"Aren't you always getting rid of Hua Mi? Why hasn't she died yet?"

  The original Qu Yimin didn't want Hua Mi to die so strongly.

  To her, Hua Mi is just a woman who hinders Xiangcheng's supplies and leans towards E City.

  But since she wanted to marry Gong Yi, Hua Mi gradually became a thorn in Qu Yimin's heart.

  She didn't even want to keep Gong Yi's child, let alone Gong Yi's woman.

  Now, Qu Yimin just wants Hua Mi and her child to die quickly.

  Qu Shiheng was also bothering about this matter.

 She have killed many assassins in the past few days in the matter of assassinating Hua Mi.

  Some of them was when Hua Mi was assassinated on the construction site west of Xiangcheng.

  Some of them just rushed to Hua Mi's ward with guns in hand to kill Hua Mi.

  But they don't know what kind of head and six arms this woman has. So many killers were involved, but they couldn't kill this woman.

  Nowadays, there are not many killers left in the Xiangcheng base.

  Qu Yimin came to Qu Shiheng crying, which made Qu Shiheng feel very annoyed.

  Hua Mi couldn't be killed in the first place, but Qu Yimin still kept crying and making trouble.

  Qu Shiheng couldn't help but pull his arms away from Qu Yimin's hands.

  He shouted impatiently at Qu Yimin:
  "Cry, cry, cry, why are you so useless? If you want to kill Hua Mi, just find a way to kill her yourself. Don't you see that I am busy here?"

  After saying that, Qu Shiheng left Qu Yimin and turned around to leave.

  Qu Yimin stamped her feet on the spot,
  "Just go, do you think I don't dare to go?"

  Her brother was actually quite useless sometimes, didn't he just have to kill a pregnant woman? Qu Yimin went to kill it herself.

  She also has a ticket for the Xiangcheng base in her hand.

  In such a rage, Qu Yimin actually took the teleportation ticket from the Xiangcheng base and teleported herself to the Xiangcheng base.

  There are fewer and fewer teleportation tickets to the Xiangcheng base.

  Because there are many survivors leaving the Xiangcheng base, but at the same time. After enduring all kinds of beatings outside, there are more and more survivors who still feel that the Xiangcheng base is good.

  With the tightening of teleportation tickets, those teleportation tickets that were once issued have become hard-to-buy items.

  As soon as Qu Yimin teleported to the Xiangcheng base, she thought of the entire plan.

  After leaving the observation area, she represented the E-city base as the eldest lady of the Qu family and negotiated cooperation with the Xiangcheng base.

  Then go directly to the north of the Xiangcheng base to find Gong Yi and create an opportunity for the two of them to get along.

  Hua Mi can be kept later and killed when she finds an opportunity, but Gong Yi's heart must be captured by her as soon as possible.

  Only by capturing a man's heart would Gong Yi abandon his wife and son for her.

  It has to be said that Qu Yimin, an inexperienced young lady, thought of this matter too romantically.

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