Town Ablaze

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Once we touched down a little ways from the town we all geared up with our fire proof gear. Group one even grabbed their fireproof helmets so we'd be able to help people.

We could see the thick smoke rising into the sky from here and we knew it was going to be bad. I hope I'll be able to handle this. Who knows how many dead we'll find. Everyone seemed to be really serious and somber as well. I guess even for veterans this is hard.

Lana handed me a gas mask and said our usual masks won't help with this much fire and smoke, but that's all she said as she put her own mask on. Without a word I nodded and put the mask on as well. Once we were all set, groups two and three armed to the teeth and group 1 were also required to carry a cross bow. Since I've never really used one, they just told me to stick close to the others. They did let me take a spear and a short sword upon my request. I have used both while I was hunting in the woods for a while.

The walk to town seemed dreadfully slow. As we got closer and closer the screams became more clear. We all felt the pressure and urgency of the situation as we grew closer to those sounds.

Once at the edge of town we stopped for a minute to go over our plan again. Team two will distract it and try to contain it. While it's distracted team one will start looking for survivors and getting them to safety, while team three checks the surrounding area to figure out what caused this dragon to attack. None of us will end our mission until we see two green signals. One from group one and one from group two.

Group two headed out and we had no choice but to follow behind and just watch. I hope Aria, Valis, Slater, and Ellena will be alright. We can see the path the dragon took because of the scorched ground and broken buildings. Judging by the size of the path it made, I'm sure it's rather large. Maybe at least three times the size of an average house.

We followed the path it made and the screams got closer until we found where the dragon was. Fresh flames were everywhere and people were running all over to get away from it and the falling debris from the houses. I watched helplessly as it grabbed a young woman in it's mouth and split her in two with one bite. It's clear he isn't just a confused dragon or a hurt one either, this one is aiming to kill.

'More' A voice, no a single word, came into my mind and I fell to my knees at the pain in my head. What the hell was that? What voice was that? No, the real questions I should be asking are, who's voice was that and why could I hear it in my head? I couldn't hear for a moment and Lana came over to me. She was saying something, but what? After a moment her voice finally registered and the pain stopped.

"Are you alright? What happened? Can you hear me?" she asked and I tried to stand up.

"Snap out of it, Man, say something," Slater said looking totally worried.

"I'm fine, sorry, I - I think seeing that just shocked me a little. Don't worry about me, I'm okay now," I said as I got to my feet. That was the best lie I could come up with right now. There's no way I could explain to them what just happened, it'd sound absolutely crazy.

"Damn new bees, I don't know why Mitch let you come along. This was probably too much for a kid like you to handle. Maybe you should go back to the ship," Jordan said. Yep, that's Jordan, always the asshole.

"Like I said, I'm fine now. More people are dying while you're all worrying about me, so lets hurry," I said.

"While you were spaced out, Mitch concluded team three's job was unneeded since it's clear the dragon is out for blood. So he reformed the teams into two and team one already headed to stop the dragon, as for our team we still have the same goal as before, get civilians to safety," Slater said.

"How long was I even out?" I asked surprised all that happened already.

"You were out of it for about three minutes. He told us you'd be okay and he said when you came to that they should have the dragon cornered enough for us to find survivors and get them out. Still, are you sure you're okay? I mean, there will be a lot more death from here on out so," Lana mumbled.

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