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It took 3 more days before their friend got in touch with us via letter. He asked us to meet him at his place to deliver the info in person. Sounds like he actually might have found a clue of some kind. Whether good or bad I'll find out in about an hour. If his clue points me away from this town, then there won't be any more reason to stay.

After everything Wallace and Tyson have said I figured that they might actually help me. Though, in order to get them to hear me out I'll have to tell them the truth about myself. They definitely won't be happy to hear I've kept secrets from them. Will they help me though? If they do would the people here turn on them? If they don't would they be mad enough to rat me out? I guess I'll just have to find out.

Wallace knocked on the man's door and after about 2 minutes it opened and a nice woman brought us in. She wasn't here last time. Is she his wife maybe or perhaps just a colleague? We sat down in his office and she brought us some coffee and tea.

Rick joined us a few moments later and slid an envelope across his desk towards me. Straight to business, my kind of guy. As I grabbed it he stopped me and looked at me straight in the eye.

"I couldn't get much info. You're Dad is pretty much a ghost, but what I did find might be hard on you. Make sure you're really ready to dig further before opening this," he said and let me take the envelope. This is why I'm here to find answers, of course I'm ready.

I sat down and took a deep breath before opening the envelope. There was a single sheet of paper inside and I gently slid it out. I read it over and then reread it to double check I read it right.

It turns out my father definitely was here in this town and that he arrived with a group of Dragon Hunters. They stayed about a week and headed East to Kershaw. There was no more info after that. Kershaw is back towards our Home Town so why did he not return home?

"But this, I mean, why?" I mumbled and then sighed, "Thank you very much for this, Rick. It at least gives me a new lead." He nodded.

"I also did a little digging on you, Kid. I like to know who I'm working with. You have already lived a pretty interesting life haven't you?" he said. He was basically saying he knew my secrets without going into detail. Definitely a skilled information broker. I'll have to keep him in mind if I ever need information again.

"Thanks again, for everything, we should head out now," I said, choosing to ignore his comment. The rest of them agreed and we headed back to the hotel. Of course once we were alone in our room they asked me what Rick had meant by "lived an interesting life". I sighed and sat down motioning them to do the same.

"I was going to tell you both anyways, but wasn't exactly sure where to start. I guess I should start with the fact I spent about a week on a Dragoniering ship. A ship I plan to go back to once I find my Dad. While traveling with that ship I discovered that I am a Dragon Whisperer, but somehow I can communicate with Elder Dragons, not just regular ones," I said in the simplest way possible.

"I see so you're a Dragonier and a Dragon Whisperer. I guessed the first one when I saw that sword of yours, Has the crest of a well known Dragonier's crew. As for the whisperer thing I had my suspicions, but you really can communicate with Elder Dragons? That's really impressive, I can see why you kept that to yourself," Tyson said.

"So why tell us all of this now and not wait till we're out of this town? You barely know us, who's to say we won't try to sell you now that we know?" Wallace said.

"Because of what you both said at the arena. You didn't know what I was and yet you still said what you said. Someone with those beliefs wouldn't just abandon them and throw someone else into that very situation," I said, "Also, I was willing to take that risk so I can ask for your help. I want to free them, both of them."

"You realize that if we help you we all won't be able to come back here. Not to mention everyone here will probably come after you. It also won't be easy to accomplish. They do keep both locked in the Arena, but it's super guarded so no one can harm the dragon or sway the outcome of the matches," Wallace said.

"Plus, even if you free them they'll just replace them again. It won't change anything," Tyson said.

"Maybe not, but that Dragon was ready to give up on living. I can't just ignore that. As you said before Dragon Whisperers are becoming more and more rare so they will definitely have a hard time replacing him," I said.

"As much as I'd like to talk you out of this I see that you're determined to do it. I like coming here to blow off steam, but if it can help at leat one person then I'm in," Wallace said.

"So when you stood up and yelled, that was to the Dragon wasn't it? You were telling it not to give up yet right?" Tyson asked and I nodded. "Then I'm in, I too can't ignore that," he added.

"Thanks. If I can just free the dragon then the rest should be fairly easy with his help," I said.

"You'll need someone to distract the guards and someone to open the gates so you can get out. Won't be easy to do and not get caught," Wallace said.

"This would be pointless if you got killed or even held prisoner, if you think you'll get caught or killed abandon me and get out. The point is to free slaves not add more," I said.

"Understood. You, be careful too," Tyson said. I agreed to and the rest of the night we sat up devising the plan.

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