Chapter 27

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Misa crept in through the door, sticking her keys into her pocket. The house was dark, quiet, just as she hoped it would be. Torren should have gone to bed by now.

She started towards her room, thinking about what she would need for her excursion. An extra set of clothes, some food, blankets. Whatever Leira needed as soon as Misa broke her away from Nisha's cruel hands.

Misa creaked open her bedroom door. Lights flooded into her eyes, and she froze.

"Misa?" Royle stood, taking the lamp resting on the desk, and approached her. "Where have you been?"

"Royle?" Misa hissed. "What are you doing here? Why are you in my room?"

"Torren told me to wait here. He said you wanted to talk to me."

"What?" Misa swore under her breath. Torren, you idiot! "No, Royle. I don't have anything to say to you."

She moved past him, snatching her duffel bag from the ground and emptying its contents onto the bed. It ended up into a pile of clothes, mostly, which she began to sift through.

"What are you doing?"

Misa shot a look at Royle, ignoring the thumping in her chest. She didn't need him to complicate her thoughts.

"Listen." Royle grabbed her arm. "I...I'm sorry I left so abruptly this morning. I just thought you might need some space, and I was...I suppose I needed some time to myself as well. Torren said-"

"Can we not talk about that right now?" Misa pulled away from him and shoved a dress into her bag. She huffed and thought over the items. What else could she possibly need? Ah yes, blankets. She found a few small ones stuffed inside the wardrobe.

"Misa, what's going on? Why are you packing?"

Misa shook her head and passed him, out the door, to the kitchen. She found some dried fruits and stuffed them into her bag, then she looked for the water carton she had seen lying around. It was in a drawer with candles and other random essentials.

"Dammit, Misa, talk to me!" Royle was at the kitchen entrance. He'd hung the lamp on a hook above them. Frustration leaked through his voice.

"Move, Royle." Misa tried to push him aside. "Get out of my way."

"Not until you tell me what's going on." Royle pressed his hands against the frame, blocking Misa's path. "Why are you packing? Where are you planning to go?"

"Don't make me hurt you, Royle." Misa stepped back to look at him. "Stop doing this."


"I can't, okay?" Misa yelled. "I can't be with you! So, please. Please, stop trying. I don't...I can't do this. Not right now."

"This isn't about that." Royle gestured to the bag. "We can talk about that later. Right now, I want to know what you're planning. Why are you packing?"

Misa shook her head. "You're not going to let me go without knowing, are you?"

His clenched jaw, those burning eyes were all the answers she needed. Misa sighed.

"Promise you won't stop me."

"Misa," he warned.

"Promise me, and I'll tell you."

Royle shut his eyes, pinched the bridge of his nose. "Fine," he relented. "I promise."

Misa slumped her shoulders. She lowered her voice, hoping he wouldn't hear. "I'm going to find Leira."

"Leira? You know where she is?"

Misa nodded. She began to explain what had happened during her visit to the lake. Nisha, Brin, Rithian, everything but the details of Nisha's cruelty. It terrified her too much to think of it, and she had a feeling it would convince Royle that it was a bad idea. He tensed with each word flying out of her mouth, and Misa hoped he wouldn't break the promise he made.

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