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About an hour after Mitch told me all about the uniform I had, I was sitting back in my room reading a book about safety procedures - I managed to get it from another crew member - when Lana came to get me looking excited. I asked her what was so urgent and why she was so excited. She simply just told me to hurry and pulled my arm, which made me stager to my feet. I reluctantly followed her.

We eventually made it to the deck and I noticed the others all there too. What was going on? Did they spot a dragon? Or was this...

My thoughts were cut off when she waved at the others and told them she found me. Still a little confused I followed her over to the others. Jordan came over to me and suddenly threw a rope around my waist tying it tightly. Of all the people to tie a rope to me he was the last person I'd trust. He's definitely going to throw me overboard.

"Come on, follow us and do what we do. It'll be a lot of fun," Mira said and ran full speed off the edge of the ship. Is she nuts? She expects me to do that right now?! So this is how they teach someone to glide, by throwing them right into it?

"Um, aren't you at least going to give me some tips or something before making me jump off the ship?" I asked the others as Mira floated back up and glided beside the ship.

"Nope," Jordan said as he ran and jumped off as well. Lana tugged my arm to follow her.

"Just open it after you jump, otherwise the wind will blow you off the ship violently. We put a rope on you so there isn't anything to worry about," she said and let go of me at the edge as she also jumped off. I watched as she pulled her strings and opened her arms wide to slow down. Then the wind blew her back upwards.

Sighing I decided now would be better than later in an emergency. Still jumping off the ship willingly knowing we're this high up is terrifying. Mitch came up beside me as I was staring down at the clouds.

"Once you do it you'll understand why they aren't afraid. Actually being able to fly is an amazing feeling that you just can't explain," he said and gently tapped my shoulder as he also jumped.

Sighing I closed my eyes and jumped too. I quickly pulled the strings on my uniform and did exactly what Lana did. The wind was cold and rough as it jerked me upwards, but I managed to straighten myself out. Lana glided over to me and showed me how to turn, go faster, as well as how to catch the wind currents.

Mitch was right, the feeling of flying through the air was a feeling hard to explain.

After a few minutes they all started to head back towards the ship. So how exactly do you land? Lana told me once I could reach the deck with my feet to pull my arms in tightly so as not to get blown back and withdraw my "wings". I decided to hang back a little to watch how they all did it before I gave it a try. I managed to do it but I did end up tripping a little from the momentum.

"Not bad, I fell flat on my face the first time I did it," Valis said.

"I got blown off since I didn't pull my wings in fast enough and It took me three tries to finally land," Mira said.

"Not me, I got it on my first try," Jordan said and I rolled my eyes. Of course he would have to get that in there. Lana mumbled that she did too, but that doesn't surprise me though. She seemed really skilled with it.

"I missed the edge and fell off. Of course I panicked so it took me a second to open my "wings" again and start over," The man I met on my first day said. I don't think he ever gave me his name though. "I'm Slater, by the way. I'm the mechanical engineer. Basically, Valis takes care of the ship I take care of the smaller technical issues, like the gear on our uniforms and the machines or weapons we use. Sorry for not introducing myself before, I just didn't want to interrupt Mitch or the others," he said.

"I'm Callista, but everyone calls me Cali or Mom. I'm mainly just a helping hand around here, an all-arounder," The woman who was with them three years ago said.

"We have one more crew member still with us you probably met him when we visited your village before. He took a leave of absence since his wife just had a little girl. His name is Quin," Mitch said. Well that's good to know. He really should have introduced us that first day.

Is this guy really the Captain of the ship? I mean he seems very ditsy - for lack of a better word. He fell off the ship, failed to give me and tell me about the uniforms, Forgot to introduce everyone on the ship, Didn't explain the different alarms, and Still hasn't told me the rules on the ship or introduced me to the Engine Room crew like he said he would. What else could he have failed to mention? Man I even had to borrow the safety procedures manual from Valis.

I gave Mitch a look that said it all. He just looked away from me and scratched his chin as he avoided eye contact. I sighed and Jordan asked me to come with him for a little while. When I hesitated he grabbed my ear and made a tisking sound before pilling me to follow him.

"Okay - Okay I'm coming, that hurts damn it," I muttered and he let go. I followed him reluctantly as I rubbed my ear. He lead me through the ship and up to a hatch. He explained it was an observation area and we climbed through. Sure enough it was an enclosed room that had windows all the way around.

"I know our captain can be forgetful and a cluts, but we all trust him 100% with our lives. He gets serious when it counts. That said I suppose his personality can be hard to get used to, honestly he's a handful sometimes.

Anyways, I brought you up here so I can teach you some things about Dragons. There are many different types of dragons so we rank them in categories and sub categories. There are the sky dragons, the ones who can fly and build their nests up high. There are the sea dragons, the ones who live largely in water. And there are the land dragons, the ones who largely live on land.

We also break them up in groups by their power type. The fire dragons, who breathe fire and or live in firey areas (like volcanos). Water dragons, who can blow scolding hot or ice cold water from their mouths. We also categorize the ones who fight better in the water as water types as well.

Earth dragons who can shake the ground from their size, or can drill into the ground, or even ones with scales as tough as a mountain. Ice Dragons who can freeze things around them and live in wintery terrains. Lightning dragons, which are rarely seen since they hide themselves inside storms to collect energy, or some rumors say they can discharge electricity too.

Another rare category would have to be Light Dragons. Ones who can control light in many different ways. Like the Mirror Dragon or the one we call Charmeleon or even the Mirage Dragon, who can all effect the light so they can "disappear".

The wind dragons who can send sharp or powerful wind attacks with their breath or their wings or even create a tornado. - " I stopped him there for a second out of curiosity.

"What about the Dusk Dragon? What would that be classified as?" I asked wanting to know.

"Well it's an Elder Dragon, but it's sub category would probably be classified as Time. Since it's only ever been seen at Dusk we think it has to do with time so. How do you know about that dragon anyway?" he asked.

"Mitch and I were on the deck yesterday at Sundown and we saw it," I mumbled.

"Seriously? You must be pulling my leg. Mitch told you about it didn't he?" He said surprised.

"Why would I lie about something like that? I mean what reason would I have to make up a story like that? You can ask Mitch if you don't believe me," I replied.

DragoniersTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon