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Avery's Point of View

I run my hands in my hair as I stared at the man tied up in front of me, he wasn't touched but his mouth seemed to be working fine since I could hear his screaming from my office.

"Drake, who, who is this guy?" I ask as I point to the man in front of me.

"Oh, so you know that guy that we disposed of?" he asked.

"Nope." I say as I put my hands in my pockets.

"Oh.. um well, this man here is one of his accomplices, I found his contact in his phone as we were disposing the body." Drake said as he handed me the tablet of his information.

I take it and skimmed the information, nothing notable in the slightest, but he did help, what was his name to figure out where Riley lived in the dorms, the library she goes to, and where she works.

I narrow my eyes at the screen, so he is the one who basically started all of this with what's his name? I had to waist precious resources on him because he stepped a little bit too far out of line. He wasn't even worth killing.

I let out a sigh as I tossed the tablet back towards Drake, I saw from the corner of my eye 

He is sweating and red like a maniac because of his yelling, has he been yelling this entire time? Wouldn't his voice give out? I should give the people who has been taking care of him a day off, or multiple? I'll talk to Drake about it.

I pull up a chair in front of him and put on my leather gloves, I lean over, putting my elbows on my thighs as I looked this man in the eye.

"This is how it's going to go dear sir, you, are going to die a slow and painful death. Kay?" I ask as I tilt my head to the side.

"What fucking bullshit is this! The hell you are!" he yelled.

I let out a sigh as I leaned back in the chair, combing my fingers through my hair, I hope he uses his voice when Riley comes, I want him to put on a good show when she comes. But I guess things can't truly be helped.

I look over my shoulder to Drake who also looked up at the tablet and over to me, and I think that the both of us had the same thought as we spoke it;

"Sew his mouth shut." We say in syce.

I got up from the chair and walked over to Drake as he typed on the tablet, there was indistinct yelling coming from our guessed, but I didn't mind it too much since he won't be saying anything again, so sing his little heart out as much as he wants. Because from now to his last breath in this concrete room, all he is going to be tasting is his spit, blood, and string.

I watched as one of my employees sewed his mouth shut, but of course he had to scream and flail around like the man child he is, making my people's work harder, I let out a frown and crossed my arms as I watched.

Eventually the shock from the sewing pin made stiffen up in shock, he let out painful whimpers every time there was a tug or prick with the needle and string.

The entire scene of him was rather satisfactory for me, maybe I'll let Riley use him as a dummy, she could use some of the companies' equipment, no firearms though.

After the show was over, I made my way back up to my office, I had been procrastinating this entire time because there is a mountain of paperwork on my desk that I have to finish before the end of this month.

As me and Drake was in the elevator, riding up to the top floor, he showed me the tabled that he was holding, I arch my eyebrow.

"What the fuck am I looking at?" I ask.

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