Chapter 26

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Misa didn't know how long she'd been sitting at the dining table, staring at the untouched egg cooling. All she was aware of were the tears that flowed freely down her cheeks and the terrible ache in her heart that ate away at her, like a giant worm burrowing so deep into her it would burst out from the other side.

It was only when she felt a touch on her shoulder that she finally tore her eyes away from the broken egg with its thick yolk drowning it as it oozed.

"Misa?" Torren needed to say no more. Every question, every concern he had for her was poured into that one word. Her name.

"I can't stop crying, Torren." Misa wiped her cheeks, but they refused to dry. "I think I broke something. The tears won't stop falling. Why can't I stop crying?"

"It's okay." Torren nudged her into him, burying her face into his midriff. He stroked her hair. "It's okay to cry, Misa. Let it all out."

Misa couldn't take it. No matter how hard she tried, she couldn't ignore the tight pain in her chest, and with Torren's comfort, his understanding, Misa couldn't hide herself away. Such a gentle nudge, and she broke down. Misa grabbed Torren's shirt, staining it with her tears.

She screamed into him, pouring everything out until there was nothing left anymore. And all the while, Torren said nothing. He patted her head, let her cap fall behind her, took in all her lost, confused emotions.

When she could finally stop, the pain ebbed just a little, Misa backed away and wiped the tears from her face.

"Better?" Torren asked.

Misa nodded. "Yes." She hiccupped, pressing the back of her hand against her nose as another wave threatened to pour out again. "Thank you, Torren."

He smiled, genuine and caring, not a hint of sarcasm or mischief behind it. "You're okay, Misa."

"I'm okay," she reaffirmed, regaining her confidence. "I'm okay."

"Good." He handed her a glass of water, which Misa gratefully gulped down. "Now, what's going on?"

"Royle." Misa choked and took a few more mouthfuls of water. "I'm such a horrible person. I think I hurt him, Torren. I think I hurt him really, really bad."

Torren twirled Royle's chair around and took a seat. He looped his arm over its back. "Why do you say that?"

"Last night..." Misa closed her eyes, her face flushing at the memory. "Last night, I crossed a line I shouldn't have. I did something I can't take back. I thought it was just a dream, so I acted without thinking of the consequences. Because when you wake up, those consequences aren't supposed to matter. But, today...Today, I woke up, and the consequences were still here, waiting for me...I hurt Royle. I hurt him because that was a consequence. Because I ruined our friendship, and I know there's nothing I can do to ever return us to the way we were."

Torren rubbed the back of his neck. "And you? Are you hurt?"

Misa put a hand over her heart, where the pain still pounded with each beat of her pulse. The tears were threatening to fall again. "Yes. It hurts, Torren. It hurts me right here. It hurts like there's a knife stuck inside, twisting and sinking deeper."

"You love him." There was no question in Torren's statement. It took a moment for Misa to register what he said.

" him?"

"It's as clear as day to me." Torren shrugged. "I've seen the way you look at him, sometimes. Back in Giligha, during our meets. And now, this. Whatever happened last night. You're both hurting. Isn't it safe to assume it hurts you because you hurt him?"

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