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Avery's Point Of View

I looked out the window as I crossed my leg over the other, rubbing my thumb on Riley's thigh as we drove, my mind wandering from what my mother said, she's important for what? I need to protect her but why, and from who

I felt her squirm, I then look down from the corner of my eye to see that Riley was squirming in her seat, possibly from my touch, I leaned in close to her ear

"Do you want me to stop?"

Riley then shook her head as I could see her blush filled face as she looked down, so cute, I let out a smile as I continued to rub my thumb along her high as we enjoyed the quiet ride to the restaurant

Once the car had come to a stop, my driver opened the door for us and I climbed out of the car, while aslo helping Riley get out, she then looked up to see the restaurant that I picked for our little date, I gave her a smile

"Do you like it? I know that you like Italian cuisine so I thought that this would be the right place to bring you"

She had a concerning look on her face for a moment before letting out a smile as we walked into the restaurant, we were greeted by a man that was overseeing the customers, he then looked up at me before looking back down at the guest list in front of him

"May I have have your name you reserved under?" he asked

"Avery" I say

He then looked up at me with an arched eyebrow

"Last name?"

My eye then twitched for a moment as I looked down at the women next to me before giving out a sigh

"Kennedy, Avery Kennedy" I say

His eyes then widened as he looked though the guestbook again

"I'm so sorry for my rudeness Ms. Kennedy, I'll go get your table ready right away" he said and quickly walked away from me

I looked down and looked at Riley who's eyes were widened in surprise looking up at me

"Is there something wrong?" I ask

"You're a Kennedy?"

I blink for a moment before nodding

"Is there anything wrong with that?"

She then shook her head

"No it's not! It's just that---"

"I'm sorry for the interrupting, but your table is ready" the waiter said

I looked over to the man before looking back at the women next to me

"Let's go sit, and we can continue this conversation at the table" I say

Riley then nodded as we walked with the waiter to our table, I take her bag as I pulled out her chair, she sat down and I pushed her into the table as I sit across from her, I look from the corner of my eye to see that we were left alone, I leaned in the table as I let out a slight smile

"Now; what was that about my last name?"

Her eye's widened again before going back to normal as she looked down at the things in front of her

"My father before he died he was friends with some really bad people who's last names were Kennedy"

My eyes narrowed as I know who she's talking about, my mothers

"And during his funeral a couple of years back two women attended and gave me condolence money, and that's how I could afford going to collage and everything like that" she said

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