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When we finally got downstairs I noticed some broken glass and a shelf hanging off of one end. An angry group of men at the bar were yelling at the Inn Keeper. I made my way to the front of the spectators to find out what happened.

"I'm sorry but I already told you I gave my last room away earlier and you and your men should try elsewhere," The Inn keeper said trying to stay calm. Though he was clearly frightened of these men.

"This shitty town only has one place to rent a room and that's here. You don't get visitors so how are all of your rooms filled?" The angry one asked and I knew he had to be the leader of the group.

"We had a fire a few months back so some people from town are staying here until their homes are rebuilt. Another traveler came and already paid for my last room hours ago. I just don't have any rooms available, I'm sorry," He said trying to explain the situation.

"So kick them out, we're paying customers you really expect us to sleep out in the rain, that's some shitty hospitality. Maybe I aught to burn this place down and you'll see how we feel," He said to the Inn Keeper.

I stopped a man who was about to get involved and shook my head. If he gets involved now he'll just make it worse. I stepped forward and his men reached for their swords.

"I apologized for taking the last room. Maybe we can move these tables and you can use the main room to rest in. I'd be happy to give you my room, but I doubt it's big enough for all of you. It's not ideal, but at least you won't be stuck camping out in the rain. I'm sure the Inn Keeper wouldn't mind cutting the fee over this predicament either. You just pay for any food or baths you take and he waves the fee for the room since he doesn't have the proper accommodations. Does that sound like a plan to resolve this?" I asked. Everyone stared at me for a moment without saying anything.

"I'd be okay with doing that if these Gentleman are okay with that as well. I can even waive the bath fee if you'd like," The Inn Keeper said.

"Fine, I suppose that's a fair price. But we're not going to help move the tables since this was your mistake," The angry man said. So the locals and I got to work moving the tables to make room for the 5 of them to sleep. I'm honestly glad he agreed instead of insisting on taking the rooms and having the locals sleep down here.

The man I stopped earlier came over to me and thanked me for dissolving the situation because he was ready to use force to make them leave. I told him that's why I stopped him so he didn't make the situation worse. I thank my babysitting job for this one too. I always had to break up fights between the kids and had to find clever ways to do it.

Once the tables were moved I went to help the Inn Keeper sweep up the glass and fix the shelf. He also thanked me for my help and I just waved his thanks off. If it helps me get back to sleep sooner I was happy to help. I hope I can still talk to Nirosa some more.

No such luck though, She didn't contact me again the rest of the night. Maybe it really was just a dream, but it did feel like when I communicate with them. I'll have to figure this out at some point.

In the morning I gathered my stuff and headed down to breakfast. Everyone was at the tables eating and having a good time. The mean guy from last night waved me over and told me to join them for breakfast.

"Sorry about last night, kid. We were drunk and tired and I'm honestly thankful for what you did. I'm glad I got to talk to you before we left," he said and I nodded in thanks.

"There is something that I wanted to ask you as well. You guys are Dragon Hunters right?" I asked as I dug my Father's picture out if my bag.

"Yes, I'm impressed you caught that since we don't have our gear on us. We were raided by bandits recently and are heading back to Richardson to resupply," he said.

"Just a hunch. Anyway I'm looking for my father who went missing about 4 years ago and heard he was traveling with a group of Hunters, I was wondering if maybe you might have seen him or know the group he was traveling with," I said and handed him the picture. I also said he might've had more facial hair than in the photo.

"I feel like I have seen him, but I couldn't tell you where, when, or with who. We travel a lot and meet hundreds of people in different places, so if it was even a year ago I wouldn't remember. Though you can ask my crew and see if any of them remember. Sorry I couldn't be much more help. I hope you find him," he said and I thanked him.

Before they left I did ask his group about Dad, but they all pretty much said the same thing as their Leader did. So once they left I moved on to asking the locals. They also remembered seeing him and that the group did come through here a few years ago on the trail of a dragon. The Inn Keeper said they didn't stay long and left right away the next morning. I asked if my father had left any kind of note or message behind for me and he shook his head no.

No one seemed to know where they headed when they left. Since they were after a dragon it's possible they didn't even have a specific place they were going. So this is basically a dead end.

'North' A single word popped into my head and I didn't recognize the voice. A new dragon maybe? I asked the Inn Keeper where the next town would be in the North and he found me a map. It was a far distance, it would take me at least a week to get there, but that voice was telling me to go there so I had to check it out. I asked if I could buy the map and he said I could have it since I helped him out a lot last night. I thanked him and said good bye to everyone before heading out.

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