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Riley's Point of View

After a moment, I pulled away from the kiss, looking up at Avery in front of me. I let out a sigh as I leaned agents her body in which wrapped her arm around my waist, pulling me in closer. I wrap my arms around her back as my body started to immediately relax.

"Why are you so comfortable?" I whisper to myself.

"Who knows, but it seems like.... I feel at ease when we're together.." Avery whispered back as she tightened the grip on my waist.

We stood there in silence for a moment before I pulled away and looked up at the women in front of me, she gave me a smile before kissing my forehead.

"Let's get you to bed, you look tiered princess.." She whispered in my ear.

I nodded my head as I threw the covers off of the bed and climbed in, I heard some clothes shifting behind me, I look over my shoulder to see Avery taking off her suit. Soft blush formed on my face as I looked away as I got myself situated, I felt the bed dip and a arm wrapped around my waist.

Avery pulled me to her side and draped one of the blankets on our bodies. I lay there, my head on her chest. This is an unfamiliar thing that I'm clearly not used to, but it feels nice, it's like every part of me is warming up with Avery's body heat and from the warmth of the blanket. In some way, it feels comforting, to the point where I could sleep in her arms...

Avery's Point of View

I hear soft snores coming from the little women on top of me. I look down to see Riley already asleep in my arms. I let out a small smile as I leaned over and turned on the TV, putting on a documentary and turning the volume down low before I gotten settled in the bed.

I put my free arm on the back of my head as I watched the TV while keeping a protective arm around the girl on top of me. The quit dorm filled with the muffled sound of the TV, and the flickering blue light of the TV. The night slowly weared on, my fatigue quickly catching up to my body. Making my eyes grow heavy, and eventually drifting into a deep slumber. 

Riley's Point of View

Hours pass and I was woken up by a alarm, scaring me, and making me jump awake, I hear a groan as Avery moved her body slightly to turn off the alarm. We then sat in silence for a moment, and that moment soon turned into minutes as neither one of us wanted to move from this position.

But we soon had to move from the sound of the doorbell being rung multiple times. I let out a whine as I rolled off of Avery in which she gotten out of bed, gotten something from her pocket from her shirt and went to see who was at the door.

I sit on top of the bed for a moment, hearing the door open, hearing indistinct mumbling and talking of the voices that seemed familiar. I then heard the door shut and the padding of feet coming towards the door of the bedroom again.

I look at the doorway to see Avery with a bag that seemed to be filled with clothes. She tossed them on the top of my dresser before coming towards the bed and crawling back into it. She leaned her head in and pressed a kiss on my lips, in which I let out a sigh and leaned into the kiss. Avery slipped her arm around my waist, pulling me in closer to her as we continued to kiss.

I pull away for a moment before going back into the kiss with a soft moan in the process, wrapping my arms around her neck to pull her down closer to me. We kept on separating and going back into the kiss for several minutes, our bodies moved in closer to one another as if they were melding together. I let out a giggle as I pulled away from the kiss.

"Hi." I say as I let out another giggle.

Avery let out a sigh as a smile tugged on the corner of her lips. "Hello my love.." She said quietly.

Avery peppered my forehead, neck, and shoulders in kisses before pulling away and going to the dresser where she tossed the bag. I slide off the bed and also walked over to the dresser, I took my outfit off of the dresser and tossed it on the bed I then took out a new pair of underwear and bra on the bed.

I started to take off my clothes and change, in which I felt a pair of eyes on me as I changed, especially my legs. As I put on my bra and underwear on I felt a hand on my hip, making me gasp in surprise. I look over my shoulder to see Avery right behind me, her eyes are darker than normal, and there was something about her aura that is also different.

"Avery?" I ask in a hushed whisper, in which it looks like the was looking though me before, but she was now actually looking at me.

There was a moment of silence, and the increasing tense air made me nervous, but had my body grow hot during that moment of silence. Avery took her hand off of me and gave me a slight smile.

"Sorry about that, spaced out a bit." She said, I let out a smile as I went back to putting on my clothes.

I put on the skirt on first, the button up, then the sweater. I let out a yawn as I walked out of the room and to the bathroom, brushing my teeth and hair at the same time as I heard Avery walk to the kitchen. As I brushed my teeth I go so lost in thought about how nice this is, a morning waking up, getting ready together, going to bed together. This has probably be the most quiet, and satisfying morning that I woke up to for a long time.

I walk out of the bathroom pampered to see Avery in the kitchen sipping on a cup of coffee, we make eye contact and she gave me a smile while gesturing me to come over to her. I immediately make my way over to the kitchen in where she slid me a mug of tea and a chocolate muffin.

I reluctantly take the muffin and started to eat it while taking small sips of the tea, the silence between us was comforting, as if it was something that is completely common and normal to us. It's so comforting to the point where there was no need for conversation between us.

"So.." Avery said as she broke the silence between us, I look up at the women across the counter from me. "Are you ready to go?" She asked as she gave me a smile.

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