Chapter 23

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Misa crept, forcing her way through the biting chill of the early morning. She reached the top of the staircase and knew that she would be seen no matter what she did from there.

Straightening her posture, she paused to assess the magic that had instilled in her overnight. It wasn't going to burst away, but it was enough to rattle the chest. Misa decided it'd be best to keep her time away from Royle short. She quickened her pace, her footsteps unnaturally loud against the still air.

She bypassed guards standing watch outside each door. Misa reached into her memory, counting the doors from her chamber and stopped at the fifth. The guards stiffened at her presence.

The one with a scar running through his brow addressed her, and Misa couldn't help noticing the way his beard jiggled loosely with the movement of his chin. "What business do you have here, witch?"

Misa looked at the door. "I'm here to meet a friend."

The guard grunted and jerked his head to the side. Misa took this to be a sign of permittance and knocked. Shivering, she pressed her hand on the cold wood.

"Brin," she called, not loud enough for her voice to echo in the hall. She wasn't sure if Brin would hear her.

It took a few more minutes, but with a couple of sharp raps, the door swung open, and Brin presented herself still in her sleeping gown. She glared at Misa, a scowl set firmly on her lips as if she was ready to throw a barrage of insults at the one who dared to disturb her sleep.

"What do you want?" she snapped.

Misa glanced at both guards and gestured for entrance. "I won't be long. There's something I need to discuss with you."

Brin, sobering from her sleep, rubbed her eyes and stepped aside for Misa. Once the door closed, the witch swiveled around and marched towards the fireplace.

"By golly, it's freezing," she said. She yawned and bent down at the fireplace. She chanted a spell and hot flames burst into life, warming the immediate vicinity. Misa drew closer, for both the warmth and to get away from the door.

After stoking the fire to encourage its flames, Brin stretched and walked to the couch, flopping onto it in the early morning exhaustion.

"Ah, so much better to be using magic again," she mused, brushing her hair with her fingers. She waited for Misa to take a seat before asking, "So, what brings you here at this ungodly hour?"

Misa took in a breath, her heart pounding and fear lingering in the back of her mind. If Nisha found out about this, Misa wasn't sure what the witch would do. Still, she gritted her teeth and began her conversation.

"Brin, listen to me very carefully. I'm risking everything just to talk to you, and I'm not sure if I'll have this opportunity again."

Brin furrowed her brows. "What do you mean?"

"Nisha is—"

"Nisha signed the treaty." Brin scowled. "Are you still trying to bring her down? After everything she's done to ensure the success of the treaty, you still think she's going to start a war?"

"You know how she is." Misa scooted closer, desperation clawing at her chest. "Please, just listen to what I have to say. If we leave her be, everyone will be in danger. She's planning something big, Brin. Something that's so big that the treaty doesn't matter. That's why she signed it. That's why she wanted all of you to sign it."

Brin shook her head, seemingly to clear it. "Wait, slow down. Why do you say this? What has she done?"

Misa's eyes welled up with tears as she told Brin of what little Nisha had said, her control of the royal council, and her orders for Misa to build up Tika's magic. It was difficult to say as much as she could without telling her everything. There was too much she couldn't say, and what little she could was so vague.

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