I Ain't Judas

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Season 3, Episode: 11

"Rick says we're not running." Glenn says.

"No, better to live like rats." Merle scoffs as he was locked in a cell with his hands gripping the bars.

"You got a better idea?" Rick asked as he gave Merle a glance.

"Yeah, we should have slid out of here last night and lived to fight another day. But we lost that window, didn't we? I'm sure he's got scouts on every road out of this place by now"

"We aint scared of that prick." Daryl scoffs as he was upstairs looking down.

"Y'all should be. That truck through the fence thing, that's just him ringing the doorbell. We might have some thick walls to hide behind, but he's got the gun and the numbers. And if he takes the high ground around this place, shoot, he could just starve us out if he wanted to." Merle continues.

"This is all you. You started this." Maggie argued as she glares at Merle.

"What difference whose fault it is? What do we do?" Beth asked.

"I said we should leave. Now Axel's dead. We can't just sit here." Hershel says and Rick starts to walk away, "Get back here!" He yells which causes Rick to stop walking.

"You're slipping, Rick. We've all seen it. We understand why. But now is not the time. You once said this isn't a democracy. Now you have to own up to that. I put my family's life in your hands. So get your head clear and do something." Hershel scolded him.

"...okay, okay. I'll be up at a tower, looking out." Rick says as he walks out followed by Carl.

"We'll need to be on guard. Y/N can you check the tombs, it'll be clear from walkers but just in case." Glenn asked and handed me a flashlight which I took.

"Mhm, you got it." I nodded as I pulled out my gun and made my way to the tombs.


"Why did I agree to this...its okay you can do this.." I whispered to myself as I continued to walk, feeling shivers as my heart started to race. I heard footsteps behind me which caused me to quickly turned around with my gun aimed.

"Daryl! Dont do that!" I yelled as I put down my gun and held my chest to steady my heart rate as he chuckled. "Not funny!" I continued and finally looked up at him as I still couldn't believe he was here.

It's like he knew what I was thinking, so he decided to speak up, "About what happened...im--" before he could continue speaking, I wrapped my arms around him.

"Im happy your back.." I muffled into his chest as he held on to me tightly, feeling relief.

"Me..too.." He whispered as he rubbed my back and I looked up at him.

"Is there a reason you came back?"

"...I belong here." He says and stays quiet until he spoke up again. "and because...I couldn't leave you alone." He mutters as he looked at me.

I looked into his eyes as we stayed quiet, now or never. "Daryl...I--"

"Andrea is here!" We heard Carl loudly yell, we both snapped out of it and let go off each other in a shy manner.

"Stay inside." He orders as I nod and we walk out of the tombs. He walked out with half of the group, I stayed with Carol in the cellblock as we waited to see what happened.

We heard the door open as we entered the cafeteria to be met up with the group and a familiar face.

"Andrea.." I smiled as she hugged me tightly and I rubbed her back, she then hugged Carol and greeted the rest of the group. "Hershel, my God." She gasp as she looked at Hershel missing leg, "I can't believe this. Where's Shane? And Lori?"

"She had a girl. Lori didn't survive." Hershel responded.

"Neither did T-Dog." I sadly mumbled.

"Im so sorry. Carl, Rick, I-- You all live here?" Andrea looks around, "Here and the cell block." Glenn answered. "Well, can I go in?" Andrea was about to walk when Rick stopped her. "I won't allow that."

"I'm not an enemy, Rick." Andrea sighs.

"We had that field and courtyard until your boyfriend tore down the fence with a truck and shot us up." Rick continued.

"He said you fired first."

"Well he's lying."  Rick argued with her.

"I didn't know anything about that. As soon as I found out, I came. I didn't even know you were in Woodbury until after the shoot out." Andrea desperately tried to convince us. "That was days ago." Glenn says.

Andrea suddenly looks at Michonne. "What have you told them?" "Nothing." Michonne responds.

"I don't get it. I left Atlanta with you people and now I'm the odd man out?"

"It's not about that, this is about the Governor." I said as she shook her head, "Look, I cannot excuse or explain what Philip has done. But I am here trying to bring us together. We have to work this out."

"What makes you think this man wants to negotiate? Did he say that." Hershel asked.

"No." Andrea mumbled.

"Then why did you come here?" Rick asked, "Because he's gearing up for war. The people are terrified, they see you as killers, there training to attack." She said.

"I'll tell you what. Next time you see Phillip. You tell him I'm gonna take his other eye." Daryl threaten.

"We're taken too much shit for too long. He wants a war? He's got one." Glenn said.

"Rick, if you don't sit down and try to work this out, I don't know what gonna happen. He has a whole town." She said and then turned to all of us. "Look at you, you've lost so much already. You can't stand alone anymore."

"You want to make this right, get us inside." Rick turned to her

She stayed silent, "No."

"Then we got nothing to talk about." He said as he walked away.

"There are innocent people." She yelled at him. "Is no one taking my side?" She asks upset as Glenn shook his head, she sighed and walked back outside as Michonne followed her.


We were all outside the field as Glenn gave Andrea a spare car, she entered the car and looked at us, "Well, take care." she sadly sighs.

"Andrea." Rick handed her a gun with ammo which she accepted, Merle opened the gates as she drives off.

All of us entered the prison once again as it was quickly night, we were all down at the cell block. Beth started to sing a song, some listened as others had their conversations.

I walked to my cell as I laid down, looking up at the bed on top of me. I heard a small knock and looked to see Daryl, I smiled as I sat up. "Hey." I softly said as he entered and sat on my bed.

"Hey, you know..you never finished what you were going to say back at the tombs." He said as my eyes slightly widen, the confession. My heart started to pound, my palms started to get sweaty.

"About that...Daryl—I.." I stammered, I met his gaze which slowly calmed me down. I let out a deep breath as I relaxed. "Daryl, I like you...it took me long to accept those feelings but—being with you makes me happy, you make me happy." I softly smiled as I looked at him.

His eyes were widen, clearly taken back, his cheeks were red. "If you aren't ready or feel the same. That's completely alright, I hope we can still be—" He shut me up with a soft kiss, my eyes widen but I quickly kissed his back.

His lips felt right, the kiss felt right. This moment felt right.

He pulled away as he rested his forehead against mine, "You don't know, how long I waited to hear those words." He smiles which caused me to smile. "Sorry to keep you waiting."

"Waiting for you was worth it, your worth everything." He whispered as he leaned it for another kiss, cupping my face as our lips were pressed against each other.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 05 ⏰

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