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Avery's Pont Of View

It was the next day in which I walked out of my condo and down the stairs to my car which was waiting for me

"I hope you are having a good morning ma'am" my driver said

"And I hope you are too" I say as I slid in the car

My driver then closed the door and gotten into the driver's seat and started the car, and immediately drove out of the driveway, I looked out the window as my legs crossed over one another as we sat in silence the entire way to my office

Once we got there my driver parked the car, got out of the drivers seat and opened my door for me, I stepped out and fixed my blazer before walking inside, being greeted by my employees as I walked, I then met my secretary on the top floor where my office was located, she had a bigger stack of paper's for me in her arms along with her tablet and my coffee, I then take the coffee from her as I started to walk as she walked two steps behind me

"Please tell me that you have the documents for the missing merchandise?"

"Yes we do, it was finalized before you got here"

I then took a sip of the coffee

"Well good" I say as I opened the door to my office and walked over to my desk, putting the coffee on my desk as I unbuttered my blazer before sitting down at my desk

My secretary then put the stack of papers on my desk as I gave out a sigh

"Also, Drake emailed me these documents, would you like me to print them out?" my secretary asked

I look up at her

"Give me the tablet" I say as I reach out for it

She then gave me the tablet with no hesitation, I look over the documents to see that it was the schedule's of Riley's work, school, dorm code, and combination, I scanned them a couple of times before giving the tablet back

"Yes, and make sure that you put it in a folder, those are important" I say as I look through the stack of papers

"Yes, of course" she said as she turned away from me and exited my office, closing the door behind her

I let out a sigh as I picked up my pen and started going through the paperwork, signing and looking through it, I was halfway done when my secretary came back with her tablet and the folder that I asked for, she quietly set it down on my desk before dismissing herself and closing my door behind her

After a moment once I knew that she was gone I picked up the folder and opening it, having numerous pages of her information which I asked for, I flipped through the papers when my eyes fell on the collage that she goes to; Everland University, my eyes narrowed slightly, and she has class until the afternoon

"It's near here, so she lives in this city.." I mumble

I then flipped the page to see that her dorm number, and what floor she lives on, I then let out a sigh as I closed the folder and put it in one of the drawers in my desk, I then close it and continued to do my work, as I started to do my work I had an itching feeling, like something was missing 

I looked over at the time to see that it was already noon, I got up from my desk and fixed my suit as I got my wallet and phone, I then walked out of my office to see my secretary at her desk, once she saw me she then stood up from her seat

"Can I do something for you?" she asked

I shook my head

"Just, going for lunch, I'll be back in an hour or so.." I say as I walked to the elevator

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