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Avery's Point Of View

I continued to look up at the celling of her dorm for another moment, wondering if I should go home or not, I sit in the quiet room where the only thing that was making sound was the fan above me.

After a moment, I got up from the couch. Slowly walked around the small dorm, taking in everything that decorated the small space, cats, plushies, blankets, everything of the sort. 

I then peeked into the bedroom again, seeing the blanket rise and fall slowly in a deep rhythmical pattern. I let out a sigh, walking towards the door, putting on my shoes. I pulled out a piece of paper from the inside of my blazer pocket and tossed it on the counter, I searched through her drawers and found a pen.

I scribbled a note onto the piece of paper and stuck it on the fridge with one of the many cookie monster magnet and food magnets that decorated the fridge. I quietly opened the door and shut it behind me as soon as I stepped out of her dorm.

As I walked down the hallway to the elevator I typed on my phone, Drake was on the other side of the conversation, making sure that everything is ready for Riley's arrival, and most of the things that don't have a safety away. Speaking of which; I should also put my gun away.

The elevator opened and I stepped in, pressing the button to the first floor. I leaned back on the railing while continuing the string of text messages between me and Drake, being the complete idiot he is, probably forgot something important.

I probably have to go in and double check if everything is in order, always creating something else for me to do, bitch ass motherfucker.

I let out a sigh as I put my phone in the inside of my blazer pocket, watching the numbers tick down on the digital clock indicating which floor I was on. The silence in the elevator was deafening, suffocating. I already feel drained and I don't know why.

I let out a deep breath as the doors open, pushing myself off of the railing and walked out the the elevator, onto the sidewalk of the campus. Passing by the auditorium, classrooms, the main building, and the food court.

People stared as I walked, which was nothing surprising that I am not used to. I walked off campus to see that my ride was there and waiting for me. my driver opened the door for me and I slide inside the backseat and crossed one of my legs over the other.

"Take me to the office" I say.

The car immediately revved up and drove away from the collage, trees and building flew by as I rode in the back of my car, I already feel so drained and I haven't done anything that is part of my work yet, I rub my eyes and pinched the bridge of my nose.

I soon felt my phone vibrate inside of my blazer, I let out a sigh as I took out my phone to see Drake calling my phone. I look at his caller ID sucking on my teeth before sliding on the green icon and putting my phone up no my ear.

"What?" I hiss.

"Whoa, what's with the attitude? I thought you got that out of your system?" Drake asked slightly surprised.

I let out a sigh, leaning back as I pinched my bridge of my nose.

"Yeah, sorry, I'm just.. Wait--- why the hell should I tell you my problems?" I ask.

"Because you love me?" Drake said with a teasing sound in his voice.

"Fuck off." I spat.

Riley's Point of View

I woke up what felt like a couple of hours later, I let out a groan as I rolled onto my side. I fumbled my hand onto the nightstand until I found my phone, I then lifted it up in front of my face just for me to drop it on the bridge of my nose and slide off and onto my chest.

I let out a groan as I sat up, holding my nose. Tears welled up in my eyes as I grabbed my phone again and switched to my camera, nothing, just a red mark. I let out a sigh as I threw the blankets off of me.

I slide off of the bed and made my way to the kitchen, I rub my eyes as they fell on a note that was attached with a cookie monster magnet. I let out a slight groan as I took the note off of the door

Princess, I'm sorry that I had to leave while you were asleep, but there were some stuff at the office that I need to take care of. And I don't trust Drake to be on his own for the rest of the week. I will be picking you up later.

I love you


A slight smile formed on my face as I read the note. I put the note on the counter beside the fridge, I then opened it and took out a bottled water. I broke the cap off and took a sip of the cool water as I felt it coat my tongue and throat.

I let out a satisfied sigh as I turned on my phone to look at the time to see that it was only early in the evening, I have time. I walk to my living room and put down my water bottle on the coffee table. I turn on the TV and put it on a random karate show on Netflix.

As that was playing in the background, I walked back to my room and turned on the light. I made my bed and went over to my closet to pick out what I should wear tomorrow. I scanned my closet and pulled out a black sweater and a white skirt, I also pulled out a white button up and tossed all three of those clothing pieces on the bed.

I then walked over to my dresser and pulled out black and white stripped socks and tossed them on the bed. I neatly folded everything and set my outfit on top of my dresser. I pulled out a cat necklace and set it on the pile of clothes.

I then went back out in the living room after turning off of the light in my bedroom, I flopped on the couch lazily as I looked at the TV.

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