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"Sorry, I didn't mean to insinuate that you were lying. That just surprised me that's all. Anyways, Elder dragons are a rare category as well. They tend to be older, smarter and less confrontational than other dragons. We tend to view them as guardians and there is an unspoken rule for us not to hunt them.

It's very rare to see them, but The Dusk Dragon might be the most known of these dragons. However, it is still rare to see it and we view it as a symbol of good luck and promise, if you do see it. To -" He glanced to the left out the window. "Did you see a flash of light just now? I think we might be heading towards a storm. I better go let Mitch know A.S.A.P.," he said and without wasting a moment he ran off in a flash and I looked towards the direction he was looking.

After a few moments I did see the flash he was talking about, but it seemed somewhat odd to me. I squinted my eyes to try and see more clearly, but it was too dark to tell what it was. Is it a storm or is it something else?

Mitch came rushing up into the observation room and he took a look as well. The flash came again and he looked surprised.

"Jordan, Have the crew point the lights towards the Northeast. I can't see clearly in this darkness," He called down the hatch and a moment later super bright lights came on. It took a second for my eyes to adjust, but I saw it. A startled blue and gold dragon disappearing into some clouds. Was it that dragon making that light then?

"I can't believe how lucky you are, Kid. That is the second Elder dragon we've seen since you've been aboard," he mumbled.

"That was an Elder Dragon? How could you tell just by getting a single glance?" I asked.

"Years of experience, Kid. I've heard stories about a dragon just like that. It's said to appear and help wayward Ships navigate around storms or lost ships find their way back. They were just rumors but they all had the same description, blue and gold scales and flashes of light," he said.

"Doesn't it appearing mean we are one of those two scenarios?" I asked and he looked at me looking lost in thought.

"I don't think that's the case here. It seemed very surprised and startled by our appearance. My guess is we disturbed it while it was enjoying a leisurely flight. Still, just in case I'll have the crew do a sweep of the area to see if there is a storm, and check our course as well," he said. Wow he really sounds like a real Captain right now.

He calmed everyone down after that and our course was right on the mark and clear of storms so everyone just went back to what they were doing. I stayed up in the observation area for a while after everyone left. Why am I lucky to have seen two elder dragons? I know they are rare and all, but we're Dragoniers it can't be that uncommon to see them, right? If not then why am I lucky enough to see those beautiful creatures and why haven't I seen any other dragons besides them?

"Thinking about that dragon? I doubt it will show itself again after we scared it off with our lights. Had we known it was and Elder Dragon we wouldn't have used our lights and would have studied it more. But, since we thought it might be a storm we couldn't take the chance. The ship is sturdy sure, but it's not perfect and a storm might have caused us a lot of trouble," Lana said as she stepped next to me.

"I'm sure it won't show again right now, but I just needed some time to think. Is it really all that strange to see more than one Elder Dragon? If so why do the others think it has to do with me being on board? I just don't understand what they meant by my being lucky," I said.

"Do you know how Dragoniers came into existence?" she asked seriously and I looked at her.

"I honestly thought it was because Dragons attack people and someone had to step in to stop it," I replied honestly.

"That is partly true, but you see, Dragon hunters have been around since people came into being. Whether it was for fear or sport people hunted dragons to near extinction. Then one day long ago some elder dragons made a agreement with the hunters that they could hunt the ones that attacked humans, but to leave the other dragons in peace. The hunters agreed to that, but also agreed if a hunter didn't follow that rule that they would stop them and if they could not the dragons were able to step in and stop said hunters.

After a long long battle back and forth the Humans found a way they could fly and took to the skies. Of course that led to many hunters abandoning their oath and killing all the dragons they ran across. That is where Dragoniers and Hunters divided. Not wanting to be associated with the Hunter the ones who still believed in peace chose to go by a different title and fought against the Hunters.

There are still a few Hunters around, but there are also dragons who cannot let the past go as well as ones who were recently hurt by humans. It's a never ending cycle, but we hold strong to the vow our predecessors made, that is the way Dragoniers follow.

There are also some Dragoniers that operate on the border line of being Hunters and we can't really tolerate them. They provoke dragons into attacking and since it does they are within the rules," she said.

"Okay I get our history, but what does that have to do with what I asked?" I mumbled.

"How do you think the dragons and the Hunters were able to communicate with one another? How do you suppose they understood each other so well to agree to the truce?

The answer is a myth and a theory, but it could be true. Perhaps there are Hunters, or maybe not even a hunter, that can communicate and understand Dragon language. Wouldn't you think the Elder Dragons would want to come into contact with that person or people so they can convey their worries and feelings?" she asked.

"I suppose that could be possible, but I doubt at all that I can do something like that. You aren't saying you and the others have that in mind are you? I mean if that were true why would a dragon attack me and my mother when I was just a baby?" I asked surprised at what she sounded like she was insinuating.

"I don't know what the others believe, but I believe that myth is true. I didn't mean to freak you out, these weird encounters just made me think that way," she said.

"I won't laugh at you for saying all that, but I doubt I can do anything like that. So you'll probably have to wait to meet the person who can do that," I said.

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