Chapter 12

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Misa didn't need to turn around to know who had entered her room. She continued to stare at the fire, her shoulders heavy with what had happened tonight. Royle had asked her what she was hiding. Misa didn't think she was being so obvious.

"The treaty is in a few days," Nisha said from the shadows. Misa shivered despite the warmth blazing in front of her. It was a reminder she didn't need. She could still see Kairin's finger peeking through yellowed wraps.

Misa had lost a battle in the witches' meet. In her heated state, she had let Nisha know exactly how far she would go to keep Royle safe. Her attempt to warn off the witches had only given Nisha a winning hand to deal. There was no getting out of it. Nisha had Royle trapped with her curse, and if Misa wasn't careful, he would lose more than a finger.

"What are you planning?" she opted to ask instead of addressing Nisha's statement. "I know the treaty is the last thing you want. Why are you making it easy for them to come to an agreement?"

"Circumstances have changed," said Nisha, not really answering the question. "At this point in time, it's best to let the signing of the treaty run its course. The faster it is settled, the better. It won't matter in the grand scheme of things, dear sister. It's a small inconvenience, but it won't hinder my plans. We will rule the world in due time, just as we always dreamed."

"Tika wanted me to stop you." Misa finally gathered enough courage to face Nisha in the dim light. "Even as your sister, you won't get what you want from me."

Nisha stood at the periphery of the halo of light. Her eyes seemed to glow, like a predator's, watching, waiting for a moment of weakness. She seemed much larger than she usually was, and Misa wondered if that darkness surrounding them had more to do with Nisha than the limit of the fire.

"The witch who died was not my sister," Nisha said, her voice ice cold. "Nurture that magic, Misa. Soon, the sister I lost will come back to me. And when she does, we will fulfill our prophecy together. Our souls will be bound together by an immortal string. The world will be in the palm of our hands, and there will be nothing that can stop us."

"I will never be your sister, Nisha," Misa said, quiet but confident. "You can't replace someone you lost like that. Things don't work that way."

"I'm not replacing her." Nisha was irritated. "I'm bringing her back. There's a difference. You won't understand. Not until you bind yourself to me."

"I would never."

The witch grinned, toothy, smug. She took a step into the flickering orange light. Her frame towered higher than it should have. The first bit of fear crept into Misa, prickling her skin.

"I wouldn't be so sure." Nisha touched her chin in thought. "Didn't you once say that you would never use your magic to kill? You would sacrifice everything you stand for if the man you love was in danger. I wonder, does that include your life?"

"Leave him alone," Misa warned through gritted teeth. She didn't know why she bothered. She was already trapped in Nisha's web, so tangled that she couldn't breathe. But she had to fight. She had to be strong for Royle.

"Be careful, Misa. If you don't watch yourself, he may disappear without a trace. It would be quite unfortunate if he left you after you've declared your love for him in front of the royal council. Humiliating." She chuckled as if the very idea was hilarious.

Misa wasn't sure if she was shaking from fear or anger. There was simply nothing she could do. Nisha knew exactly how to get away with making people disappear. No one would believe Misa. Not after Nisha was so vocal in using the scandal to benefit the treaty.

And that was what she was after, Misa realised. Nisha had simultaneously earned the witches' absolute trust, gauged Misa's weakness, cast Misa out as a traitor, and made sure no one would suspect her if Royle was to 'disappear.' What else had she manipulated in her time in the palace? What more did she plan to do?

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