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Riley's Point Of View

I roll over a cart full of books that was returned today over to the fantasy section, grabbing a small stack of them at a time I put them back on the shelf according to the alphabet and to the author

"Hey there Riley~" a voice said from behind me

I look over my shoulder to see Charles, he goes to the same university as me, he's in an engineering, and he visits me at my work from time to time when he had no work or grows board sitting in the dorms

I gave out a slight smile

"Hi Charles, how are you?"

"Better since I got to see your pretty face" He said as he gave out a wink

I let out a slight chuckle as I went back to putting books on the shelf, I then stood on the tips of my toes as I tried to put one of the books on the upper shelves that I couldn't reach, Charles then took the book from me and put it on the correct shelf, I looked up and gave him a smile

"Thank you for doing that for me"

He then gave out a shrug

"I'm always happy to help when you need it babe" he said confidently

My eye then twitched when he called me that nickname, I didn't say anything because it's harmless, but it's becoming a verbal tick for me at this point, I gave him a forced smile as I pushed the cart full of books over to another shelf that's full of historical fiction and started to put them away

I then looked at the corner of my eye to see Charles follow me and also started to help me with the book, I didn't say anything until he slowly got closer and closer to where I was standing to the point where we were basically touching shoulders

I gave in a deep breath as I closed my eyes trying to collect myself, I then turned to the person next to me as I looked up at him with a closed eye smile

"Charles, what do you need from me?"

"Hm? Can't I help a fellow classmate at work?"

"No, no you can not" I say as I felt my eye twitch again "Is there something I can help you with?"

He then looked at me for a moment before letting out a smirk and putting the book in his hand back in the cart, Charles then took a step closer to me as he put his arm above my head as he looked down at me, pinning me to the wall

I look over to the side, this is cliché, too cliché

"Riley, I'll just cut to the chase; I like you, and we should date what do you say?"

"I say no, because why did you ask me when I'm on the clock instead of waiting until I was off work to tell me this?" I say sternly

Charles then blinked in surprise


"You heard exactly what I said, and then you decided to make up this nice guy routine to trick me to think that you are actually a nice guy to when we finally date you'd actually show your true colors"

Charles wore this surprised look on my face as he slowly backed up away from me, I then gave out a sigh as I gave him another smile

"I'm on the clock so, please don't bother me again, unless you want all of the school to know about the illegal substances you sell to minors"

Without saying a word Charles tripped and fell onto the floor as he scrambled away from me and out the door, I gave out a slight smile to be left finally alone from that man

"Damn girl, you are as scary as ever" a voice said

I look over my shoulder to see me work from Eden with a smirk on her face, I also gave out a slight smirk as I started to put the historical fiction books back on the shelf

"I don't know what you are talking about" I say 

"Oh I know you do, you somehow dig up so much mud and grime on the men that want to date you to scare them off, It's like- your super power" she said

I gave out a slight chuckle as I continued to put books on the shelf

"If they won't take no for an answer, then find a way for them to run away then to run away yourself" I say softly

"Bitch why are you going to be a vet when you can easily be a writer!"

"I get writer's block easily"

"So? That quote right there was a good one! You should put that on a shirt, or a mug, that's mag material right there"

I let out a slight laugh when I saw that all of the books was put back on the shelf, I then looked at the watch on my wrist to see that I only have five minutes until my shift was over, I cracked my neck and took off my lanyard

"Okay, I only have five more so I'm going to go get ready to go" I say as I fixed up my outfit slightly

"Kay, I'll see you tomorrow then!" Eden said as she gave me a slight wave

I gave her a wave as I walked to the employees only room and quietly shut the door behind me, I then walked up to the mirror that was in the room and fixed the black skirt and red sweater I was wearing, I then combed through my hair a bit with my fingers

I then went to my locker and gotten out my small Legend of Zelda back pack and put it on one of my shoulders, I then grabbed my phone, wallet, headphones, and my novel I am reading, I put my book on my bag while my headphones was around my neck

I then clocked out and exited the room, saying goodbye to the people that were also on duty while I was, as I exited the library I put my headphones on and turned onto my Lo-fi mix, playing a random playlist as I put my headphones on and walked to a café near my place of work, who I was a regular there

I enter to see that it was rather busy today, but that's normal when I come here, usually collage students and business people, plus this is a new and rather popular, I didn't mind it at all, I then sit at one of the window tables as one of the waitresses walked over to me with a smile on her face

"What would you like to have today?"

I take off my headphones as I gave her a small smile

"A hot chocolate please with wiped crème and peppermint"

She then gave out a nod

"It will be out shortly" she said

I then gave out a nod as I put my headphones on and took out the book that was in my back pack, I flip it to where I had it bookmarked and started to read with one of my headphones out to hear my name

Fifteen minutes go by and I was a couple of pages in, I sat there reading intently until I jumped in surprise from hearing my name

"Riley Stevens?"

"H-here!" I say as I jump down from my seat and made my way to the counter where the served drinks were, I grab the drink with two hands as I slowly turned around and made it back to my seat, carefully putting it on the table as I went back to reading my book while taking sips on the hot drink from time to time

Thirty minutes go by and I was finally done with my book and my drink, I pay and walk out the door to campus which was about a couple of miles away from where I am now, it was a rather short walk until I had to travel another block to go to the dorms

I then entered the elevator and pressed the button to the top floor, the fifth floor, as I waited I tapped my foot as I thought about what I should read next

Once it was my floor I exited the elevator and went to the end of the hallway, taking out my lanyard and putting in the key in the key hole, turning it and opening the door

I gave out a yawn as I stepped into my dorm, closed the door behind me and putting my bag on my couch, I then dragged my feet to my bedroom and laying face first on my bed, slowly falling asleep 

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