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Once on the bridge I dug my uniform out from my bag and sure enough it was a bit too short. I honestly didn't realize I had gotten that much taller, but then again I was more focused on other things.

He got me a new uniform and it fit pretty well. He then had me sit with him to have a conversation. First he had me fill him in on everything since he missed most of what I said to the others and then got to the point.

"I have a question for you and regardless of your answer you will always be welcome on this ship, but I have to know. Are you staying this time or will you be leaving again on your search?" he asked.

"I can't say I won't ever leave again, but I can promise you that I will be staying as of right now. He told me to live my life and not worry about him. Now that won't keep me from searching, but I don't plan to run off and follow every little lead that comes up. I'll eventually find the answers I'm looking for but I'm going to do what I want to do along the way," I said. He seemed to understand my rambling and nodded.

"I'm glad to hear that. I just needed to know if we needed to speed up your training again or if we had time to properly train you. That said, we're about to take off so you might want to grab onto the desk now," he said and indicated a light on his desk that just came on. I barely had time to grab hold of the bolted down desk before the whole ship rocked and shook from our take off.

"I suppose since we're going into the cold Northern areas your next training will be on the snow gear, but first I'll let you go eat some lunch. Meet me down in the cargo bay when you're done," he added once the ship stopped shaking.

Once down in the dining hall I joined the others and Jordan actually started talking to me and asking about my journey. He genuinely seemed interested and surprised about my stories earlier.

"So did you really talk to an elder dragon? I mean I've never heard of a Whisperer capable of that. Are you sure it was an elder dragon and not a regular Dragon claiming to be an Elder Dragon?" he asked.

"Based on what the villagers said about no other Dragon Whisperers being able to talk to her and my own experience from how she reacted I don't think it was a lie. I'm positive she was an Elder Dragon. Tell me, what exactly is the real difference between a regular Dragon and an Elder Dragon?" I asked.

"It's hard to explain, but Elder Dragons have lived longer than any of the other Dragons. They're wiser, less violent and in my experience protect the Earth and what lives on it. They're like guardians in a way. My theory on why no one can communicate with them is that they use an ancient language that the newer dragons don't. Still it's hard to believe that they don't know the new language because they can still communicate with the other Dragons, I assume. We just don't know much about the Dragons and their culture or habits to really understand why," he explained. I do remember him telling me some of that before, but I had forgotten about it.

"Yeah there are some holes in the theories you mentioned. But I kind of get the difference between Elder Dragons and Regular Dragons. That said, if the Elder Dragons have a kid does that mean their kid isn't considered an Elder Dragon then and that Hunters and Dragoniers alike could theoretically be free to hunt them? That doesn't seem right to me to be honest," I said.

"Well, killing any dragon that isn't causing harm isn't right. However, theoretically it is possible that some cruel person out there would do such a thing," He said bitterly. That's just horrible, I don't know what the Elder Dragon(s) would do in the case of their child being killed. If they seek revenge then it would provide reason for Dragoniers and Hunters alike to kill it. Based on our History and our agreement with the Dragons that would then fall on us to punish the person or people responsible.

"Have any of you had to punish another person before. You know for killing a dragon that wasn't causing trouble or harm?" I asked. Everyone went silent and Jordan was the one who answered my question.

"Usually the punishment is a long prison sentence and if they get out they are forbidden to do any kind of hunting - Dragon or otherwise. They'd be put under close watch. That said there have been cases where they've escaped before or after being arrested or just flat out resisted arrest and in those cases they have been killed. Though we do hold some authority to arrest someone we have to notify the Royal Guards immediately and if they flee, they will put the person on the most wanted list and handle the rest.

If the idea of killing another person isn't something you can handle then you won't make it as a Dragonier. Even though we don't execute people, we do still run into Bandits and even get into fights with Hunters, death and killing are very likely to happen," He said looking me in the eyes.

"I'll worry about that when or if that situation arises. I personally don't have a problem with it if it's self defense, but I haven't killed anyone before so I don't know what I would do in the moment," I said honestly.

"Don't listen to him, Kid. Most of us haven't had to kill anyone so we're all the same way. Though I would kill, if it meant protecting this ship and everyone on it," Valis said. He has put his heart and soul into this ship and like me considers this his second Home and probably Family too. My eyes drifted over to Lana for a moment and then I looked back at Valis.

"So would I," I said and he gave me a knowing smile. Ignoring it I asked them how they've been doing since I've been gone. They had quite a few stories of their own and noticing the time I swore and said I had to go meet Mitch. Got so lost in the stories I was quite late and apologized to Mitch when I finally made it to the Storage area.

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