The Letter And Decisions

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Dear Zion,

I have no way of knowing how long it has been since I left this letter, but if you're reading this it means I never returned and you have come looking. Whether it's taken you one year or five doesn't really matter at this point. I'm sorry I didn't contact you, I honestly wish I could have. I suppose an explanation is in order and I'll get into that in a moment.

First, I'm sorry I never told you about your mother before, I really should have. I lied in that letter before about getting the details from other people. The truth is, I was there when she died. I heard about the dragon and raced into town to find her. The Dragon was confused and thrashing around. When I found her she was yelling at the Dragon, trying to get it to calm down. You were crying so loud. I tried to get her to come with me, but she handed you to me and refused to go. She said she had to stay to try and calm it down until help arrived.

I didn't leave, I didn't want to leave the woman I loved behind. So I calmed you down and hid around the corner of a building and watched. She eventually got the dragon to focus on her and calmed it down. At the time I figured the poison the Dragoniers used must have kicked in. I watched a miracle as your mother gently pet the dragon's head and talked to it softly. I obviously was too far away to hear what she was saying though. I figured she was just being kind and helping it relax and pass.

That's when the Hunters showed up and attacked it without warning and didn't wait for her to get out of the way. The dragon panicked again and your mother was thrown into a building. They managed to subdue the dragon and lay it to rest, but your mother didn't survive that impact with the building. I ran to her and held you both.

You reached out towards that dragon as it was fading and said your first word "Igorn". I figured it was just baby talk until your mom reached out to you and used the last of her strength to say something. She said, "Igorn is right, that's his name. I love you both, take care of our special little boy," I feel like she wanted to say so much more, but she knew her time was limited. She died in my arms moments later.

It wasn't until this journey of mine that I learned about the Dragon Whisperers. I don't know why she never told me, but there is no doubt in my mind she probably was one. You might be one too, just so you know. Though if you've followed me thus far you might have already figured that out by now.

I blamed the Dragoniers, the Dragon, and even the Dragon Hunters, but it was me I was the most angry with for not being able to help her. Anyway, long story short I learned that those same Hunters were going to be at a near by town and I had already planned to leave, to confront them on what happened that day. So my leaving that day wasn't really about my outburst that day, but it did make me leave a few hours early than I had planned to.

When I found them and confronted them about that day, they didn't even remember who I was or what I was talking about. I recognized some of their faces so I know I had the right group, but they still insisted that they didn't remember. So of course I got angry and punched one of them in the face and a brawl ensued. To pay back the damages they had to pay for, they basically forced me to work for them. By that I mean I'm basically their slave until I earn back the money they lost.

If you're reading this it might mean I never paid back the dept I owe or I died along the way. Either way I don't want you to waste your time or your life worrying about me or trying to find me. I'm sure you have your own goals and dreams to follow, that's what I want you to strive towards. Find someone or many people to call family and hold onto them. When or if I pay this debt off I will return home to Everson and I will hope I'll see you there someday when you return. If I don't I want you to know I love you and I am proud of you from the bottom of my heart.

Your Father.

Once I finished reading his letter I realized I was crying and gently wiped my tears away. So he got himself mixed up with a group of Dragon Hunters and they basically wouldn't let him leave or even write a letter. Why, after 4 years though, hasn't he just ran or escaped from them? I'm sure he has had plenty of chances over the years so why not take them? Sure he started the fight but all of the damage most definitely wasn't just caused by him alone. If that's the case then he should have paid it off long before now, does that mean he really did die along the way?

I still want answers from him, but he's right he has to own his mistakes and I shouldn't have to stop everything to find him. I'm not saying I'll stop looking, but it doesn't have to consume my life too. I sighed, I'll follow this last lead and if it gets me nowhere then I'm heading back to the ship, back to Lana and the others.

"So, you didn't answer my question earlier. Do you happen to remember where they were heading when they left here or at least a general direction?" I asked him once again. He seemed to be thinking hard about it.

"All I really know is that they left out the North Entrance. Where they went from there I couldn't say. They could've gone to Litenburg to the North West or to Gantler to the North East. Both are about the same distance from here. At the time, though, there were rumors of a Dragon near Gantler, so since he was with Hunters my best guess would be North East.

If you're planning on going then I suggest you get some food and some rest tonight. It will be a long journey. Our inns here are pretty crappy and tend to over charge guests. I'd be happy to put you up for the night,” he said. I tried to decline his offer, not wanting to impose on him or his family, but he stubbornly insisted. I paid my bill and followed him to his home. It was about the size of my house back home and was designed almost similar, but it did have more rooms and was slightly bigger.

He introduced me to his wife and son and showed me where I could rest for the night. I set my stuff down in the room and joined them for dinner, due to his wife's insistence.

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