Meeting Point

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We guarded the front for a while. If they find the guards Tyson took down and realize that we aren't really guards we'll be caught. Same goes for when they realize that there is no one in the Cell Block area. So how do we get out of here?

"Do you think that drunk man from earlier was some kind of distraction for the intruders to get in? I mean the timing of it all fits," I said.

"Perhaps, or they took advantage of the commotion or even used him since he was drunk. Talking to the man might be a good place to start. I mean he at the very least might have seen who the intruders were," Tyson said.

"Yeah, but everyone is busy right now and it would look worse if we abandoned our post. Especially since we pawned our orders off to get this post," I replied.

"I doubt anyone will get past them anyway. We'll probably be wasting our time standing here doing nothing. Likely we'll get punished anyway, the least we could do is make it worth it," he said. I pretended to ponder that for a while and then sighed.

"I suppose, but we better get results or we're finished as guards and probably won't be allowed back in this town ever again, that's the best case scenario at this point," I said and we snuck off.

We decided to keep the uniforms on for now. It'll give us good excuses for seeking around. We'll ditch them once we get close to the city's entrance. At this point the cloaks would be too conspicuous so we'll just go as ourselves. Wallace should be waiting near or around the entrance of the gate with our stuff so we'll be heading straight there instead of circling back to the hotel where we have been staying.

We got stopped by a few guards on the way but Tyson answered all of their questions expertly and kept us moving. We found a good hiding place to change and continued to the meeting place. Once at the gate the guard there stopped us too.

"Where are you two heading? The city is on
lockdown right now so no one is allowed to leave," he said, keeping his hand on his sword and stepping in our path.

"It's okay they're the two I've been waiting for. What took you both so long to get here?" Wallace asked stepping beside the guard. Both Tyson and I looked at each other.

"Sorry it took so long, we kept getting stopped by guards on our way here. Any idea what's going on, the guards wouldn't tell us anything?"  Tyson asked him.

"All I know is that some crazy idiots desided to break into the arena, to free the dragon. I bet it was probably another Dragon Wisperer behind it," he said.

"I honestly didn't know there were so many guards here. I know we planned to leave today, but should we wait until tomorrow, at least until they figure things out here first?" I asked them,  feigning innocence.

"I don't think that will be necessary we had nothing to do with that and we planned to leave today, my girl is eagerly waiting for me, so I would rather not delay our trip another day. We said we'd be back in 5 days it's already been 5 days, so we're already leaving a day later than we promised," He said. We agreed we couldn't wait another day. The guard was very hesitant, but eventually let us go.

I'm glad that worked out because I really didn't want us to have to fight anyone else today. Once we were far enough away we regrouped and tried to figure out where we should escape and lay low for a while. I told them my two ideas and they ultimately agreed on going to my home town instead of back to the town where we met.

Their reason being that a few people there know who they are, so they'll know where and how to find them. However, they don't know my name or where I came from, so my village would be a better option. We stayed off the main road for a while until we figured it was safe.

After 4 days of walking and camping out in the wilderness we arrived back at my home town. Seeing all of the familiar faces and buildings I finally relaxed. I led them to my house and did apologize to them for all the dust there might be. After all it's been almost a year since I've been back here.

To my surprise everything was clean and even spotless.  Does someone from the village come here to clean? Everything is exactly how I left it so it doesn't seem like anyone moved in or has been squatting here. snaking it off I told Wallace and Tyson to make themselves comfortable. I'll have to go to the market later, so I can get stuff for food.

Also, while we're here I want to try and make some more money. That way when I'm ready, I can follow up on the lead Rick gave me. Plus, I'll need to pay back that hotel owner.

"So, you said you were on a Dragoniering ship for like a week? Did you get to help kill a dragon?" Wallace asked as he sat down on the sofa.

"No, I can't exactly say I helped at all. I was pretty useless actually. My Wisperer powers were just awakening so I passed out and  could barely move. I did get the dragon to calm down a little and he gave me his name before he died. The wreckage and carnage he left behind though was hard to see," I said.

"That's right you mentioned that that's where you met that other Whisperer right and she explained to you what was happening?" Tyson said joining Wallace on the sofa.

"Yep, that would be the very same incident. Still parting with them was hard, but I originally joined them so I could start my journey to find my Dad so I had to leave them," I said, "My Dad hated Dragoniers and Dragons so I knew I wouldn't find any answers traveling with them. Dad would've avoided Dragoniering towns if at all possible. Still, I have been checking every town on my way back here for clues."

"You mind if I ask why your Dad hates them so much? I mean is he a whisperer too?" Tyson asked.

"I haven't really gotten to ask him about it yet, but I guess some Dragoniers visited this town in the past and somehow they messed up big cause the dragon they had wasn't dead. It woke up confused and started thrashing around throughout the town. My Mom died protecting me as a baby during that incident. Though I had just found that out the night my Dad disappeared," I said, "As for the Whisperer thing, I don't think he is. Maybe I got it from my mother or was just born with it, I don't really know."

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