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Avery's Point Of View

We then sat there for a moment as I could feel something that she wants, and there is also something I want

We then leaned in and pressed our lips together and after a moment we pulled away, we then looked in each other eyes as we pressed out lips together again, I then quickly slip my tongue into her mouth as I flipped Riley over and onto the bed

We then pulled away from the kiss again as I attacked her lips, cheeks, and neck peppering her skin with my kisses which is making her giggle, a smile formed on my face as I pulled away for a moment before going back to peppering her skin

We then hear a knock on the door which made me stop what I was doing and looked towards the front door, I then hear Riley move from under me as she also looked at the door, I look at her from the corner of my eye as I got up from the bed and walked over to the door

I then looked out and into the peephole and let out a sigh, I then hear tiny footsteps behind me, I look behind me and down to see the smaller girl following me while trying to act like nothing happened in that room of hers

"Who's at the door?" she asked

"It's just Drake, hang on" I say as I opened the door to reveal my friend, he then looked at us with surprised faces

"Did I come at a bad time?" he asked

I cleared my throat as I smoothed out my clothes and slicked back my hair slightly 

"Now, what is it you want, because I was doing....well about to do someone important" I smirk as I look down to see Riley blush

"Charming.." he said sarcastically

I look at him with a glare on his face before he raised his arms defensivly as he gave out a chuckle

"Now, for the reason that I'm here.." he then trailed off as his gaze went from me to Riley

I then took a step forward as I leaned agents the doorframe and in close to my friend

"She knows, and I fear that if I lie to her she would do something previously unknown to man" I say slightly quietly

Drake then gotten the hint and gave me a nod and a thumbs up, I then took" a step back as I stood back to where I was before as I gestured him to continue what he was saying

"So, the man that you taken care of is now being....disposed of..." he said vaguely

"Did you make sure that you shaved them?"


"Took out their teeth?"


"The finger and toe nails?"

"Why that?" he asked

"Could be used as evidence" I say

"Ah, right, yes that too, we also disposed of his clothing and about to put him....in a bath"

"Make sure the tub is toxicity free, I don't want to pay for another repair of my floor" I say

Drake then gave me a thumbs up

"You got it" he said as he turned around and walked away

I then closed and lock the door, just to turn to see a irritated women with the most adorable pout on her face and her arms were crossed across her chest

"My love, why are you so pouty for?" I ask

"I want to see you dispose of the body" she said with a pout

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