Zion's P.O.V.

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As we were sitting at the table - trying to warm up and sipping our coffee - I realized that I never did get to ask her the other question on my mind. I'll wait until we are alone again though, since I get the feeling it might be something she doesn't want to talk about. I just got her to agree to go out with me and I do not want to ruin that by making her uncomfortable.

Once my coffee was gone I asked Lana for some hot chocolate as well. I needed to buy time for the other three to get bored or find something to do. On about my second cup of Hot Cocoa they did in fact decide to leave, either to bed or work, who knows. Looking at Lana she seemed pretty tired as well and I thought about just waiting another night, but I already put myself through having three drinks so I might as well get it over with

"Lana, there is something else that I've been wanting to ask you about. Do you mind staying up with me for a little while longer?" I asked her. She shook her head no and set her cup down gently on the table. "Well, I was wondering, exactly how did you know what I was before I did? I mean you didn't seem surprised about any of it at all, not even about me being able to talk to Elder Dragons," I said.

"Honestly, I don't really know. In a way it was just a feeling at first, like this guy is special somehow. When I heard you saw not one but two Elder Dragons, I just had a feeling that it might just be possible. When it came out that I was right it didn't really surprise me that much since I had those feelings," she said.

"Could you possibly be a Dragon Whisperer? I mean maybe even just the tiniest bit? It is true that we can kind of sense one another, so it could be possible," I said, after thinking about what she said for a minute.

"I mean, I can't talk to dragons that's for sure. I do kind of see your point though, even just a small bit of that power runs through me it may be possible to sense others. I just don't know if that's what it is or just intuition maybe. I was too young to remember if I felt this way around other Whisperers or not. Your powers didn't activate till last year so it's possible mine did after they had already left and I just didn't know it. It's hard to really say. Maybe I'm like a Whisperer whisperer" she rambled. and shrugged at the end.

"Never heard of anyone like that, but hey I didn't even know about Whisperers until recently so anything is possible. No one ever thought someone like me could exist either. Well if you do have anymore experiences let me know okay? I'll help if I can," I said and sighed adding, "That said if it is true you can detect Whisperers even before they know themselves, then you should probably keep it quiet. If they find out you'll probably be a target too." She nodded in understanding.

After a little while longer I said we should probably head to bed and kissed her cheek gently telling her to get some rest, before heading off to bed myself. I feel like all the answers I'm getting or finding lately are incomplete answers. My dad, this Prince business from the dragons, Neal, and now even Lilliana. Is it too much to ask for a single straight answer for once and not a mystery to solve?

It took me about another hour or so to fall asleep, so when the morning alarm went off I honestly didn't even want to get out of bed. I was groggy and barely awake as I started to get dressed.

An entirely new alarm went off a few minutes later and I hurried to finish getting ready so I could go find out what is going on. It wasn't any of the alarms I heard before so something new to me was happening. When I finally caught up to the others they were heading to the Deck with ropes and weapons. Were we getting attacked by another ship or maybe a dragon? I just followed their lead since everyone was in a hurry and didn't exactly stop to explain what was going on. As I stepped onto the deck everyone was clearly getting ready for a fight as they got the Harpoon guns ready as well as their other weapons. So it is a dragon?

"You've had enough training and knowledge to help out. I just have to ask, will you be able to kill one? Whatever you decide to do just try to stay out of the way, unless you want a human casualty here," Jordan said and hurried off.

He's right, not about me being able to kill one, but about getting in the way. They all seem to know their stations and positions, but this is the first time I've done this so I'm not exactly sure what I should do or where I need to be right now. Where is Mitch when I need him to give me orders?

"You're good with a spear or bow, why don't you try your hand at a harpoon or the exploding arrows?" Valis suggested. Well that's a start, but I don't think I should use the harpoon without practice. If I miss it could spell trouble. I could probably do the arrows, but they'll probably be heavier than normal arrows. If I don't get the trajectory right I could end up hitting the ship or worse. Honestly, I should observe for now and learn from the others. I'll have to talk to Mitch later about training me with the ship's weapons.

Our training so far has been about Killing Dragons on land, not so much in the sky yet. I'll just stay out of the way, observe, and help resupply them when or if they get low.

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