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Avery's Point Of View

I shift my weight from one foot to the other as I fixed my hair, and adjusted my clothes before stepping closer to the door in front of me and taking a deep breath, I then rang the doorbell and took a step back

I stood there for a moment from the other side being silent for a moment before hearing a crash and loud stomping footsteps coming towards the door, I let out a smile as she opened the door as she gave out heavy breathes

"Hey" she said while continuing to catch my breath

"Hello my princess" I say happily

Riley then gestured for me to come in, I then stepped into her dorm and put down all of the things I brought on the floor and took my shoes off and my blazer, slipping my pistol in the inner pocket of my blazer before putting it on the hanger on the door behind me

"I-I'm sorry that i-its so messy" Riley stuttered

I then followed the small girl around her dorm as she picked up clothes, blankets, and plushies off of the floor, I let out a soft sigh and a smile as I put the bag with the stuff I bought her on he coffee table as I knelt down slightly and pat her head

"It's alright darling, there is no need to be so nervous" I say softly

Blush then formed on her face rather quickly, Riley then quickly stood up and threw all of the stuff in her room, she then let out a calming sigh as I tilted my head to the side slightly as I watched her, Riley then turned back to me with a slight smile on her face

"Other than that, make yourself at home" she said happily

I nodded my head as I leaned over and grabbed the bag that was sitting on the coffee table and gave it for her, Riley then looked at it with surprised eyes as she took out the dinosaur plushie and set it on the table as she took out all of the clothes I gotten her, I looked at her with the same smile on my face as she looked so happy seeing all of this

"How did you know that I liked dinosaurs?" she asked happily

I shrugged my shoulders

"I guess I just know you" I say

Riley let out a giggle as she picked up all of the things that I got her and walked into her room and closed the door behind her, I then looked around her dorm to see book shelves and plushies everywhere, I think I'll buy her a gaming system next so she has something to do other then doing homework, or a bigger bookshelf

After a moment I hear the door open again to see her with the green T-Rex dinosaur sweater and white shorts along with the socks that came with it

My eyes slowly widened as I looked at the women in front of me, she truly looked so adorable in everything she wears, but there was this burning desire deep inside me that I don't know what it is, but is curious enough that I want to figure it out what it is

I then step in front of the person in front of me and put my hand on her head, she had the most adorable smile on her face as I pat her head which made me feel all warm inside, I then pull my hand off of her head in which she let out a pout for a moment, she likes being pet that's cute

I then took a step closer to Riley as I looked down at her while she looked up at me, we looked in each other's eyes as I brushed my hand on her cheek as I tilted her head up more

"You are truly beautiful, princess.." I whisper

Riley then took a step closer to me as she tugged on my shirt making me leaned down so we can make eye contact easier, she then gave me a slight kiss on my cheek

My eyes widened slightly in surprise, I then opened my mouth to say something in which she quickly walked passed me and to the kitchen

I stood back up as I caressed my cheek where she kissed me at, a smile formed on my face, and it's not one of my regular smiles either, I want her, and I want her now

I then pushed those thoughts away to the back of my head as I let out a quick breath to calm me down, I then looked over my shoulder to see Riley in the kitchen, possibly pealing something, I let otu a smile as I walked into the kitchen and stood behind her, looking down at the women in front of me 

I leaned over her as I put one of my hands on the rim of the sink in front of her, she's peeling an apple acting like she hasn't notice me but I'm pretty sure that she knew that I was behind her as soon as I entered the kitchen, with my other hand I put it on her hip, I felt her jump and heard her voice hitched

I leaned in closer as I slowly started to rub her hip up and down, pushing up her sweater in the process, I look over to see that she was still rather focused on what she was doing and wasn't bothered by what I was doing, and she isn't stopping me so it's safe for me to continue

I then wrapped my arm around her waist as I pulled her in closer to me, making her drop the half peeled apple and knife in the sink, we then sat there for a moment before Riley looked up at me with these big dough eyes

I then leaned over and gave her a kiss on her lips, and right after the same moment she started to reciprocate the kiss I pulled away making her pout and turned her full body towards me, I leaned back slightly as I let out a smirk

"What's wrong?" I tease

Before she could say anything I leaned over her as I pinned her to the counter with my arms on either side of her, the smirk grew on my face as I leaned in closer to her, I could feel her hot  breath hitch on my lips as she stood there

I let out a scoff as I tilted her head up towards me as I gave her another but slow kiss on her lips, I then felt her hand on my chest clutching my shirt, I slipped my tongue in her mouth as I slipped one of my hands on her waist and pulled her in close to me

I then heard a whimper that came from her in which I pulled away from the kiss slightly to where Riley grabbed me by the sides of my head and pushing me back into the kiss, I gave out a scoff as I placed my other hand near her throat

Pulling away as I wrapped my fingers around her throat as I shoved all of my tongue in her mouth as Riley tried to keep up with my now aggressive actions, but she didn't push me away, I let out a breath as I felt out tongues tangled with each others

I then felt her leg wrapped around mine, I then pull out of the kiss to see Riley's face was full with blush and she was breathing heavily, I leaned back down as I whispered into her ear

"That was so good.." I say as I slide my hand from her throat down her body and to her hips

I then felt her lift her waist up towards my thighs, i tilt my head back slightly as I look down at her, she had a rather needy look on her face,  smile on my face then appeared as I rub her thighs

"What's wrong princess?" I say softly

I felt Riley twitch and shake under my touch, so she's sensitive to the touch, of her thighs, the smile on my face only grew as I heard her say something but I couldn't hear it

"Speak up baby"

"I want you...." I heard her say but the rest I couldn't hear

I leaned my body in closer to her as I slide my hands up her shorts as I breathed into her ear

"Come on" 

"You...I want you.." she said quietly

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