Dragon In Ice

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It took 3 hours of climbing but we finally made it to the ledge and we all took a break to relax a little. As they were preparing the food I got a warning.

'Do not trust this man. He's up to something,' the warning said. It was the same Dragon that told me to head North in the first place. I didn't react to it, if it is this Ice Dragon then I can't let them know I can hear it. While everyone was packing up I pulled Mitch away for a minute and told him what was going on. He agreed that not telling them about it was the right call and thanked me for relaying the message.

Let's see this dragon, get some info on it, and get off this mountain as quickly as possible. His words, not mine, but I do agree. Mira and Jordan obviously knew something was up so they stayed close as we made our way across the ledge to find the Dragon. The ledge widened out and they said this is where the Dragon is. We didn't see anything until one of the guys brushed some snow off what we thought was part of the mountain. How did these guys find this?

Still as we cleared off the rest of the snow I was amazed at what I saw inside the clear ice. There really was a silver and white dragon, though I did wonder if it really was alive or if they lied about that part. I went to touch it but the Hunters' leader grabbed my hand to stop me.

"I wouldn't, it also seems to act like some kind of barrier whatever touches it seems to freeze instantly. One of my men found that out the hard way," he said and I backed away. Guess that's why they cleared the snow with gear instead of brushing it off by hand.

Jordan had a look around both sides of the ice formation, spent time looking through his books, and ultimately agreed that he has no knowledge or records of this dragon anywhere. So it really is a new dragon. He did his best to sketch the Dragon but couldn't get a clear view of his face. I offered to climb up towards the head to get a better angle. He handed me his book for me to sketch it while I'm up there. I'm not as good as he is at drawing, but I could at least take some notes on it's appearance so he can maybe draw it later.

The Hunters didn't seem too sure about me going, but didn't try to stop me either. After a few minutes and a small foot slip I made it to a small sturdy rock that was just big enough to sit on. It was at a perfect angle to see down into the ice and close enough to used a broom to brush away the snow. As I sketched what I could and wrote down what I couldn't sketch, it opened it's big Blue eyes and looked at me.

It startled me a little and when I jumped the rock I was on came loose and I slid down the wall straight towards the barrier. Not good. I closed my eyes worried I might hit it when something hard and smooth stopped my decent. When I opened my eyes I realized that the barrier beneath me was gone and that what had stopped me was a big talon. The dragon saved me from falling and from accidentally touching it's barrier.

I glanced over at the others and the looks on everyone's faces were expected. My crew mates of course were relieved I was okay and the Hunters looked surprised the Dragon moved and helped me.

"You should be more careful, Young Prince. Sorry for the scare though, so that was partially my fault. Sorry I didn't speak to you sooner. I do not trust your companions over there," It said to me and I nodded slightly in response. I don't trust them either, so I can't let them see me talking to him. I did notice his voice was different from the one I heard before, so he isn't the same one who sent that warning.

"I honestly wasn't sure if you could hear me. I am neither an Elder Dragon or a regular Dragon. I am one of four Ancient Dragons that watch over the four cardinal directions. I am Thurack of the Icy North. Know this, with my name you are able to talk to me whenever you wish despite where you and I are. I'm sure you've heard other Dragons say this, but our names are sacred and shouldn't be abused or given out. That goes double for us Ancient Dragons. If the wrong person gets ahold of our names they can in fact control us and make us do unspeakable things.

The names you get are for you alone. You probably get names more often than most and get more powerful ones as well. Keep those names close for you can summon us to you if you are ever in danger. And if the Dragon has past it can still give you it's powers. That is what it means to be The Prince of Dragons. Do not abuse your gift or betray our trust. Stay true to yourself and don't let anyone ever steal the names you've been given. You have good comrades, but you still shouldn't give our names out to them. The more people who know the more likely our names will get out intentional or not," he said to me.

Okay so their names are basically like a key to themselves. But what did he mean about the Prince of Dragons thing. I don't have many names yet, I'm sure there are other Whisperers that have more names than I do. Sure I can talk to other kinds of Dragons too and it's rare but it does happen right? Also does that mean even if a normal person got their names that they could use them too, that doesn't exactly make me special.

"I understand your confusion, Child. Perhaps I should clear that up. You are The Prince of Dragons because of a few reasons. Yes other Whispers can use their names in the same way, however they cannot talk to Elder Dragons and certainly not Ancient Dragons. As a baby, you must have witnessed a Dragon die. You probably already had Whisperer powers before that, but that event, getting a name so young made your gifts stronger. If I had to guess you might actually be a descendant of the first Whisperer that made those treaties 200 years ago and maybe from an even longer line, I don't know honestly. What I'm saying, I guess, is that you're far more powerful than any other Whisperers alive today, which is why we referred to you as The Prince," he said.

I guess in a way that makes some sense. I honestly don't know much about my family history either so it is possible. I heard someone from below ask why I was just sitting here and not coming down. Guess that's my cue to get going before they get more suspicious of what I've been doing. I wispered to the Dragon that I had to go and he said he'll talk to me later. I got up and climbed back down the icy wall.

"Sorry, I was surprised that it helped me and was nervous to move cause I wasn't sure what it would do," I lied. We watched as the ice reformed over the top of the Dragon and decided to call it a day. I handed Jordan his notebook back and told him I got as much as I could. He understood the underlying message in that comment perfectly.

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