Chapter 9

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USS Dwight D. Eisenhower

Inside the Eagle Union Capitol where chaos erupted after the news of Pearl Harbor reaches the door of the senate.

???:Walking to the flagship seat as the battleship sees the congress that's in turmoil. "I request all of you, please be calm."

Everyone in the congress then look at the flagship, silence then set into the room as the battleship continue to speak.

???:"Yesterday, the Sakura Empire initiated an deliberate and sudden attack against the Eagle Union. Our faction was at peace with them, and the solicitation of the Sakura Empire, was still in the conversation with their flagship and their empress looking towards repairing the peace in the Pacific."

In the background, Langley could be seen writing a document for the battleship's speech.

???:Stand up to the mic. "Of course, one hour the Sakura Empire attacked the island Oahu, Hawaii, the Empire's ambassador and her strike force sent to our Faction Secretary a formal reply to our recent message." 

???:Breathe in before speaking again. "And while this reply stated that its useless to continue the existing diplomatic negotiation, it contained no threat or hint of war of further naval attack."

???:"The attack on yesterday on the Hawaiian Islands has caused severe damage to our naval dominance in the region...I regret to tell all of you that there were some Eagle Union lives have been lost."

Hearing this, the congress then looked at each other before returning their attention back to the battleship.

???:"Yesterday, the Sakura Empire also launched an attack against Malaya. Last night, Sakura Empire attacked Hong Kong, Guam, The Philippine Islands, Wake Island and this morning, the Sakura Empire attacked Midway Island."

???:"The Sakura Empire therefore, has undertaken a surprise offensive extending throughout the Pacific Area. The facts of yesterday and today speak for themselves. Some of our girls have already formed their own separate opinions very well understand the implication to the very life and safety of this faction."

After a momentary delay to let the congress take in the situation, the battleship continue once again.

???:"As the flagship of the Eagle Union, I have directed to be taken for our defense. But always will our whole Nation will remember this attack against us! No matter how long it may take us, no matter how many resources and ships we need to spent! The Eagle Union, with their righteous might, will win through to absolute victory!"

The congress then cheered as now their morales at the highest.

???:"Hostilities exist. There's no blinking at the fact that our girls, our territory, and our interest are in grave danger. For that, I ask the congress declare that since the the unprovoked and the dastardly attack by the Sakura Empire on Sunday, December 7th, 1941, a state of war has now existed between the Eagle Union and the Sakura Empire!"

After the speech, the battleship proceeded to leave the congress and let form a declaration of war against the Sakura Empire, with Langley, the Vice flagship follows her.

Langley:Walking beside the battleship. "I'm surprised you form that speech in less than a day, Iowa."

Iowa:"The Eagle Union's freedom is in danger, Langley. As the one of the first carrier, you should know that this kind of threat to our faction has never been seen before." Continue walking with a cold face.

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