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Season 3, Episode: 2

We were all outside of the cells, until we heard loud yells; "Open the door!" Rick yells as we see Hershel laying on a bloodied table cart, I look lower to see his leg missing. "Oh gosh!" Carol gasp in horror as Carl opens the door as Rick rushed in with Hershel. "Right here!" I yelled as I went to a cell and placed a pillow. The rest rushed in as they carried Hershel on the bed, "My cell! The first cell upstairs, someone please get me my medical bag!" I quickly said as I took off the bed covers and wrapped it on Hershel's wound.

"On it!" Carl says, I grabbed a pillow to elevate the leg that was cut off. "We can burn the wound to clot the blood. I can start a fire." Glenn suggest and I shake my head as Carol put pressure on the wound. "No, the shock could kill him and it's not gonna stop the bleeding. We need to let it heal on its own." I said and we heard yelling, "Prisoners, survivors. It's alright, everybody stay put." Rick says and leaves with Glenn.

"Maggie, can you get the rest out of here." I whispered to her as she quickly nods, she holds on to Beth as Glenn follows. It was just me, Carol and Lori in the room, "It has to stop eventually right? It slowed down quite a bit already." Lori mumbles as I hand her another bloodied sheet as Carol hands me another.

"We'll need crutches when he wakes up. We'll also need more antibiotics, Pain Killers. I only have two pills left." I said. "We'll hopefully find some, this is a prison after all. They should have medical supplies." Carol says and I nod at her words.

We heard Rick and T-Dog come back, I glanced to see that T has a box filled with food which made me smile. "How is he?" Rick asked me, "Bleeding is under control, no fever but his breath is labored, his pulse is way down and he hasn't woke up." I informed him, Rick asked Glenn to take his cuffs for Hershel just in case. Glenn was hesitant to cuff him but I gave him a reassuring smile.

"What's going on?" We heard a voice behind us and saw it was Maggie. "Just in case." I told her."I said, "You think maybe I could have a minute alone here?" She asks and I stand up with Carol. "Yeah, do you want me to..." Glenn whispers and she shakes her head. "No, just... by myself."

"We'll be outside, if you need us." I said with a small smile as I grab her shoulder, she lays her hand on mines and smiles. We all left the cell block to give her some space.

"Psst...Y/N!" I heard a small whisper, I turn my head and saw Carl signaling me to come towards him as he was in a cell. I smiled and walked towards him, "What's up?" I asked, "I overheard, you need more medical supplies. So...I was thinking, if you can come with me and we could go and search." He quickly says and my eyes slightly widen. "Your mother will kill me, Carl."
"I'll take the blame, cmon..please Y/N for Hershel." He says as he looks at me, I sigh and nod. "Let's hurry then."


We sneaked out of the cellblock, I couldn't help but feel a bit nervous yet Carl was confident on finding the supplies. I was walking next to him with my knife out, "We checked almost every room, but down that hall there's one last room."  Carl informs me and I nod, "Then let's make it quick, I have a weird feeling." I whispered as we made our way closer, a walker jumped out which attacked me. I yelled out a surprised gasp as I struggle to push the walker away. "Y/N!" I heard Carl yell as he pulled his knife out and stabbed the walker in the head.

"Your not bit are you?" He worriedly asked as I catched my breath and shook my head, "Im fine, thank you.." I mumbled as I held his shoulder. We walked to the last room, I looked up at a sign and it read, "Infirmary" I smiled to myself as we entered, "Jackpot!" Carl happily says as he gives me a bag, I quickly grabbed everything I spotted and stuffed it in the bag, "We can give Hershel the treatment he needs!" 

"I found crutches too!" Carl shows me and I give him a thumbs up. We had two full bags of medication and Carl grabbed the crutches, we made it back to our cellblock safely. "Give me the bags, I dont want you to be in trouble."   "Nope, we're in this together now." I said as he smiled at me, Glenn then spotted us. "Where were you both, and what's that?" He asks as we walk towards the cell where everyone was.

"Check it out!" Carl says with a smile as I put the bag down while Carl drops his, Carol and Lori open it. "Where did you get this?" Lori asks, "Found the infirmary.  I cleared it out!" Carl proudly smiles. "You went by yourself?"  "..Yeah--"  "No, I went with him Lori." I interrupted Carl as he looked up at me but I reassured him.

"Are you crazy? Putting my son in danger!" Lori looks at me and I was about to say something when Carl stood in front of me. "Dont yell at her, mom! It was my idea. We needed supplies, so we got them!"

"I appreciate that, but..."  "Then get off my back!" Carl interrupts Lori, "Carl! She's your mother, you can't talk to her like that!" Beth chimes in and Lori looks at Carl. "Listen, I think it's great that you want to help but..." As Lori was going to continue, Carl runs off.

I was going to help Carol out until Lori grabs my hand, "Im sorry for getting mad...I know Carl trusts you more than me, please talk to him?" She mumbles, I look at her and nod. "I will...keep me updated." I said as I looked at Carol and she nods.

"Carl, its Y/N." I called out as I walked into the cafeteria and saw him sitting as he glanced at me but turned away. "Carl." I said once more as I walked to him and sat next to him. "Look at me." I whispered as he didn't but I couldn't help but smile, he sighed and turned to look at me. "Are you going to lecture me? She was the one that started! I just wanted to help out" He rants "I know, Carl. But remember that Lori is your mother and you can't talk to her that way." I calmly said.

"So?" He scoffs and I shake my head, "There will be a point in life were you will regret everything you say to her. But I know in here..." I point to his heart, "You know you're sorry. Now, she appreciates what you did because that was very brave but she was just worried for you. She doesn't want you to get hurt, she loves you and remember that." I continued as I ruffle his hair, he gave me a smile as he swatted my hand. "And thanks for backing me up." I smiled at him as I got up. "...and thank you for this." He mumbles.

"Somebody help! Somebody! Please, help!" We stopped and heard Beth yelled, me and Carl both ran to the cell. "What's going on!" I quickly asked as I lean down to hear Hershels heartbeat.

"He--He stopped--" Beth sobbed but I knew what she meant, Lori then entered. "Your not dying." I whispered to Hershel as I started to perform CPR , all I could hear was Beth and Maggie sobbing.

I continued until Hershel grabbed me which caused the others to yell as I was being pulled back, I was frightened as Maggie held me. Hershel woke up for a second but fell back to sleep as he starts breathing normally again.

"Your okay...Your okay." Maggie repeated as she held me, I held her back as I control my breathing and in the corner of my eye, I saw Carl with his gun out as Lori held him.


Hours went by, I was sitting on the ground staring at Hershel as Carl sat next to me,in his lap he had his gun. Glenn arrived a couple minutes before and Lori informed him about what happened.

"Hershel stopped breathing, Y/N saved him." Carl tells Rick as the guys enter the cell, I looked up and Rick gives me a smile as I give him a nod. I saw Hershel twitch, I could see some of them go to grab their weapon but I held my hand out to stop them.

"Hershel?" I whispered as I could see him open his eyes, I let out a small relief laugh as Maggie and Beth sobbed from happiness.  Rick takes Hershel's cuffs off and Hershel grabs his hand. Beth hugged me tightly, I smiled as tears build up in my eyes. "Thank you...thank you." She cried as Maggie also joined in the hug. I nodded as I glanced at Daryl who gave me a smile which I returned.

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