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Riley's Point of View

I continued to search up other things I might need to get for the cat as I was going to take care of it for the time being, but something else was somehow eating at me.

Would Avery be okay with a pet?

I sat there for a moment wondering going between texting her and asking, or to let this play out until she comes over again and explaining what happened when she was away in that short time. I let out a sigh as I leaned back in my chair.

I let out a stretch as the cat on my lap did the same thing. It was clear that both of us was tired and we have nothing else better to do so might as well go to bed. I look at the clock on my computer to see that it was 10:30 pm, a little early for me. But nothing that I can do about it.

I take the cat in my arms and set him on my bed, I then took out a lose T-shirt and a pair of pajama sweatpants. I take off the current clothes that I am wearing and toss them in the hamper across the room.

I put on the shirt and sweatpants before sitting on my bed. I take my phone from the nightstand next to my bed. I look though my contacts before my eyes fell on Avery's, I'm still contemplating on telling her.

The cat then jumped up on my lap, they nudged its head on my hand. I let out a slight sigh, patting its head as my eyes went from the cat to my phone and Avery's contact. I then pressed on the contact

Avery's Point of View

I was working on the paperwork that was on my desk from the past week while Jessica, my new, secretary was in the other room next to my office getting situated for the week. I was looking through boring paperwork when I gotten a notification on my phone.

I toss the document on my desk as I pick up my phone and leaned back in my chair. I look at the message notification to see that it was from Riley, a smile formed on my face when I opened her message

Riley: Hey, I got a question

Me: What is it my love?

There was a pause in her response for a moment before started to type again.

Riley: What do you think about cats?

Cats? I mean they are alright, never had the chance to take care of one since my mother thought it was a waist of time and money.

Me: I mean, I like them
But I never had a chance to take care of one

Riley: Oh, no reason
Just that a cat showed up in my door in a box earlier today

I look at the message a couple of times, unable to wrap my head around how that happened.

Me: I'm sorry, what?

Riley: Yeah
That actually happened
And now it seems like I'm a cat owner now

Me: I see...

Riley: Yeah
I might need your help

Help with the cat maybe?

Me: Okay
With what?

Riley: Like getting the cat shots?

Me: Oh
Is that it?

There was a pause that came from her

Riley: Yesh

Me: Okay, is tomorrow okay?

Riley: Oh
Yeah, that's fine

Me: Okay good
I'll see you tomorrow

Riley: Kay kay

Me: I love you

There was another pause before she typed something 

Riley: I love you too

The smile on my face widened as I toss my phone back on my desk and went back to doing my work, and for some reason, my fatigue is gone and I feel more energized.

I look at the clock to see that it is nearly midnight, I should wrap this up and get ready to go home, home to Riley of course.

Riley's point of View

My face burned with blush as I tossed my phone back on the night stand and laid down on my bed with my hands on my face, groaning as if I felt like I'm back in middle school. I don't even know why this is so embarrassing, it's not like she said 'I love you' to me before which she has. 

I let out a groan as the cat snuggled and went asleep on one of the many pillows that is on my bed, I fumble to find the remote of the TV that is in my room. In which it wasn't on my bed or on the night stand.

I let out a sigh as I slide myself off of the bed to look for the missing remote in my room. I flip on the overhead light and dropped to my knees and looked under my desk, under the table next to my bed and under my bed, but I still couldn't find it.

I let out a frustrated huff as I took my phone from the table and turned on the flashlight in which I looked under my bed again to see my remote. I put my phone in my other hand as I reached for it.

Avery's Point of View

I walk up to the door of Riley's dorm and used the key that I may or may not illegally copied her key while she was sleeping one time that I was here. While I was out I also got us Chinese take out on my way over here, I'm sure that she hadn't eaten yet.

I used the key and opened the door, I took off my shoes and put the bag of food on the counter in the kitchen. I then took off my blazer and tossed it on the couch, but I didn't see Riley, maybe she's sleeping?

I peak into her bedroom to see her on her hands and knees reaching for something that is under her bed. But I don't say anything, I stand there in the doorway in silence as I soak in this view in front of me as my mind slowly filled with things I could do to her small body, all of the sounds and positions that I would make her body.

I shake and push those thoughts to the back of my head as I take a step closer to the women in front of me.

"Um, darling what are you doing?" I say in which made Riley jump and hit her head on her bed frame.

She let out a groan as she rubbed her head as she looked at me. She had a surprised look on her face when she saw me. I gave her a slight smile as I put my hands in my pockets.

"Avery, when did you get back?" She asked, I look to the side for a moment before looking back at the girl on the ground, "Just now, I got some food if you're hungry." I say as I point to the kitchen where the bag of Chinese food was. 

"By the way, why are you on the ground?"

"Oh, my remote is under my bed, and I am trying to get it.." Riley paused before speaking again, "And as you came in I was trying to get it."

"Oh." I say as I walk towards you as I rolled up my sleeves and gotten on my hands and knees, "I'll get it for you."

I then lay down on my stomach and reached my arm under the bed and grabbed the remote. I then sat on my knees and gave Riley the remote, I stood up and saw the cat in question sleeping on her bed.

"So this is the cat huh?" I ask as I bent over and pat its head.

"Uh, yeah.." She said reluctantly.

I look over at her from the corner of my eyes, I then pull my hand away from the cat and put my hand on her cheek, tilting her head up to look up at me. Her eyes met mine and all I could do in this moment is to lean forward, my lips, stopping inches from hers.

"Why are you hesitating?" Riley whispered.

"Who knows?" I say in my own whisper before pressing a soft kiss on her lips.

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