Chapter 40

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Misa jolted out of her thoughts. She blinked, shook her head, and turned her attention to Royle.


Royle softened his expression. "Are you all right? You've been spacing out for quite some time now."

Misa shrugged. She played with her cap, twisting it in her hands. Misa had gone to Royle's office for her daily "report", but her mind had been too occupied with what she had seen at the night market for her to enjoy their private moment.

She debated if she should tell him. She didn't want to worry him, and she wasn't sure if she had seen Nisha at all. But, if Nisha really had been there, if Nisha saw how comfortable Misa was with her alleged enemy...Why, oh why did Misa insist on going to the festival?

Royle shifted on the couch, wrapping his arm around her shoulders. "Is this about tomorrow?"

Misa sighed. She relaxed and snuggled up to his chest. "I don't know, Royle." She threw her hat aside and explored his hand. "I'm worried."

"It's going to be okay."

"How are you planning to get into the meet?"

Royle shrugged. "I believe your witch friend will be able to get me in."

"Sha'ka?" Misa glanced up, saw how close they were, and flushed. She cleared her throat and moved back. "How?"

"I will discuss it with her today."

It was happening. The gravity of the situation seemed to have gotten heavier. Tomorrow, Royle would be presenting himself to over twenty witches. He would be an enemy to all of them, including herself, and he would be all alone.

Misa realised that worrying him was the least of her concerns. She couldn't be thinking of how content he was at the moment when her silence could put him in more danger than necessary.

"Royle," Misa said, removing his arm from her shoulder. "There's something you should know."

"What is it?"

Misa drew in a breath. "I think...I think Nisha might have seen us yesterday."

Royle stiffened. "Why do you say that?"

"I don't know." Misa palmed her forehead. "I thought I saw her watching us, but I'm just not sure. What if she saw us, Royle? What if she knows that we're..."

She bit her lip, unable to finish her question. She didn't like this. She hated the dread that had settled on her shoulders since the night before.

"I should have listened to you," Misa said, turning away from him. "We shouldn't have gone to the night market. Why am I always like this? Why do I always go against you and ruin everything? I'm sorry, Royle. I'm so sorry."


"I'm so stupid. Why did I think it was a good idea to go to something like that at a time like this? When Nisha is in the city. I put us both in danger. And for what? For some fun?"

"Misa, stop."

Misa gripped her hair, wanting to tear it out. Guilt ate away at her, swallowing what little confidence she had left. She put not only herself, but Royle, Torren, and Leira in danger because she was selfish. Because she had wanted to pretend nothing was wrong when she should have been trying to figure out what to do to keep everyone safe.

"I can't believe myself. We don't have the luxury to loosen up and have fun. Who does that? Who goes out for a party when they risk everything for a few hours of fun? Why wasn't I thinking? I knew there are witches in this city, and those witches know what I look like. I should have known there would be at least a few witches there. I was just so focused on myself that I wasn't thinking about what I was doing. About the consequences."

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