Chapter 39 [Pt 2]

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Misa gazed at the array of flowers arranged on the ground, each holding different colors and shapes. Most were in bundles of the same kind, tied at the stem with soft, silky ribbons.

"Do you want one?" Royle asked from beside her.

Misa sighed. She straightened her back and took the opportunity to stretch. The flowers were beautiful, bright, vibrant. Like Leira. Misa had wanted to get something for the girl as a token of their friendship, the final offer to repair what had been broken, but she did not want to use any more of Royle's money.

"No," she said, heaving out a sigh. "We should go find Torren."

"You can buy one if you want," Royle said. "I'm sure it doesn't cost much."

"Royle." Misa looked at him with guilt and exasperation. "You've already done enough for me today. You're going to spoil me rotten."

"I have no better use for my money, Misa." Royle gestured to the flowers. "Now, are you going to pick one or should I?"

Misa shook her head. "You're impossible."

Still, she couldn't deny the glee of picking out a gift for a friend. She pondered over the flowers before settling on a bundle of lavender roses. Smiling, she stroked the silky petals, hopeful that Leira would appreciate their beauty.

After Royle paid the stallowner, they made their way through the busy streets. Misa enjoyed the music, the chatter, the wild screams and laughter. It didn't take them long to find Torren roaming the market, courtesy to his height, and Misa's heart pounded when she saw he had managed to convince Leira to join them.

The festive mood was enough for even Leira to relax, and the awkward tension between them was not as apparent when they finally regrouped.

"Misa!" Torren greeted. "Royle. We were looking all over for you!"

Misa smiled. "I'm glad you could both come." She looked to Leira, who was actively avoiding eye contact.

"Ooh." Torren poked at the flowers. "Did someone get these for you?"

He gave Royle a pointed look, a little too obvious about who he thought the 'someone' was.

"They're not mine," Misa said. "I owe him."

Before Torren could make another remark, Misa stepped past him and stretched out her hand to Leira. Leira took a step back, blinking in surprise. Misa managed a small smile.

"Do you remember when I asked you about what you would do if our friendship was over? Didn't you say you'd be willing to repair it?"

Leira's brows shot up. Her mouth opened, but no words escaped.

"Leira..." Misa reached forward and grabbed the girl's hand. "Please. Nothing has changed. I don't care if you're Raki or Leira. You're still my friend. I hope you can accept me the way I am, too."

"I..." Leira's throat bobbed, her eyes glistening with unshed tears.

Misa pushed the flowers into Leira's hand. "We're friends."

A tear dripped down Leira's cheek. "I..."

"I understand if you don't want to be friends anymore." Misa could hear the wobble in her voice. "So, I won't push you. But, I thought I at least owed you this. A token of our friendship, because no matter what you do, you'll always be my friend."

"Misa." Leira gripped the flowers, so tightly that a stem or two snapped. "I-I'm..."

Misa blinked back her tears. "We should enjoy the festival. Just for one night. Please, Leira. Just for one night, forget what I am. Let's have one last moment-one last memory-as friends."

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