Christmas Special

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I would like to say that this has nothing to do with the current storyline of Unbreakable Love

Avery's Point Of View

I have arrived to Riley's dorm in my red and black suit, I had a bouquet of flowers in my right, and a wrapped up present in my other, as I was riding the elevator to her floor, I constantly shifted my weight to one foot to the other, somehow nervous even though we've been together for half of the year, there was a sudden unease in the pit of my stomach as I constantly adjusted on how I looked, how the flowers looked, I even inspected the wrapping paper on the box I was holding

Once the doors opened to her floor, I took in a deep breath and stepped out, each step on the way to her front door my heart beated louder in my ears, and harder agents my chest, once I reached her door, I could feel my palms started to sweat, I let out a shaky sigh as I tucked the present under my other arm and wiped my palm on my pants before ringing the doorbell and taking a step back

My racing heart calmed a little as there was silence after a the first couple of moments, then there was the sound of thuds and the sounds of feet running on the other side of the door, I sat there, waiting patiently for another moment to see Riley in a red dress with fur on the ends, she had the most adorable cat choker with pigtails, and neat and sharp eyeliner, and I would smell something sweet coming from her dorm

My body immediately relaxed when I saw her figure, I hadn't gotten to see her the entire month since it was finals and tests for her, she looks as beautiful as ever, I let out a smile as I held out the flowers for her to take

"Merry Christmas, you look absolutely beautiful my love."

Riley then gave me a blush filled smile as she took the flowers from me, she was hiding her growing smile behind the bouquet

"Thank you Avery, and these are my favorite flowers"

She is being so absolutely adorable at the moment she is making my heart melt

I took a step closer and leaned over, sliding my hands on her waist as I pulled her in close to me

"They are beautiful, but not as beautiful as you.."

The smile on Riley's smile slowly grew in a smirk as she put her free hand on my chest as she looked up at me with somewhat of a playful glint in her eyes

"Are you trying to butter me up for something else?"

I let out a slight smirk as I shrugged my shoulders

"Pretty words for a pretty women is nothing short for you, princess"

I leaned in closer to her as I looked in her eyes, there was a glint in my eye as I made it plainly clear that there was something else other than flattery behind my words, I then felt Riley hand went from my chest to the base of my neck where my tie resided, she then yanked it down, making me bend down to her level

"Are you trying to provoke me?"

The smirk on my face grew as I let out another shrug

"So what if I am?"

I leaned forward, my lips grazed agents hers as I put my arm on the wall behind the women in front of me, there was a silence between us for a minute before Riley let go of my tie and pecked my cheek, I then took a step back to give her some space, she then took my hand into hers as she lead me inside of her dorm

Immediately as I walk in, it was filled with the faint smell of peppermint, it is soft and comforting, she even decorated the living room with a small tree with silver and red decorations, it was, to put it simply; beautiful

As Riley was in the other room, I tucked the present that I bought under the tree to see that there was already a present under the tree, I decided not to acknowledge that it was there as I stood back up, I then poked in her bedroom to see that it was as clean and neat as ever, and her laptop and favorite book was on her desk, she was probably doing work the night before

I then headed to the kitchen, where Riley was currently, it looked as if she was taking something out of the oven, I lean agents the counter as I watched her put the pastries on a plate and covered it with some plasticware

"So those aren't for me?"

I pout making her chuckle

"One of them are, but the rest is for my work and my parents"

I perked up when she said that, but not too much when she mentioned her parents, not that I could remember, but I didn't meet her mother I don't think, but, that is a problem for another day

I lift myself off of the counter and took a couple of steps to make sure that I was in her line of sight, a smile tugged on the corners of her lips as she refused to look over at me, I continued to watch her as she covered the rest of the plates full of cookies with plastic wrap

After a moment, my eyes has started to drift to around her kitchen, that was until I found that she had hot chocolate and coffee sitting out next to the coffee machine that I had gotten her for her birthday this year

I walked over to it and saw that it also did pods for the hot chocolate that she had, I then looked through her  to pick out a black and white matching cat mugs and setting them on the counter, I them put some water on the side where the coffee machine has the water for the coffee grounds, I then pop the hot chocolate pod in the top and closed the top, I then put the white cup under and pushed a button

As the coffee machine started to run, I then had it face my back as I closed my eyes and folded my arms as I waited for it to be done, after a minute or so it made this beeping noise indicating that it was done with the making of the drink

I turned back around and took the hot mug on the other counter as I took the hot pod out of the machine and into the garbage, I then let the machine cool down a bit before putting in the coffee pod and put the black cat mug under, I then pressed the start button again and heard it go

I started to snoop through her kitchen again as I found whipped crème, peppermint, and caramel, along with candy canes that I snagged from the office Christmas party

As the coffee was still being brewed I shook the tube of whipped cream and sprayed it along the top of the hot chocolate, I then sprinkles the peppermint along with some drizzles of the caramel

As soon as I was done with her hot chocolate my coffee was done, I put the caramel sauce on the counter as I took the hot coffee on the other counter and made sure that the used pod was thrown away and filled with water for when Riley wants something to drink when she uses it

I then put the candy cane on the rim of the mug before picking up the two warm mugs and setting them down on the coffee table in the living room, I took off my shoes and blazer to reveal the grey V-neck sweater that I was wearing, along with the Christmas socks I was wearing that I got for the gift exchange for work

I undid some of the buttons on my shirt and gave some leeway on my tie, I then walked into her bedroom and took one of the blankets that was sitting on her bed, I drape it on one of the armrests on the couch before heading back to the kitchen to see what Riley was doing

I peak in to see that she was gathering snacks, a smile tugged at my lips as I walked up behind her and slid my arms around her waist, I then gave her a soft and longing kiss on her neck

"I love you princess..."

She let out a breathy chuckle

"I love you too.. my sweet prince"

After we were all settled in on the couch we decided to watch one of those sappy, cheesy charismas movies on Hallmark as we waited for the midnight to come

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