Chapter 10:Wake the Giants

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USS Nimitz

Back in Wake, where Dwight is blasting a damn 10/10 techno music while bopping her head to the beat.

Antietam:"Dwight, we're being ambushed here."

Dwight:Still bopping her head. "Hmm? The beat is gyatt good, right?"

Antietam:Blankly stare at Dwight. "Are you trying hard to be Gen Alpha or something, Ike?"

Dwight:"But the music goes goddamn hard, tho! Sick!"

Antietam:"How can you...change so qui- You know what, Normandy!"

Normandy:Counting her missiles like a deck of card. "What, sis?"

Antietam:"We're going to the Sakura Empire and blow them the f*** up"

Normandy:Playing a high pitch noise to blurt up the swear word.

Kidd:"Aight, good lu-"

Antietam:Glare at Kidd. "You too, Kidd!"

Kidd:"H-Huh? I-I'm not going! You want me to die?!"

Antietam:"Virginia is currently damaged. I don't want to risk her hurting herself!"


Virginia:Look around before proceeded to drink a glass of milk with a straw.


Antietam:Shake her head slowly. "Look at you. Throwing your responsibility to anyone everytime."

Kidd:"I DO NOT!"

Ohio:"Enemy Ships are approaching. Approximately 20-30 Ship-"

Antietam:"Shush, Ohio!"

The techno 10/10 music then stop playing. Surprised, everyone then look back at Dwight who's now having a tense face.

Antietam:"...Ike? Did you snap? Did your internet cut out again?"

Dwight:Nodding solemnly. "Yes...Now I can't open my Tiktok, and my Reddit."

Antietam:"How much brain rot did you ev-"

Dwight:"How many battle actions did you see since you were commisioned. None, alright games up."

Antietam:"The f*-"

Dwight:"Name after one of the Eagle Union deadliest civil war battles. Yet you only achieve medals just because of 'sea exercises'."

Normandy:Catch and hold Antietam from fainting. "STOP DWIGHT, YOU'RE KILLING HER!"

Dwight:"Yes, you were the first to join during Operation Desert Shield but did you even blasted a missile out of your rigging? Nada, Zero."

Antietam:Retching. "Normandy...Remember me..."


Dwight:Stern face before she walks outside of the makeshift port. "Make this be your lesson, Antietam. I'll let you insult TikTok but don't you even try touch Reddit."

Antietam:Passed out with a TING sound effect from Ohio's sound bite.


Ohio:Proceed to play 'For the Damaged Coda' in the background while Normady is sobbing like a stage actor.

Kidd:"Wait...when did this becomes a fever dream of a story?" Checking her scripts before a glock was loaded behind Kidd's back.

Virginia:"Always has been" 

Later on, after all the do be shenanigans finished. With the 10/10 Techno music returns after Dwight requested Internet data from Nimitz.

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