Chapter 12

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"Where is Raki?" Misa asked as she set her tray of mush next to one of the cadets. It consisted of potatoes, mostly, and its unappetising appearance and taste was where it had earned its name. She pulled her leg over the bench and took a seat.

Tagur, a rather large boy whom Misa had directed the question, grunted. His cheeks bulged with the food he stuffed into his mouth. Crumbs and sauce dotted his chin and some mush had somehow ended up streaking his black hair with a yellowish white.

Another boy across from her answered, "We didn't see him since the cleanup this morning. He probably couldn't take it anymore and ran away. He was never a tough one."

Gaveth was the complete opposite of Tagur—slim, clean, and spoke in a polished manner that suggested he grew up in a posh background—with the only similarity being that of their height. Being competitive, he had the tendency to belittle the other cadets, especially if they posed a threat to his top position. Misa had noted on the first day she met them that Gaveth had a strong dislike for Raki, the small, wiry boy who thrived in stealth and strategy more than physical training.

Gaveth had alienated Raki, intending on removing the cadet from the purgehouse. He had tried on more than one occasion to coax Misa to abandon Raki and join his newfound band of cadets, but Misa was not going to act on the whim of an inconsiderate, self-absorbed child.

"You shouldn't worry about him," Gaveth continued. "He's too much of a coward to be an officer. I knew he wouldn't last long."

Misa shrugged. She had grown close enough to Raki to know that he wasn't one to give up so easily. "I'll still see if I can find him after lunch."

Gaveth narrowed his eyes. "You should make better alliances, Mikim. Running with the wrong people could lead you in circles. You won't ever get anywhere if you don't stick with those who are suited to high positions."

A small flame flickered. Misa took a deep breath to keep it from igniting her temper. "I would rather eat dirt than pretend to be friends with people I don't like just to get more powerful. Why surround yourself with fake friends who wouldn't think twice to turn against you when you can be with people you can trust?"

Gaveth's jaw clenched, lips drawn so tight he was almost pouting. He sent Misa a murderous glare, but she didn't flinch. 

Typical spoiled child. 

"Is that what you think? Then why don't you go ahead and eat dirt!"

He pulled out a small pouch from his pocket and poured it on Misa's tray. Dark, rich soil poured out, and Misa screamed when she saw worms and bugs wriggling in panic.

She fell back, landing painfully on her shoulder. Her foot had gotten caught between the bench and the table and had kicked up from her fall. Dirt poured from her tray and drizzled down, and one single writhing string coiled and sprung on her boot.

Misa jerked her leg and scrambled to stand. The table of cadets burst out in laughter, except for Tagur, who brushed his lap in disgust where the worm Misa kicked had landed.

"Looks like Raki wasn't the coward, after all," Gaveth jabbed. It was the oil that doused over her temper.

The flame Misa tried so hard to suppress blew up. "That's it! You want to see a coward? I'll show you a coward!"

A familiar tingle spread through her body. Her hand reached up to her cap. She had just grabbed the brim when a large hand yanked her wrist down.

"What is going on here?" The captain's cool voice sent the cadets into stony silence. Misa's stomach flipped. She was in trouble. A muscle ticked in his jaw. Big trouble.

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