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A few hours later I helped Lana start preparing lunch. I wonder if it had been a serious issue since no one has come back yet. Is the ship and everyone okay?

"It'll be fine, this always happens. They hurry to fix what is wrong then spend hours talking and hanging out with the engine room crew. Since we haven't fallen out of the sky I'm sure it wasn't too big of an issue," Lana said as if she could read my mind. She laughed and smiled at me. "I don't have to read your mind to figure out what you are thinking, your confused and worried expression says it all," she added as she poked my forehead. I felt my face heat up and just went back to chopping the vegetables. She laughed again and also went back to her meal prepping.

Calling her a quiet person seemed odd to me, she seemed pretty outgoing to me. But hey it's none of my business really, so I guess I'll just ignore it for now. By the time everyone returned we were all done with the lunch and Mitch seemed surprised I was still helping Lana.

"Sorry, Kid. I guess I forgot to come back and give you something else to do," He said and laughed it off.

"I don't mind, he was a big help," Lana said and then went back to serving everyone silently. Why is she suddenly not talking again? Does she feel uncomfortable with the rest of the crew? I guess I can't ignore it after all. I'll ask her about it another time. Instead I left it be and got myself some food before the others eat it all.

As I took a bite I was surprised. Her cooking really was the best. I couldn't put it down.

"Lana you really are an awesome cook," I mumbled once I finished my plate. She turned red and looked down at her plate hiding behind her hair.

"You helped," was all she said before going back to eating.

"So is that why your advocating for the kid to stay? You have some kind of crush on him or something? Seriously, Lana, this kid?" Jordan said. She froze up a little and I sighed. Poor girl, I get he has a problem with me, - though I don't know why - but to bring Lana into this was uncalled for. She tried to say that that wasn't the case but he ignored her and continued to mess with her.

"Just leave her alone, Jordan, seriously that was uncalled for," I said and he glared at me. He then got in my face.

"What did you say, Little Boy?" he said and I stood meeting his gaze head on.

"I don't know what your problem with me is, but leave Lana alone. Wether or not that's the case - which she was clearly saying it's not - it's none of your business. Can't you see your upsetting her and acting like a bully? So I will repeat myself, Leave her alone," I said not backing down. A couple guys made a move to stop us but Mitch held them back clearly wanting to see where this would go.

"You're defending her quite a bit, do you have a crush on her maybe?" he asked teasing me now.

"No, but Lana is pretty much the only friend I have made on this ship and I won't stand by while you tease her," I said, "Grow up, like it or not I'll be on this ship for a while and then I'm leaving so just get off my back already."

"You shouldn't have been allowed to board this ship in the first place. Someone like you who doesn't even want to be a Dragonier shouldn't be allowed on this proud ship," he growled and I couldn't hold back I punched him hard across his jaw and he hit the ground.

"First, I was invited by your captain otherwise I wouldn't be here. Second, When did I ever say I didn't want to be a Dragonier? Ever since I met a few of the crew years ago it's been my dream, however I have other things I need to do and that is my goal right now. I have to find my Dad. There is a lot I've been wanting to ask him about and need answers for," I said surprising myself.

My true feelings just rolled out and it actually made me freeze in surprise once I realized what I had said. It's true that I really admired the Dragoniers that came to our village and that I wanted to be like them someday, but I had never actually admitted that out loud before. Jordan stared up at me surprised and rubbed his jaw gently. He then smiled at me.

"Hmm, what did you actually just say?" he asked in a teasing tone, but this time it seemed lighthearted and not mean. I sighed saying that it didn't matter and then left the room. Once at my room I closed my sliding door and sat on my bed holding the photo of Dad, Mom, and myself as a baby.

"Where are you, Dad? What would you say of you were here right now? Would you be mad at what I said or happy that I found out what I truly want to do?" I mumbled to the picture, "Are you watching over me, Mom? What would you say about all of this? What would you say to Dad right now if you could? Why didn't you run from the dragon? Why did Dad run away and leave me alone? Is he okay, are you watching over him too?" I had so many questions that a picture could not possibly answer. I had to find him, I have to know why.

A knock came at my door and hearing Mitch's voice I told him to come in. He joined me on my bed and reclosed the door.

"You never cease to surprise me, Kid. I'm not mad at you for hitting him, he did kind of bring that upon himself. Thank you for standing up for Lana. To be honest I stopped by the kitchen earlier and heard Lana talking to you and laughing so I decided to leave you be since I haven't heard her like that in many years.

You meant it didn't you, when you said your dream was to become a Dragonier? Even after everything you still hold that dream? Lana was right you know, you would make a great Dragonier someday. Until you are ready I won't pressure you to stay. You can still help out and leave at the next town if you need too. However, Lana was also right when she said you shouldn't wait too long or you may regret it later.

If you decide you want to learn, I'd be more than willing to teach you at least a few things while you are here on the ship if not more if you decide you want to stay at any point," He said and stood opening my door, "Don't be afraid to ask questions or talk to me about anything," he added before leaving.

Damn, why did Jordan have to push me so far? Can I really do it, do I really have what it takes to be a Dragonier someday? I sighed and laid back on my bed and threw my arm over my eyes. My hand is throbbing, but it honestly doesn't hurt much. I'm usually a very patient person, why does Jordan get under my skin so much?

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