Chapter 20: Tears of the Java Sea

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META Shimakaze

Brace for a Long Chapter

Somewhere across the Java Sea, in the middle of a rainy season in the equator. As rain pours through the battlefield. With all three Factions, the Royal Navy, Eagle Union, and Orange Starfall against the might of the Sakura Empire.

Antietam:Look over the chaos. "Looks like the fight has already started huh."

Kidd:Shivering. "S-So cold..."

Normandy:"So that's the battlefield, huh." 

Essex:"Yes, our mission is only to get in, 20 minute adventure, and get out."

Cleveland:"Twenty minutes? That seems a bit short."

Essex:Irritated. "Just imagine a twenty minute adventure."

Kidd:"Hey...I'm cold...and hungry. Can we help them sometime later."

Denver:Raise her hand with a sighing face. "I agree with her here." 

Washington:"We can't lose our advantage in this fight. We need to be fast if we wanted to win."

Denver/Kidd:"Stop being such a kill joye-"


New Orleans:"We don't have time left. If we need to attack, we need to attack now before the Sakura Empire notices our movement."

Georgia:"...Let's go." Cruise first into the raining battlefield followed by the rest of the fleet.

Dwight:See from the distance towards the raging flames before she sighed. "It finally started huh..."

Dwight:Lower her cowboy hat to block her eyes. "Let's show the might of Eagle Union. Once and for all." Walks in the last into the battlefield.


With that, the Battle of the Java Sea...has Started.

Kaga:Walks to see the battlefield before bumping to Essex. 

Essex:Bumps with Kaga as she cruise. "Argh, what's wrong with y-...K-Kaga..."

Kaga:Look wickedly towards Essex before switching her rigging to battleship. "Essex. You know the thing that I always wondered."

Essex:Jumps backward before started to deploy her rigging. "No one here cares about what you care, Kaga."

Kaga:Caught off guard. "W-What I wanted to say is th-"

Essex:"You're here to kill me because I killed Akagi. Got it. Both of us got that message, Kaga." Cruise towards Kaga while summoning her planes.

Kaga:"Then that'll make my job a lot more easier!" Grinning before launching a full salvo of shells.

Washington:Noticing the fight. "Essex!"

A sound of a blasting cannons then heard from the distance, in which Washington dodges every single shells.

Washington:Look towards the threat. "You..."

Tosa:"Tosa, From Tosa-class battleship." Aims her guns at Washington's. "And I'll be the one to be your enemy." Smiles.

Washington:Ponder a while before a scoff before it evolves into a smile. "Beggars couldn't be choosers I suppose." Aims her own guns at Tosa. "Finally for a long time. My blood starts to boil!"

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