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Season 2, Episode: 06

It was morning and I was outside with the rest of the group. Daryl was now better and he was back in his tent. "How's your arm, T?" I asked as I walked next to him with a yawn. "Way better, its almost good as new." He smiles and we see Glenn walk towards us with a basket filled with peaches. "Morning, Glenn." I smiled, "Sup." T-Dog says and Glenn started to freak out. "Nothing. Nothing's up. Why?" He stutters and it gets Dale's attention as he walked next to us and we all look at Glenn confused. "Are you okay?" I asked and he quickly nods as he hands us peaches and quickly walks away. "Well that was weird." T-Dog says and I nod,"Why do you think he's acting like that?"   "Dont know but we'll find out sooner or later." Dale says and we talked for a while. I then went up towards Daryl's tent. "Special delivery." I said as I entered his tent, he gave me a small smile as he was playing with his knife. "How are you feeling?" I asked as I handed him my peach. "Better...thanks." He says as he grabs it and takes a bite. I sat down in front of him, "I heard there's gonna be gun training, you goin'?" he asks. "Yeah, T said I should. Im just...nervous, scared. I never held a gun before.." "Its normal to feel like that...youll do fine, if you could cut me--"  "You are never going to let that go, are you?" I slightly laugh and he smiles. "Nope but you feeling better?"  "Mhm...thank you." I said with a smile and he nods.

I heard T-Dog call for me and I stood up, "You'll do fine." Daryl reminds me and I smiled at him as I nod and left his tent. "Ready for some training?" T-Dog says as I kept walking towards him, "So pumped!" I sarcastically said and he chuckles as we get into the car with Andrea.


"Alrigh' your all here because you need to learn how to shoot a gun, to defend yourself! Me, Shane and T-Dog will be teaching you." Rick said while Shane and T-Dog handed us guns. "We placed around bottles, those are your targets. " Shane said while pointing at them. "Just look at what I'm doing." Rick said as he showed us how to grab a gun and shoot it, giving us a tutorial.

"Whenever your ready you can start, The bottles are your targets remember." Rick said and we all nodded. We stood next to each other in a line and started to practice, I held my gun just how Rick did it but I couldn't help but be nervous. "Its normal to be nervous..." I turn to see Rick, "...I was nervous on my first day but I kept practicing and got used to it. If I can do it, you can too." He continued and I smiled. "Thank you, uh--can you show me how to hold it again?" I asked him and he smiles as he pulls out his gun. "With pleasure, so..." He explained it as he showed me, "I think I got it." I said as I held my gun out, staring at the target and took the shot, surprisingly I shot it down. "You see, you can do it. Good job." Rick pat my back and I smiled as I gave him a nod and he walks away.

Couple minutes go by and I hear a voice, "How are you doing?" I glanced and saw T-Dog walk towards me, "Im getting the hang of it." I said as I shot another bottle, "Never would I see a nurse with a gun." He said and I laughed. "Never would I see the undead alive." We both smiled, "Your doing great, nursey." He said and left to another person. We kept practicing until Rick told us that we're ready, Shane and Andrea went to practice more while we headed back to camp.

Once we were back at camp, I was going to head towards Daryl's tent but then saw Maggie storm away from Glenn. I noticed a blood stain on her shirt and couldn't help but worry, I walked towards Glenn, "Hey, is everything okay? What's wrong with Maggie?" I asked worriedly and he sighs. "...We went on a supply run...she got attacked by a walker. I saved her but she's shaken up..." "Thats horrible...I'll go talk to her, I wanna make sure she's okay." I said as I was about to leave but I glanced back at Glenn. "Are you okay?" "Im fine, im okay. Dont worry." He says with a small smile. I nod and walked towards the house, I knocked on the door. "Maggie? Its Y/N." I said and waited for a response.

"Y/N..?" I heard her voice, she opened the door and gestured me to come in. She quickly went to hug me,"Im sorry about what happened...Glenn told me." I softly said as I hugged her back. "Gosh,Y/N. I was so scared..I almost died for stupid abortion pills!" She angrily said as she let go. "Abortion pills?" I asked shock, I knew Lori was pregnant but I wasn't expecting that. "Lori is pregnant and she sent Glenn for pills! Can you believe that, she should go get it herself! It's her fault for having sex!" she continued and sat down on a chair. I sat next to her and held her hand.

"I'm so sorry about what you went through, I'm glad Glenn was there to rescue you. I know your gonna hate hearing this but Lori is also struggling, the women is pregnant and going through things. I bet she feels horrible about sending you both but please be easy on her. I know she didn't mean harm..." I said as I kept holding her hand and she squeezed back.

"...your right, gosh Y/N. You're too kind...but I am still upset." She says and I softly smile at her with a nod. "Of course, after what you went through, I'd be too. How about you and me spend time together, we could use a break." I said as I got up and she smiled as she got up. "Alright, thank you Y/N..." she says and I nod at her with a soft smile. "Of course, Maggie."

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