Chapter 35

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Misa felt the world slipping around her. Sharp rings invaded her ears, drowning out the wind, the water fountain, the laughter from Nisha's lips, and the captain's heartbeat thudding against her cheek. They landed hard on the ground. Misa winced as sound crashed into her, the ringing finally giving way.

Royle swore. Misa found her bearings and pushed herself off him. When she stood, she found Nisha right next to her. The witch's eyes were gleaming despite the trickle of blood running down from a slight cut on her cheek. It hadn't been from the gun. No. The shot had been a long way off.

"I was planning on killing a purgehouse captain tonight," Nisha said, her voice light as if she was talking about the weather. "But things have taken an interesting turn. I see that it's too much for you, dear Misa." Misa flinched when her name escaped Nisha's mouth. "I don't know if you jumped in to save my life or his, but you have made me reconsider my plans for tonight." With a small smile, the witch patted Misa's head. "Consider it a reward. I'll let him go, if only because I know you're too sensitive to watch a man die."

"R-really?" Misa looked at Nisha in surprise. The witch seemed to glow under the moonlight. She achingly reminded Misa of her own mother.

"It's time I leave," Nisha said. "It's a pity I didn't get to show you my own bewitchment spell, but that can wait until another time. Rithian can wrap up the lesson, can't you?"

Rithian nodded. Her arms were crossed, and she kept her eyes fixed on the captain. "I think it's best. Misa and I'll take care of him."

"Let him go. He might prove to be useful in the future. Our plans can wait, after all."

"Not so fast" Royle had gotten up, his gun pointed at Nisha. His finger nudged at the trigger. "Stay where you are, bitch!"

"No!" Misa jumped. She held her arms out and kept Nisha behind her. Her mind swirled with so many emotions that she couldn't decipher a single one from the boiling mess.

"Get out of the way, Misa." Royle's voice was cold. Emotionless. As if everything that they had gone through together in the past month meant nothing to him.

"Leave," Misa said. Her lips trembled, and her eyes welled up with tears. "Please. Just go before someone gets hurt."

"If you don't move, I can't guarantee your safety. Step aside. Now."


Nisha pulled Misa's hair back. The cold wind breezed past her neck. Misa shuddered. "Good night, Misa." Squeezing Misa's shoulder, Nisha stepped back. Her footsteps echoed against the stone streets.

"You're not going anywhere!" Royle pushed past Misa and shot at the witch's back. He didn't even come close to hitting her, but Misa's heart nearly jumped out of her throat.

"Stop it!" She grabbed his wrist, moving in front of him once more. "You can't kill her. You'll die."

"Please," Royle said, desperation driving him to plead. His hands shook, and his voice wavered. "Don't do this to me."

His words clenched Misa's heart. She felt her resolve weaken, but the thought of him getting hurt kept her in place. "I'm sorry."

When he finally lowered his gun, Misa knew Nisha had disappeared. His shoulders slumped. He shoved the gun back onto his belt and turned without a word. Misa watched his receding back with a plethora of emotions building up inside her.

"What a waste of time." Rithian clicked her tongue. "I've had enough tonight."

Frankly, Misa did too. All she wanted to do now was go after the captain to see if he was all right. But she had come out tonight to learn how to stop herself from casting the spell unintentionally, and she wasn't going to leave when it was her only chance to do so.

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