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After I parted ways with Lana I headed back to my room to go to bed. I can't really believe her story about me being some sort of Dragon whisperer, but she's right that it was strange to run into two Elder Dragons right off the bat. At least everyone else thinks it's really strange, but I don't know much about Dragons or Dragoniering to say if it is or not.

It could have been just a coincidence that I joined them right before these two events. If this crew lives by the old code then it could just be everyone on the ship they're drawn to. I'm sure there can't be too many crews as set in the old ways as this one.

Despite that I couldn't get everything she said out of my head. I hope my father didn't get involved with those Hunters she was talking about. I know for a fact he hates all dragons because of what happened to my mom, but would he run off to kill them all and leave his son behind? I don't think he'd do something like that, but then why didn't he return? I need answers more and more as time passes. Where are you, Dad?

I laid down on my bed and gently closed my door. After laying down I turned over and stared at the picture of my family. That dragon really messed my family up big time.

To be honest though, if those Dragoniers thought that dragon was dead then that means they probably poisoned it or hurt it badly in some way. It must have been so lost and confused, not to mention totally angry.

I wonder if there really is someone out there who can communicate with the Dragons. If so how many Humans and Dragons could that person save? Could that person have stopped that confused and hurt Dragon from attacking Mom and our town?

Maybe Lana and I are both crazy for believing in such things. Still it's a sliver of hope that killing one another isn't the only way. I skipped dinner and just went to sleep instead.

The loud "wake up" alarm went off and I hit my head on one of my shelves as I was startled awake. It's actually been a while since I slept that deeply. I got my gear and headed towards the mess hall for Breakfast.

When I entered Jordan came in behind me. He was yawning and didn't even glance at me as he headed to grab some food. I feel like I heard him mumble something just after his yawn, but I'm not sure. Knowing him it was something about me being in his way, who knows and who cares.

"Sorry, everyone,for the early wake up call. We received an urgent message and we are taking a slight detour. Since we are the closest crew we can't just ignore this request. Lets go find us a dragon and see what we can do to help this village. I am sorry to say this means an extra day of travel, we should still be able to make it to Niral City before we run out of fuel. With any luck we can even get a little fuel from the people in the town we are going to. I just want to make sure you are all okay with it," Mitch said addressing everyone.

"You already set the course did you not? Come on Captain, you know full well we can't just stand by and do nothing if a town is in danger. We're in all the way," Slater said and everyone else nodded in confirmation of his statement.

"Unfortunately, Zion, this either means waiting another day or parting with us a few towns early," Mitch said addressing me directly now.

"I will consider what I'll do, but you should worry about the dragon for now. Save those people," I replied and he nodded. Least I'll get to see them in action before I depart from them. Maybe I'll ask the towns people once they are safe if they've seen my dad.

As we made our approach to the town Captain Mitch gave orders splitting everyone up into teams. First, team was to help the citizens evacuate, injured included. The second team was to secure the dragon, sedate it, and watch over it. The third team would assess the situation and find out why the dragon attacked. If they can't find a good reason for it's actions then teams 2 and 3 will have to take it down. They really meant it didn't they, this group doesn't needlessly kill dragons?

"I'm putting you on team 1, Zion. You are training to be a Dragonier, so this would be a good experience for you. Obviously you have no experience with fighting them, but you can get people to safety," he said. I was a little surprised he'd let me help with anything, I thought for sure he was going to tell me to sit back and watch.

Group one consisted of Lana, Harden, Cali, and myself. I wasn't aware the maintenance crew helped out with these things too, but Group two consisted of Ellena, Aria, Slater, and Valis. Group three was, Jordan, Mitch, and Mira. It was an interesting match up, but some of the choices made sense. I'll just have to trust in his judgement and follow my orders, this is what they do.

We'll be landing just outside the town in about 20 minutes, then we'll have to make our way to the dragon by foot. Once there Team two will distract the dragon while our team slips by and gets through to the villagers. Team two will find a way to pin the dragon down while we get people as far away as possible.

I had asked during our meeting how far we were supposed to take them and they said just keep walking until we see a green smoke signal. If the dragon gets free or if they find out it's reasons were hostile they'll need to fight it and who knows what damage it will do in that fight.

Still with more than a half hour before we actually get to the town, there is no telling what we'll see when we get there. Who knows if there will be anyone left to save. Still, if there is a chance we have to try. I can't believe we are the closest ship, why aren't any other ships in this area?

DragoniersNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ