Killer Within

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Season 3, Episode: 4

"How are you feeling?" I softly asked Hershel as I gave him a Tylenol to help him with any headaches. "Just peachy..." He groans, I smiled in response as I grabbed a fresh roll of bandages. "I never got to thank you for everything, you saved my life...thank you, Y/N." He says as he sits up, "Its no problem, Hershel. You helped all of us at the start. We're a family now at this point." I smiled as I took out the old bandages and rolled his leg with the new ones. "Family, indeed." He smiles as Beth comes in. "Good morning, daddy. Good morning, Y/N." Beth smiles as she hugs me, "Morning, Beth." I hugged her back as Lori entered the cell.

"Morning everyone, how are you feeling Hershel?" She asks, "Just fine...the crutches, I wanna try them." He says as I went to grab them and held them steady. "Daddy don't push yourself." Beth says as she helps him and Hershel gets a hold of the crutches.

"What else am I going to do? I can't stand looking at the bottom of that bunk." Hershel groans as he looses his balance, we went to grab him but he steadies himself as he practices back and forth. "You know? I can go pretty steady." He says with a smile.

"That's a good start. Want to take a rest?" Lori asks and Hershel just smiles,"Rest? Let's go for a little stroll."


"You really got the hang of it." I smiled as he could walk on his own, we walked around the courtyard as we took in the fresh air. "I think I mastered it." He jokes.

From afar we saw Glenn, Daryl and Rick. "Alright Hershel!" We could faintly hear Glenn yell as we all laughed. "You're doing great daddy." Beth smiles, "Ready to race, Hershel?" Carl asks, "You give me another day, I'll take you on." Hershel smiles, the rest of the group smiled as they watched Hershel but it wasn't until Carl yelled.

"Walkers! Watch out!" He yelled as he turned around which caused us to turn and saw a group of walkers heading our way. "Hershel! Beth!" I yelled as I guided them upstairs to a tower. "Come with us!" Beth says as I closed the fence. "Take care of your father, I need to help the others." I said as she looks at me worried but nods.

I pulled out my knife as I killed some walkers, I met up with T-Dog and Carol as the others went their own way. We continue to kill walkers until we saw T-Dog get bit by behind, "No!" Me and Carol yelled as I quickly ran towards him and stab the walker in the head. "Hurry, in here!" Carol yells as she opens a door for us. I grabbed T-Dog as we followed Carol and she lock the door.

"There's a set of double doors that will lead to a corridor that will lead you back to your cell block!" T-Dog says as I continued to grab him, "No! You should stop!" Carol says and he shakes his head. "I'm getting you both there!"   "No, you need to stop!" I mumbled as my lips quivered trying not to cry.

"Why? Sit here, and wait to die?" He groans in pain, "I can help you! I'll do whatever I can, you aren't turning!" I sternly said. "This is God's plan... He'll take care of me, always has. He's gonna help me lead you out of these tunnels." T-Dog says as he walks ahead of us. I clenched on to my knife as me and Carol follow him.

"Let us help." I said as I wrap his arm around my neck as Carol does the same for the other arm. "You aren't dying on us." Carol says as T-Dog gives us a small smile but shakes his head. "We're's just up ahead." He groans as we continue to walk but stop as we saw a group of walkers infront of the door we needed to get too.

Carol tries to shoot but realized she was out of bullets. "We need to go back!" She yells, "I have a knife—" I was stopped as T-Dog let go of our arms and ran straight to the walkers as we yelled in horror. "Go! Go!" He yelled as tears stream down my eyes as Carol looked shock. I held on to my knife as we ran to the door but I stabbed the walkers in the head as they bit T-Dog.

"" I cried as he drop to the ground, Carol stood there as she couldn't believe what just happened. "Don't...let—turn..." he gargled on his own blood, I nodded as my hands were trembling. Carol held my hands as I let go of my knife, she softly cries as she stabs T-Dog in the head. "L—let's go.." she cried as she hands me my knife and helps me up as we ran out the door into a cell block.

"I—I can't.." I cried as my hands were shaking, everything was just fine days ago, I couldn't believe how fast everything went to hell. "Listen...d—don't stop now, T didn't sacrifice himself for nothing...I'm with you a-and we can do this." Carol cries as she cups my face and I shakingly nod as we heard moans and groans from the walkers. "Come on.." she says whispers as she grabs my hand and we go into the halls and entered a dark room.

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