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I spent a few weeks visiting every town surrounding the Dragonier town, with no results. So in the next few months I expanded my search to towns near those towns. When I still got nowhere I decided to head back towards my hometown, hitting every village I could find along the way.

I'm now only a week away from home. I stopped at a town to ask around as well as rest and get some food. I know Lana said she'd write, but with both of us moving around I doubt any letters would make it to me. Whenever I hit a Dragoniering town though I still have to check.

"Excuse me, I'd like to get a room for the night, if you have one," I said to the Inn Keeper.

"You by yourself? I mean you seem a bit young to be traveling by yourself and to have a sword," he said looking me over.

"I suppose that's a natural reaction, but you see, my father went missing a few years ago, so I'm traveling trying to find him," I said showing him the picture. He studied it and then looked it over even closer.

"I think, I'm pretty sure I've seen him before. He was traveling with a group of Hunters a few years back. They stayed in town for almost a whole week. He had a bit more facial hair though so I can't be 100% certain it was this man. Still they do seem quite similar," he said.

"Really? At this point I'll take any lead, do you happen to know which way they went when they left here?" I asked him.

"If I recall they were headed towards Darensville. It's a few days West of here," he said handing the picture back to me. "I don't recommend going there, though. It's known to be a nest for crooks and thieves," he added.

"Thanks. What kind of hunters were they? General hunters or more on the line of Dragon hunters?" I asked him.

"They had pretty standard weapons so I doubt they were Dragon or Monster hunters. Though big weapons like that aren't really permitted in towns or cities so. Still, I didn't really think much of them, they seemed pretty normal to me. Dragon Hunters typically give off a certain vibe, one like bloodlust mixed with a death wish. Those guys didn't seem like that to me. Are you really going to go to Darensville?" He explained and asked.

"Thanks for the tip. And yes I am going, it's been my only lead in months. Besides, I don't scare easy, but I will take your warning and be very careful," I said, "But first how about that room for the night? How much would it cost?"

"Damn, Kid. Since this might be your last night, you can have the room for free. If you manage to somehow survive come back and I'll have you pay double for the extension," He said. I nodded and told him that sounds like a deal.

He clearly fears that Town. While on my travels and even before that, I've heard a lot of bad stories about Darensville. I was planning to steer clear of it to be honest, but now - I have no other leads so - I have to go. It's hard to believe he'd ever go to a town like that willingly though.

"Hey, Wallace, Tyson, Come over here for a minute," the owner at the counter called out bringing me from my thoughts. Two men came over and asked him what he needed. "You two are heading out to Darensville tomorrow right? Could you do me a favor and take him along with you?" He asked, pointing to me.

"This boy? He'll be eaten alive there. I ain't a babysitter," the one guy said.

"Whether you go with me or not we're heading the same way. Three is better than two right? Besides if things get rocky, I'm sure you can find something to use me for," I said. He studied me for a long moment before letting out a chuckle.

"Aright, I actually like this kid. We're leaving at dawn, if you're late we'll leave you behind. Who am I to get in the way of someone's death wish," he said with another chuckle and the two men walked away. I don't like the idea of traveling with men I don't know, but if they're headed to Darensville, then they must know how to handle themselves. That would be helpful to me.

Now I just have to figure out how I'm going to look for answers. I doubt they'll like having someone asking questions and snooping around. I'm bound to find someone to talk with though, right? I certainly hope so. The Inn Keeper gave me my room key and I headed to bed.

I woke up about an hour before Dawn and got ready to leave, before heading downstairs. Hopefully I wasn't up too early for breakfast. Thankfully breakfast was being made so I sat down to order something and wait for the other guys.

As I was eating I wondered what was taking them so long since dawn was approaching. The Inn Keeper sighed and came over to me.

"Better finish eating and hurry to the West entrance or they're going to leave you behind. They already left to finish gathering supplies for the trip," he said and I swore. After eating my food quickly, I hurried towards the West entrance. How was I supposed to know I was meeting them there? I just assumed we'd be regrouping at the Inn.

I managed to make it as the sun peaked it's head over the horizon, Sunrise exactly. I panicked for a few minutes when I didn't see either of them. Did they leave me behind? No I was on time, they'd have no reason to leave me.

"Oh great you actually made it," the one guy said sarcastically as they approached. Yeah they clearly don't want me along. Well too bad cause I finally have a lead on my father and I'm not taking no for an answer.

"Of course I did, this is important to me," I mumbled trying not to let them get to me. "My name's Zion, by the way," I added trying to be polite.

"Yeah who cares, Little runt. We aren't friends, I only agreed to this cause I owe that Inn Keeper a favor," The grumpy one muttered.

"Sorry about him, he's not bad when you get to know him. I'm Tyson and he's Wallace. You don't strike me as a normal kid. So what's your business in Darensville of all places? I mean I'm all for death wishes, but you have to have some brass balls and a goal to want to go to that place," the kinder one asked as we headed away from the village.

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