop after seeing that the message is probably enough for a farewell, before reading it all back inside her heart.

For Nimitz.

Antietam:'Dear my Big sister. I'm sorry that I've delayed and played with this mission long enough. I'm sorry that I often misinterpret or joke and laugh at you.'

Antietam:'I'm sorry that I've wasted my life just because of my own stupidity...I'm sorry-'

Dwight:"Thank you for taking care of me of all your life. You always cared and always there for me when my mom's gone. I'm sorry that I'm a fool that wanted to blind myself and buried the pain inside me..."

Dwight:"I'm...really sorry, commander Nimitz...Take care of yourself and our sisters...Thank you."

For Zumwalt.

Antietam:Breathe in before reading it again. 'Good morning...or evening, Zumwalt. If you're reading this...I'm already dead.'

Antietam:'So you're technically speaking to a dead person, right now? Funny isn't it? Talking to a dead person...' Sigh. 'I'm horrible at jokes, aren't I?'

Antietam:'Now, I know what you're thinking. Is this a prank? Is this a joke or anything? If that could lighten your now shocked situation, you maybe...try it. Maybe it'll work.'

Dwight:"With that note, Zumwalt. Please be a good child for me okay? You aren't as powerless as you imagined. If you ever doubt yourself...or guilt yourself...My apologies, my most adored destroyer...That sounds a bit weird isn't it? Hahaha...

Dwight:Deep breath. "But above all of that...all of the jokes, all of the funs...Is that...I love you...Zumwalt."

For Carl Vinson.

Antietam:...'Vinson...I still remembered the time when you tend to my wounds...or tried to negotiate my way out of one hard predicament...I'm always impressed about you, you know?'

Antietam:'But...You know, it such a shame that...such beautiful moments can't last forever. And I never thought it would be taken from me this way.'

Dwight:"Vinson...Out of all the things that everyone that I've met...or seen or hear...You're the most impressive person I ever have the opportunity to talk meet to..."

Dwight:"To sleep on the same from the same table...raised by the same parents...Beyond all...I wanted to say, only and only to you..."

Dwight:"Thank you being such a goddamn perfect little sister for me...Without you...I don't know if I could even reach the point in which I am today..."

Dwight:"Love you from the afterlife...Dwight D. Eisenhower Sign off...

To All Three.

Dwight:"All of you have impacted me in so many ways...shapes and forms...I couldn't thank especially all you three enough for you three to give credit for...For now...and the last time."

Dwight:"Thank you from your beloved sister and aunt...Eisen..." 

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