Winner Vs. Dragon

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They were right, once we went back in I was surprised. They put a large metal cage like dome over the inner field of the arena. Tyson explained that it was made of tungsten. Which is a highly strong metal, with a high melting point. I thought it was pretty impressive they did this all within that short hour.

"It'll be starting soon. Seeing a real dragon and a human battle is a rare sight to see. Most of the time only Dragon Hunters or Dragoniers get to see something like this. It's an experience you definitely won't forget," Tyson said seeming more excited than ever.

All I could think of is that I have seen people fighting a dragon before. Of course I couldn't say that out loud, since they don't know I was a Dragonier for a short time. I'm still worried the Dragon might notice me or that my secret will get blown if I'm here, but it's better than being on my own and getting caught or killed I guess.

"Anyway, try to watch out once this starts. Since it's a cage flames can get through the holes. If you see them coming make sure you lift the shield on the seat in front of you and get down," Wallace said, as he showed me what to do.

I hadn't noticed those were even there before, they looked like they were just the back of the seats. Interesting and smart. I nodded in confirmation that I understood and he slid the shield back down. I wondered what the people in the front row are going to do though. They probably have a shield somewhere too right? Were sitting in the third row up so still close, but not right up front.

"Alright, everyone it's the final event we've all been waiting for! Lets get this show started!" A man said through a microphone. That's new, are they doing announcements for this event.

"I see it on your face, Kid. Since he's facing a dragon they bring in a dragon whisperer to comment on what the dragon is doing or saying. Not that that man really has a choice, he's actually a slave," Tyson said sounding kind of disgusted by it.

"So you really don't agree with a lot of the things they do here do you. Not that I blame you, I hate it too," I mumbled. He just shrugged and said it's not really his place to judge how people live, but it doesn't mean he likes it either. "Still his talent is rare and it sucks it's wasted here. It's probably rough for people like him too, constantly being targeted for the profit or used for other's gain," I mumbled.

"It is a pretty rare ability and it's gotten even rarer over the years because of people mistreating them. I fear someday no one will be able to communicate with those creatures and they all might even decide to turn on us and we'll never know," Tyson said.

"It'd be better for everyone if more people thought like you do," I mumbled. Better for me anyway, but that's just wishful thinking.

Cheering from the crowd drew my attention back to the arena. The champion was making his way onto the field. Here we go, it's about to begin.

After a few more rounds of applause the announcer told them to release the dragon. The large metal gates came up and the Dragon was forced out by guards jabbing him with spears. The dragon himself looked run down and exhausted. It made me want to run to him and set him free right then and there. What struck me the most though was his thoughts.

'This again? I'm never getting out of here with these weak ass humans. Maybe I'll play with him a few minutes and just let the puny human kill me. It'd be better than living like this any longer,' his thoughts were clear and heartbreaking for me to hear. He has no will to fight anymore, no hope of escape.

After a while of avoiding the dragon's weak attacks, the dragon roared, spread his wings and arms, and opened himself up to an attack. The Warrior took a step back in surprise not sure what to think. I stood and before I could stop myself I screamed, "Fight!" at the top of my lungs. Of course it was for the dragon but it soon echoed across the stadium. No doubt they were yelling for the human.

The Dragon froze, went back to all four legs and glanced around. He did hear me.

'The Prince? No that's absurd, why would he be here of all places? Though I did hear that yell more in my mind than anything else,' he thought. That's the second time a dragon has referred to me as Prince, I'll have to remember to ask what that's all about at some point.

"Well that was certainly unexpected. Didn't expect you to get into this," Wallace said as I sat back down.

"It just looked like they were both kind of giving up and I guess I couldn't hold myself back. That was kinda embarrassing actually," I mumbled, which wasn't a lie. Tyson laughed and slapped my back kind of hard.

"You definitely surprised us, Kid. I wasn't expecting that either and I kinda wanted to say the same thing. Came here for a fight not to see them dance around and give up," He added.

The fight ensued and it seemed, after my outburst, that the dragon was trying just a little bit harder to stay alive. After I get the answers I need I'll come back here and free him. If I get really lucky maybe even free that Dragon Whisperer they have enslaved. He's been making simple comments here and there about the fight, but hasn't really commented on anything the dragon has thought or said. Could it be that this dragon is actually a Elder Dragon? Or maybe he just didn't want the dragon or himself to get into trouble.

"I wonder if that dragon whisperer is really a dragon whisperer at all. I mean he hasn't said much. I suppose the dragon could possibly not be saying anything for him to report," Tyson said, as if reading my mind. Or it's just possible he saw me glancing over at him every now and then.

When the 30 minutes was finally up the people with the spears came out and forced the dragon back through the gate. The man who was fighting him looked exhausted and was covered in sweat. He had lost his helmet at some point during their back and forth. Everyone cheered and the event organizers presented him with a metal to award his victory. Even though technically that was a tie, he still won the tournament.

Still though the dragon clearly held back so as not to kill the guy. I'm sure the event organizers would have stopped it any means necessary. Considering how many rough and tough people gather here, I have no doubt they could've taken it down with no problem. Getting him out wasn't going to be an easy task.

"What do you think they do with the dragon between tournaments?" I asked the others as we sat back and waited for people to leave.

"I don't know, but if I had to guess they lock it away in some cage that's too small for it. Considering the town I doubt they're taking great care of it," Tyson said.

"Yeah, probably. Though one could argue that a smaller cage is safer, that way the Dragon can't get momentum to ram the cage over and over and break it. Still to keep it locked up for months at a time in that small confined space is cruel," Wallace said. Least I know they hate it as much as I do, even coming from guys who enjoy  these events.

"Later, after I hear back from your friend the three of us should meet somewhere private. There's something I think I should talk to you about," I said. They started to say something but I shook my head insisting we talk at another time.

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