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Avery's Point of View

I look at her and she has an uncertain look on her face, her stance was faltering, and there are beads of sweat forming on her forehead, it seems like she has been, or done something that isn't on record. I pick up the tablet again and swiped on the screen, and there is only one that caught my eye; murder, first degree.

My eyes narrowed at that word, my eyes went from the screen of the tablet to the women in front of me who is now sweating bullets, it is clear that she does not want to talk about it, but I want to know, she can be useful, probably.

"You don't want to tell me?" I ask as I leaned forward and uncrossed my legs. She looked away from me, avoiding my gaze and my question. That just made me more irritated. I let out a sigh as I leaned back in my chair again.

"Fine don't tell me, you'll just lose this job you fought so hard for." I say with a sigh as I wave my hand to dismiss this women from my office and out of my building.

The women in front of me faltered, surprised, and angry, she stared straight in my eyes, she had the eyes of a killer, I like her eyes because I have the same ones. I lean forward, putting my hands on my desk and giving her the exact same stare back.

This went on for several seconds before Drake decided to step in between us to break up this silent fight, he turned to the both of us, trying to get us to stop, and miss Jessica over here decided to stop first. I let out a sigh as I leaned back in my chair, uninterested in what those tow have to say at the moment. I tuned out of the one sided conversation that Drake was having with me for a moment before going back into it.

"...Please give her a chance." Drake pleaded.

I look at him for a moment before giving out a disappointed sigh and putting my head in my right hand.

"Okay fine, I'll give this one a try for one week." I say my eyes closed from exhaustion.

I hear Drake celebrating in the background before quickly saying his goodbyes and closing the door of my office, leaving me with the new secretary that I didn't ask for. I let out an exhausted sigh.

Riley's point of view

I was sitting at my desk, typing up a email for my teachers that I won't be at school tomorrow, but there was the reason that I won't be at work, tomorrow was a Saturday and I intend on not going to work for the entire weekend.

I let out a sigh as I leaned back in my chair and looked up at the ceiling, I'm sure that they wouldn't mind that I take a couple of days off, after all, I am their most reliable employee, they'll cut me some slack.

I jump at the sound of my doorbell ringing, I get up from my desk and walked to my door. I don't think it's Avery, she is coming tomorrow to pick me up, so who could be at my dorm?

I peak through the peephole to see that no one was there, but it looks like that there was a package sitting in front of the door. I hesitantly open up the door and looked outside before taking in the package and setting it on my coffee table.

I close and lock the door before facing the package that was taking up half of the table. I look at it for a moment and it shifted a bit, I look at it some more and it shifted again and made a sound I walk to the kitchen and took the scissors from the kitchen and heading towards the box.

I waisted no time in cutting the tape and opening up the box, I lift the flaps and peeked inside, my eyes widened as I saw a grey and white cat in one of the corners of the box, there was a damp puddle, cat waist, and a little pile of kibble in the box. As me and the cat made eye contact it started to let out several loud meows.

I reach down and take the small cat out of the box and set it on my couch, I then take the box and tossed it outside in the trash. I look at the cat that was laying down on my couch, I honestly don't know what to do with it. But I can't put it outside it's getting cold out and it might die.

I let out a sigh as I put my hands on my hips. I never had a pet before, my brother was allergic to pet hair and my father thought that taking care of a pet was too much work.

I walk to my room and sat at my desk, opened up the new tag on my computer and searched up numerous websites on how to take care of a stray cat and they all said first to take it to the vet and get it tested, but that'll cost so much money for a university student like me.

I let out a sigh as I leaned back in my chair, and I shouldn't ask Avery for help, because this is my problem, and she already spent so much money on me already, I don't want to seem like a gold-digger.

I stare up at the ceiling before letting out a sigh and grabbing a piece of paper and a pen. I click the pen a couple of times before scribbling down some things that I might need to take care of this cat





Litter box/litter/etc.


I then pause as I look at the list, looking over it several times trying to figure out what I am missing. I hear loud meows coming from the living room, making me sigh and get up from my desk. I peak my head through the doorway of my bedroom to see the cat screaming meows on my couch.

I pick up the cat and put it in my arms. I then walked back into my room and sat down at my desk and put him on my lap, in which the last thing for the list came to me. I pick up the pen and quickly scribbled it onto the paper

A name

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