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Season 2, Episode: 09

I kept driving and the sun slowly disappeared into the night. I kept looking around for any sign of Lori, the streets were peaceful with a couple of walkers. Ahead I saw a flipped over car and my heart dropped. I parked next to the car and quickly got out. "Lori! Lori, where are you! It's me, Y/N!" I whispered yelled as I held my knife out. There was dead walkers and I could see that she fought her way out. I then heard a car, I looked behind me and the car stopped next to me.

"Y/N, you're safe. Have you seen Lori?" Shane asked and I shook my head. "I've been searching but I just found her car. She's alive, she fought her way out!" I said as I pointed at the dead walkers. "Thank god...follow behind me. Keep your eyes pealed for her." Shane says and I nod as I get into my car. Me and Shane kept driving hoping to see Lori. I saw Shane suddenly stop and get out, I did the same and Lori was there.

"You all right?" Shane asks as he checks her and I made my way towards them, "I'm fine." She says. "By the looks of it, your not." I said and she relaxes as she looks at me. "Y/N." She says as we both hug eachother. "What happened?" I asked and cleaned her forehead with my sleeve,"Looked down at the map and hit a Walker."  "Next time stay put, you won't need a map. Come on, I gotta get you back." Shane says as he tries to grab her arm but she backs away. "No, we gotta find Rick."
"He's back. They're all back. They're all safe and sound." Shane says and I look at him relief so does Lori. "Really?"  "Yeah."  "Oh thank God." Lori smiles, "And when we get back, I'll treat your wounds." I said and she nods, I go back to my car and we drive back to the farm.

"Oh my God, are you all right? What happened?" Andrea asks Lori, "I was in an accident. I'm fine, I'm fine."   "And you, how could you just run off like that! You should have told us that you were going to find her." Dale says and I gave him an apologetic smile as we hugged and I hugged the others.
"Where's Rick?...They're not back? Where are they?" Lori asks, "Look, I had to get you back here." Shane says and Lori angrily storms to him. "You asshole."  "Lori—"  "He's my husband."  "Lori, I will go after him. I will find him. Hey! Now look, first things first...I gotta... I gotta look after you. I gotta make sure the baby's all right, okay?" Shane says and everyone looks at Lori.

"You're having a baby?Why didn't you tell me?" Carl asks and Lori tries to speak but nothing came out. "Come on, I promised to treat your wounds." I said as I softly held her hand and we walked back to the house. Dale, Andrea and Carl followed us as we all sat down. I treated her wounds as she talked to Carl about the baby.

"...If the baby's a girl, can we name her Sophia?" Carl says and Lori thanks me for treating her wound. "Hey, dude. Hey, I'm sorry, bud. Okay? I thought you knew." Shane says and the room went quiet. "Big brother Carl. Pretty cool, huh?" Carl says and I softly smile at the comment.
"You... you mind if I talk to your mom a sec?" Shane says, "How about a little later after she's had some rest?" Andrea says and he ignores her.
"Lori, I had to get you back here. You wouldn't have come otherwise. How about you... how about you just hear me out, please?"

"It's okay. Okay. Give me a minute." Lori says and we all nod as we got up. "Please look after him?" She asks and I nod, "Of course." I guided Carl out of the room into the kitchen. "Big brother Carl, huh?" I said with a smile and he widely smiles and nods. "I can't wait for the baby to be born. I'll take great care of her!" He says and I rub his hair, "Yeah you will. Now let's get you to bed."


It was morning and I was in the house cooking breakfast. I continued to check on Beth, there was still no reaction. "Smells yummy." I turned around and saw Carol. "Good morning!" I said with a smile as I hand her a plate, I saw how exhausted she was and I couldn't blame her. "A nurse and cook, your a package." She continues and I chuckle as I nudge her. "Not a great cook like you."

"Morning." Maggie says and everyone started to come in. Carol helped me with the plates and we all ate breakfast. There was tension and Shane spoke up. "Ima go search for the guys, I was wondering if some of you would go with me?" "I'm in." Andrea says, so does T-Dog. "Daryl?" Shane asks and he stays quiet but nods.

We finished eating and the rest left the house preparing for the search. I stayed washing the dishes with Carol, "Me and Daryl...aren't so was about Sophia." She sadly says and I stopped what I was doing and looked at her. "What did he say...?" "I know it was just in the heat of the moment...he said's my fault Sophia died...I know he didn't mean it." She says and I looked at her in shock, angry that Daryl would say that.

"Y/ it's's okay." "He had no right to say that! What happen to Sophia wasn't your fault." I said and she softly nods, "I'll talk to him. But Carol, this was never your fault..." I reminded her as I pulled her into a hug, she melts in and we stay quiet. We then heard a car engine, "Is it them?" Carol asks and I checked the window, "It is!" I said with a smile and we walked outside. The whole group was there and the guys came out of the car but weren't so happy. "Patricia, prepare the shed for surgery." Hershel says as he enters the house, "Hey..." I said with a worried look as I hugged Glenn, he looked upset. "Hey.." He mumbles as he hugged back. "Who the hell is that?" T-Dog asks as he points to the car. "Thats Randall." Glenn says as we all looked and it was a young man with a blindfold on.


"We couldn't just leave him behind. He would've bled out, if he lived that long." Rick says as we all sat in the dinning room. "What do we do with him?" Andrea asks and Hershel walks in, "l repaired his calf muscle as best l can, but he'II probably have nerve damage. Won't be on his feet for atleast a week." "When he is, we give him a canteen, take him out to the main road,send him on his way." Rick continues. "Just gonna let him go? He knows where we are." Shane speaks up, "He was blindfolded the whole way here. He's not a threat." Rick argues and they go back in fourth.

"l'm gonna go get him some flowers and candy. Look at this, folks--we back in Fantasyland." Shane scoffs as he was going to walk away until Hershel spoke up. "You know, we haven't even deaIt with what you did at my barn yet. Let me make this perfectly clear, once and for aII--this is my farm. Now l wanted you gone. Rick talked me out of it but that doesn't mean l have to like it. So do us both a favor keep your mouth shut." Shane look around and without another word, he left. "Look, we're not gonna do anything about it today. Let's just cool off." Rick says and we all nod as we left the house. I saw Carol trying to approach Daryl but he quickly leaves, I let out a sigh.

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