The Plan

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Wallace, since he's the strongest fighter, would play the decoy for the guards. He'll act like a drunk, disgruntled, gambler who lost a bunch of money because of the outcome of the matches. Which should draw the guards' attention as he resists getting removed.

Tyson will come with me and then move on ahead to the arena gates. He'll take out the guards and then open them once I've gotten the Whisperer and the Dragon out of their cages. The rest depends on if the dragon can fly or not. Being kept in a small cage could have damaged his wings.

I'll have the dragon take the Whisperer to Nirosa, with a message to protect him. Wallace, Tyson, and I will have to fight our way out. Wallace suggested we bring masks for our getaway so that our faces wouldn't be widely seen across the city. He also suggested a meeting place for us. He'll be the easiest one to escape since they will probably just throw him out. Once we're through he'll only be able to hold them up for a few minutes. He should be gone by the time we get to the gate. We agreed to meet up just outside the city entrance if we get separated from each other. If I had a way to contact the crew of the Dragoniering ship they could get us far from here in no time, but I have no idea where they even are right now and don't have a way to contact them.

Our best bet would be to head for either the town we started in or towards my home town. Two days to the town we came from or four days to my hometown. Strategically the further away we go the better our odds are to get away. However, if that information broker helps them find us my hometown would probably be a bad idea.

"Sure, he runs on money, but he wouldn't dare cross us. He owes us for saving his life and we haven't collected that debt yet. He'll keep quiet," Tyson said, "I could send him a letter by crow to skip town before tonight, so he doesn't have to deal with the aftermath of what we're doing. I won't include details so if it's intercepted it won't give away anything." I nodded and said that sounded like a good plan.

Later, that afternoon he received a reply to his note. I guess he's had some business outside the city he's been putting off for a while anyway and asked us not to stir up too much trouble tonight. No promises there. Tyson burned the letter and we headed out. Wallace actually wanted to do a little drinking so his act would be more believable. After two mugs of beer he also grabbed a bottle of beer and we left after paying.

Once at the Arena we snuck around to the side of the building as he approached the front entrance. I have to admit he was playing the part perfectly. As more guards came out to escort him away and he fought them off we slipped inside. So far so good. Once we reached a fork Tyson told me the Cells were down the left hallway. The gate to the Arena was down the other way. This is where we split up then.

The narrow hallway slowly sloped downwards and went on like that for a while before coming to some stairs that led further down. Makes sense that they'd keep them down under the Arena. Judging by the narrow hallway it's clear there is a different path they take to get the dragon outside.

I heard talking nearby and slowly made my way down the stairs. I can't get seen yet, not until I know exactly where they're being held down here. The area splits off into three directions, but which one is the right one?

'Can you hear me, Dragon? I am here to get you and the other Whisperer out of here, but I don't know exactly where you're being held. Is there anything you can do to let me know without drawing the guards to us?' I asked.

A few moments later I heard the Whisperer yell for the guards. Saying something about the Dragon is driving him crazy and he has to go see him. So they were being kept in two different locations down here, this plan works. If they agree to take him I can follow behind and ambush the guards while they're distracted.

The guards went to see what the commotion was all about. I heard them talking and it took some convincing before they agreed to take him to the dragon. Once they were safely out of sight I made my way down the rest of the stairs and followed after them, keeping my distance.

"What do you want, Dragon? You must need something if you're willing to keep bugging me, even with me trying to block you," The Whisperer said. Did the dragon not tell him anything or is he just keeping up with the act for the guards?

' I'll give you an opening on the count of three, Prince,' The Dragon said. I really need to ask him to stop calling me that, but first we have to make it out of here in one piece.

On his count of three he let out a roar and in this enclosed basement it was defining. The guards grabbed their ears and that was my chance. I attacked the one closest to me. Realizing what was happening pretty quick the other guard grabbed his gun again. Too late though cause the other Dragon Whisperer used his chains to grab him by the neck and choked him. Once both guards were out we searched for their keys and then tied them up.

I unchained the other Whisperer, but none of the keys seemed to fit the Cages. Is it possible the keys might be on another guard or maybe in the main area? I asked the kid if he knows where it might be.

"I'm Zion, by the way," I said. Probably not the best time for introductions, but I didn't want to keep referring to him as "Kid" or "The other Whisperer".

"I'm Cassian. I don't know where the key might be, but I might be able to lock pick it if you can give me about five minutes," he said. I nodded and guarded him. If more guards come in the next five minutes I'll have to hold them off.

'If we get you out and set you free will you be able to fly? I'll get you to the Arena and I need you to take Cassian and go. Find Nirosa, tell her I sent you and that I asked to watch over Cassian. Will that be possible for you to do? I know you're not in tip top shape, but it shouldn't be too far from here,' I said to the dragon.

'Yes, I believe I can manage to fly with at least one person. Are you not coming with us though. It'll be dangerous for you to stay here. If you get captured they will discover what you can really do, Prince,' he replied.

'Don't worry, I am not alone, I have help. You just focus on getting yourselves safe, I will see you again,' I said. He nodded in understanding.

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