Chapter 30

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"Something isn't right."

Royle muttered a curse as he stumbled through the brush, unable to use his arms for balance because they were tied behind his back. Perhaps it wasn't the best idea to agree to accompany the witches back to the shack bound and restrained, but they had refused to come otherwise.

Sha'ka paused, observing her pebble closely. Ferma, a short round witch, huffed and pulled at her skirt. Royle gritted his teeth. Though he couldn't blame her for having trouble-her slightly heavyset size had slowed their journey through the woods-his patience was running thin. Every second the woman wasted trying to catch her breath by halting the group was another second lost.

"What isn't right?" Ferma asked, scratching at her sweaty scalp.

Sha'ka shook her head. "Brin is moving. We must hurry. I feel something has happened."

Another witch, this one so slender she looked like a stick, pushed forward against the bush and approached the sleeping shack. Catiane was the second of the two witches they were able to find in the allocated time, and though Royle had hoped to find more, he hadn't wanted to stay in the city a moment longer knowing that Misa was so close to Nisha.

"Then, let's go," she said, her wiry voice cutting into the air. "And let's hope this isn't a trick you're pulling to get Brin out of her punishment."

"It is not." Sha'ka's jaw clenched.

Ferma, Sha'ka, and Royle followed behind her. The dark, foreboding shack seemed to grow in size, almost as if it was rising from its slumber. Sha'ka glanced between the uneven path in front of her and the dimming pebble.

"I believe we should follow the seeking spell," Sha'ka said. "Brin isn't coming out this way. Perhaps, they're using another exit."

Catiane paused at the entrance of the shack. A shudder ran through her, and she turned to her witch companions, her narrow eyes widening.

"Do you feel that?"

Sha'ka frowned. She dropped her arms and tilted her head, feeling for whatever it was that spooked the other witch. Her brows knitted in consternation.

"What?" Royle asked, hoping, praying it was nothing. "What is it?"

Sha'ka shot him a look, though it wasn't to warn him to stay quiet. Royle's heart thudded when he deciphered her expression. Those slanted brows, widened eyes, and the corner of her lips tugged down ever so slightly as if she was trying not to grimace.

"Is it her?" Royle knew he should have kept his mouth shut. It wasn't part of the plan. He wasn't supposed to care, but he had to know. He needed to know if she was okay.

Sha'ka nodded. "There's something...a massive wave of power..."

"Something like this..." Catiane staggered back with a gasp. "To release something this strong. A witch who has no control of her powers. At this rate, she's going to become a husk!"

Royle found himself walking before he could register what he was trying to do. It was only because Sha'ka wound her hand around his arm that he stopped.

"I have to go," he whispered. "She needs me."

With a nod, Sha'ka said to the two witches, "You two, go through the shack. I'm sure you'll be able to find the secret entrance easily enough. I'll take him and go find Brin. She must be taking another passage. If possible, we'll continue until we meet you again."

"How do we know you aren't going to run away once you've met Brin?" Ferma asked, her eye twitching in suspicion.

Sha'ka inclined her head. "I would never dishonour the ordain. It is an oath I have taken."

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