Just Another Day

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Over the next month or so things were pretty quiet. Unfortunately that means no jobs or Dragons, but also means no run-ins with the Hunters either. We spent the time wisely though and have been busy training and learning about all the different equipment.

Eventually they want to see what Neal can do and to see how well I will do, but of course they'll wait until we find a smaller Dragon to test me on. Neal however has experience hunting Dragons so all they want to see is how well he'll do working with the others. Of course in my down time I still help Lana and Valis out with meals and chores.

"Zion, can you come with me for a minute. There's something I want to show you," Valis said, "I'm sure Neal here won't mind finishing up the mopping, do you?" Neal said it was fine and that there wasn't a lot left to do anyway. I reluctantly left Neal to finish up and followed Valis.

"So, what is it you wanted to show me?" I asked as I followed him through the corridors. He didn't answer and after a while I honestly wasn't even sure where we were on the ship. I have never been here before. "Where are we?" I asked.

"Oh sorry, this is the lower floor. This hallway is where our Engine Crew sleeps. They keep asking when they'll get to meet you and since we aren't busy Mitch asked me to bring you down here," he said. Why just me though, Neal hasn't met them yet either? Perhaps he doesn't 100% trust him yet after all? As for me he honestly either forgot or we were too busy to make the time, at least that's what I hope. I refuse to believe that he's just now starting to trust me enough to let me down here.

We went down a couple more corridors before we finally made it to the main Engine Room. He apperently woke them all to come meet me so it seemed a little crowded in here. He did this to make sure everyone got a chance to meet me and so they didn't have to stop their work to do so.

The second shift group took over while the first shift group introduced themselves and then once the first group finally got back to work the second group came over to meet me before they eventually went back to their rooms to rest before their next shift. They all seemed pretty nice, but the introductions seemed formal and short. They're probably just tired or too busy to chat right now.

We watched them work for a little while longer and Valis explained how some of the mechanisms worked, then we headed back up to the top floor of the ship. I went back to work helping Lana in the kitchen.

We still haven't really had time to talk about what happened when I left a year ago. I mean we've had time lately, but haven't really had any time alone together where people won't over hear anyway. I don't know if she has lost interest and moved on or if it had just been a sper of the moment thing. I definitely don't want to make her uncomfortable talking about it with others around.

Not only that, but there was something else that I wanted to ask her about. How had she known I was a whisperer before I even did? She also didn't seem as surprised as everyone else when they all heard I could talk to Elder Dragons.

As we were finishing up Lunch I decided to ask her to meet me on the Deck tonight at around 10pm cause we needed to talk. Before she could respond everyone started filing into the cafeteria and we went back to work. Once everyone was served she stayed in the kitchen to eat and I joined the others. After eating she'll run the extra food down to the Engine crew and then come back up here to wash dishes. I think it's Ellena's turn to cook dinner tonight. I'm honestly glad they take turns otherwise Lana would be stuck here 24/7.

After I was done eating I took my plate to the kitchen to wash it myself. I took the liberty of doing all the dishes that were already there as well. Not like I had any other plans right now. Neal finished the mopping and we were off from training today so.

Later as I was on my way to the shower room I spotted some of the others sitting around playing cards. They saw me and asked if I wanted to join. I shook my head and said that I was going to go shower and see if there was anything else I could help with.

"You really don't know how to relax do you? Honestly, I don't think I've ever actually seen you take it easy, you're always working and moving," Harden said.

"Yeah well it's what I've been used to doing most of my life so. If I sit still I get antsy knowing there's things that need done," I said. He nodded in understanding and also shrugged saying "to each their own" before they went back to their game.

While in the shower room I stared at my reflection in the mirror and sighed. I honestly like the beard on me, but it was getting quite long and messy. I should trim and edge it to clean it up a bit, but honestly asside from shaving it off I was at a loss of where to even start.

That's one thing I missed out on not having a Dad around, the things I should have learned from him. I thought about asking Mitch, but he isn't my Dad and I definitely don't want to bother or annoy him. I guess I should at least trim it to a more respectable length for now.I eventually found a pair of scissors and got to work.

Later, after Dinner Mitch found me and asked me if we could talk. He led me to his office on the bridge and had me sit down. He then put a sheet around me and pulled out a blade telling me to hold still. He gave me a much better trim and edge. When he was done I asked him why he did that for me.

"Listen, we all know your story so if there is anything you don't know even if it's personal, please don't be afraid to ask for help. I know I'm not your Dad, but I'd like you to think of me as like your Uncle or someone you can turn to or rely on for help. You're family now so we want to help any way we can," he said. I nodded and thanked him.

"Now for what I brought you here to actually discuss," He said after cleaning up a little, removing the sheet from me, and returning to his chair on the other side of his desk.

DragoniersTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon