Chapter 11.5

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You could skip this chapter if you're interested only in the story. But for those who're interested in character development and christmas wholesomeness and not some gory sh** for the next 5 to 7 minutes. Even if you read this in the middle of Halloween, Easter, or just your typical normal day, Welcome. (I opt to play Christmas music behind this, but do you're welcomed to do your own thing.)

In a room inside EGF that's reserved only for party.

Trieste:"Salute, tutte!" Clink her glass of mulled wine with the other ship girls in the room.

Charles:"Toi aussi, Trieste."

Trieste:Trying so hard to ignore the other ship girls in the room. "Let just treat this like a date, shall w-"

Invincible:"You two are not the only ones here, lass!" Fold her arms as she looks at both Trieste and Charles sharply.

Castilla:"She is correcto aqui."

Nordkapp:"Don't ignore oss."



Trieste:"Mio dio. Is Nimitz leaving us with children to take care for."

Invincible:"Watch your words, Trieste."

Trieste:"I mean..." Looks around before she said the forbidden measurement and whisper. "136 Centimeters."

Invincible:Scoff as she looks away madly about this predicament.

Charles:"She's...technically correcte, Invincible."

Castilla:"We are still adults!"

Visby:"Vi are still representative or flagships, Trieste!"

Nordkapp:"Mhmm, mhmm" Nodding.

Trieste:"Argh, fine. All of you, just..." Pour the mulled wine in each separate glasses. "There! Happy?"

Charles:"Trieste, children not allowed to drink wine!"

Trieste:Look at the sharp gaze from the 2 Light Aircraft Carrier and 3 Corvettes. "Tu...want to fight them?"

Charles:Chuckle nervously before allowing Trieste to continue pouring the mulled wine. "Non, merci."

Trieste:"Drink them at your own ris-"

Invincible:"We know, we're adults, not kids!"


Charles:"Just let them, Trieste. We could 'baguette' them later."

Invincible:"Excuse me?!"

Charles:"Nothing, Invincible, nothing."

A while later, after some time has passed.

Invincible:Looks down to see a lot of destroyers and corvettes is currently making Christmas shop outside.

Invincible:"It...looks fun down there."

Charles:"Wanted to join them?"

Invincible:"Like I would, you arsehole."

Charles:Look at her face as it started to go reddish. "I see."

Invincible:Put her hand on the window. "It"

Charles:"Why don't you gone back to the Royal Navy base, Invincible?"

Invincible:Glance back at Charles. "I have a promise to stay here to someone."


Invincible:"You prat, I know what you just did there. No, not going to say it."

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