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Riley's Point Of View

I gave out a groan as I slowly started to wake up from my nap, I reach for my phone to see that it was 10:36 pm, I gave out a sigh as I slowly lifted myself up from my bed and plugged my computer in for school tomorrow, I gave out a yawn as I walked over to my chair and picked up the shorts and t-shirt that was sitting on it

I gotten some clean underwear before stepping out of my room and to the bathroom, closing the door behind me I turned on the water and started to strip my clothes off, setting my pajamas and clean clothes on the counter, I undo the clasp of my bra and put it on the counter, I then slip off my underwear and put it on the pile of clothes that were on the floor

I then step into the shower as I let the warm water hit my bare skin, I gotten my hair wet as I let the water go down on my body, I grab my shampoo and put a huge dollop of it on my hands and some in my hair, I began to scrub it in as I continued to soaked my hair from time to time

Once my hair was all sudsy I put my head back under the water letting it rinse out my hair, I then take my conditioner bottle and put some of it in my hair, letting it sit as I started to wash my body with my body wash, putting it on my luffa and started to scrub it all over my body once it had suds on them

I then rinsed my body off along with the conditioner that was in my hair, I then turned off the water and stepped out of the shower, I grab my red towel and dried myself off, then putting on my underwear and pajamas, I look at my bra before putting it in the dirty pile that was on my floor, then picking up the pile, and putting them in the laundry basket

I let out a sigh as I put on my headband to keep my hair from getting in my face as I brushed my teeth, I let out a yawn before I spit the tooth paste out of my mouth and wiping with my hand towel

I then walked out of my bathroom and sat on my couch scrolling through my phone as I searched for something to eat to ending up picking pizza, I then turned on the TV and scrolled through my Netflix to see if there was anything new that I was interested in for me to watch

After about fifteen minutes of me scrolling I ended up rewatching a K-drama that I had already watched at least ten times, I started it back to the beginning and watched it rather intently as I waited for my pizza to arrive

I was halfway into the second episode when the doorbell rang, I sprang up and paused the show as I went over to my door with my cat slides on and open the door slightly to see the delivery man with my pizza, I open it fully, pay him his money, and he handed me my pizza

I closed the door, kicked off my slides, and walked to my living room, putting the pizza box on the table before walking to the kitchen and grabbing two cans of Coke and making my way back to my couch, plopping on it while putting the two cans on the table

I then unpaused my show and slowly started to eat the pizza while watching too intently as I continued to eat my pizza and was going to have only two cans of soda, but ended up having five and half of the pizza

I layed on my back as I looked up at the celling as I let my TV illuminate and play in the background, staring at nothing for a moment before getting up from my couch and putting the pizza box in the fridge, I then took the tabs off of the cans and put them on my desk before crushing the cans and putting them in the recycling bin

I gave out a sigh as I turned off my TV in my living room and turning the one on in my bedroom, putting on some Lo-fi as I took out my personal computer and started to scroll through my notifications, emails, and messages

All of a sudden I had gotten a DM from my manager, Lucy

Lucy: Just so you know, that boy that ran out of the library today informed one of the managers

I gave out a sigh as I started to type on my keyboard

Me: I'm sorry, he was bothering me and I told him to stop but he kept on pushing, and I kind of lost my cool

Lucy: Oh I know about that Eden was there and saw all of it

Me: So

Me: Why are you informing me of this?

Lucy then took a moment to type, started typing and then stopped again, repeat this cycle for about two more times until I finally gotten a response from the manager

Lucy: One of the other managers might catch wind of it, and well

Lucy: You know how they are

Lucy: Some of the managers and employees will probably provoke you for it

My head tilted to the side slightly as I red the texts over and over again to make sense of what she is saying, is there people at my work making rumors about me? What for? I gave out a sigh as I started to type again

Me: Got it! ^^

Lucy: Try and have a good night, I'll see you on Thursday in the after noon

Me: Good night!

Left on read

I gave out a sigh as I looked up to see a commentary video playing on the TV screen in front of me, I look as it as I quickly get lost in thought, who are the people who would be gossiping about me, I have a clean record, I made sure of it, sure I have my moments like today, but that rarely happens now

My eyes narrowed slightly as I chew on my finger nail, It looks like I would have to keep track about what I say or do anymore, actions do have consequences, and I, need to clean this mess up, I should call my brother if this get's too messy

I then look at the clock to see that it was almost three in the morning, I quickly put my computer and my phone on the charger, made sure that I had all of my school supplies in my bag for tomorrow, my binder, notebooks, and pencil cases along with my lanyard, I made sure that my computer for school is charging

I then walked out of my bedroom and turned off all of the lights in my dorm before walking back in my room and putting everything back where it should be, I then look over at my bookcase and scanned them before taking out a horror novel and putting it with my school supplies

I took off all of my jewelry and headband and putting it on my desk before turning off my lamp next to my bed and slid in under the covers, I then turned the volume of the TV to about ten, and set six alarms for me to wake up and get ready to

Once I was basically done with my nightly routine, I layed down on my bed for a moment with my eyes closed before having them shoot back open, I throw the covers off of me, jumped out of the bed and quickly made my way to my front door, making sure that it was locked and put the chain on the door before giving out a sigh of relief

I then gave out a yawn as I rubbed my eyes and slowly made my way back to my room maneuvering over the cords from my chargers as I climbed back into my bed, covering myself with my blankets and closed my eyes again as I I listened to the soft music of the Lo-Fi playing from my TV as it slowly lulled me to sleep

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