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On our way back down the mountain it was clear that The Hunters were not buying what I said and were wary of me. Still they didn't seem like they were up to anything anymore and we made it back to town by nightfall. After a quick review of our findings up there we headed back towards the ship. I'm exhausted, not only were the hikes and climbs hard, but communicating with the Dragon took a lot out of me as well.

Unfortunately, when we got back though I had to explain everything to my friends about what I really learned up there. I obviously didn't give them his name, but did want them to know what all he said.

"One of four Ancient Dragons? Really? Those were his words exactly? No wonder I couldn't find it in any of my books. Records from that long ago have really never been found. Though if the Hunters found him I'm sure someone else would have too," Jordan said.

"He actually called you The Prince of Dragons? His explanation seems valid but also like he wasn't telling you everything either," Valis said. I agreed with him there. Like how did a dragon dying in front of me as a baby make me stronger? And will it keep getting stronger every time I see a dragon die? Plus there aren't really any records that that Dragon Whisperer from 200 years ago even had children so how could I be a descendant of his? Then again I don't really know anything about my family history - other than my Mom was a Whisperer too. It's weird too, because Nirosa wouldn't tell me anything either and now Thurack has given me some of an answer but not the full answer.

Since it was late we decided to leave in the morning and rest for the night. After a light dinner we all headed to bed. At about 4 in the morning a sudden alarm I haven't heard before went off. Startled I got dressed quickly and hurried to find out what was going on.

When I spotted Jordan with a spear in hand I stopped him to ask what's going on. He didn't get mad or anything and actually looked concerned.

"That's the intruder alarm. I'm not sure of all the details yet, but it seems like a Hunter snuck on board. Not sure why or how long he was here, but if he heard anything we talked about earlier you could be their target.

I'm not going to tell you not to come, but you should be careful. Who knows if they brought more guys," he said. If they really are targeting me then they probably did hear our conversation earlier. Only one way to find out. I told Jordan I was coming and we headed towards the entrance where they caught the guy trying to sneak out.

"We can't get anywhere if you don't tell us what you are doing here. Why did you sneak on board our ship? What exactly were you doing while you were here?" I could hear Mitch say and we made our way to where he was. It was that same Hunter that was with us on the hike up the mountain. They both looked over as we approached. The Hunter was tied up and looked like he had been punched pretty hard. Probably resisted being caught.

"You're the one who snuck on board? Why?" I asked him and he sighed.

"My Boss was suspicious you were hiding something and ordered me to follow you and get answers. After what you guys talked about I made the decision to report back to the boss that I didn't get anything," he said.

"And you expect us to believe that? You just admitted to hearing everything, why wouldn't you tell your Boss?" Jordan asked.

"If it's all true then he needs to be kept safe. If my Boss knew then he would definitely try and use him, willingly or not. Though now if I return like this he'll suspect I'm lying," he said.

"You're not a whisperer so why would you protect me?" I asked.

"My brother was a Whisperer. He was taken to work for my boss and I eventually joined them too in order to find him and protect him. He died a few years ago, but I haven't been able to break away," He said and I honestly didn't understand much, but it's clear he's being honest.

"If you return now, would you be in trouble with him for getting caught or could you possibly convince him that you got away from us? Would he retaliate on us for harming you? Or what if you weren't to go back at all?" Mitch asked.

"I could spin a story if I went back, but even with that he is still suspicious of him so I doubt he'll leave well enough alone. If I don't go back then they definitely will be after me or you," He said.

"Well, how about it? You said that you've been trying to get out, why not come with us?" Mitch said. I was honestly surprised, but I'm also not all that surprised.

"Well, you heard him. We've never gotten along with Hunters anyway what's one or two more reasons?" Valis said.

"But, why, I just told you it'll cause you trouble if I don't go back? Why would you-" Jordan cut him off.

"This one is already a big headache, adding one more wouldn't make much of a difference," he said pointing at me. "You know he's the one that freed that Dragon and Dragon Whisperer in Darensville? The Hunters are already looking for him and us now so," he added.

"That was you? I mean that makes sense but what were you doing there of all places?" he asked.

"I'd be happy to explain if you want, but only if you want to stay," I said, also throwing him a bone. He seemed to hesitate and as he was thinking I borrowed a knife from Jordan and cut his hands and ankles loose from the chair.

"You - You all really want me to join you? I mean what if I was lying to gain your trust or something? Not saying I am, promise," he said.

"Eh, if we find that you are we can just throw you over board," Jordan teased. "No but really it'd be nice to have another experienced fighter on board and I personally don't think you'd do something like that," he added.

"I don't think so either. I'm sorry for the loss of your brother by the way," I said. Never got to meet the guy but he was probably a great guy if he had a brother who would go through all of this just for him.

"Thanks, Even though none of tou know me or my brother, it still means a lot that you care. I haven't introduced myself to you, my name is Neal Morrison," he said. Everyone else introduced themselves and most of the others went back to work or bed, I guess.

"If you want we can have someone escort you back to your home. We'll be leaving at day break in a few hours so you can take some time to decide what you'll do or to pack if needed," Mitch said. Obviously I couldn't go with him if I wanted to, but Valis volunteered to go. Personally I hope he decides to come with us, I guess we'll know in the morning.

I decided to try and get some sleep which wasn't easy.

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